Bai Senyu sneered and said, "you always only know how to make me work hard, but behind the effort, what is it?" Bai Senyu is also on fire. Who knows if he wants to.

White mother also knew that she had said something too much, so she quickly suppressed her emotions and pulled out a smile. "You can rest assured that all your efforts will be rewarded."

"This time, even if you are not for yourself, but also for me, for me, go back to the company, ah, OK?" White mother can be described as painstaking, almost did not cry out.

It's all like this. Bai Senyu also protects his silence. Bai Mu pleads like this. What else can he say.

"I'll think about it." Bai Senyu frowned and felt a little upset, but he let go after all.

Bai's mother knew that in this case, she had basically succeeded, and she didn't intend to say anything more. Since Bai agreed to do so, it would be counterproductive. It would be better for Bai to think for himself.

"Well, well, I've brought a lot of things you used to like to eat." White mother said, her face immediately burst out a smile, very good to ease the atmosphere.

"Housekeeper, go and wash the fruit I brought." While talking to the housekeeper, he let go of Bai Senyu's hand and sat down beside him.

"These fruits, you have to do more. You must be tired at work on weekdays. You have to eat more rice on weekdays." Bai's mother was very concerned about Bai Senyu's health.

But just at this time, there was the sound of opening the door outside. With the sound of opening the door, there was the figure of Qiao Shanshan.

"Senyu, I'm back!" First of all, it was a greeting. I could tell that she was in a good mood at this time.

"Today, I passed by the small market on one side of the company, and suddenly I saw the fried buns I especially liked before. I brought them back for you!"

While saying this, he put on his slippers and ran over happily.

One side of the white mother heard this voice, her face showed a disdainful smile, heard this tone, she knew that she was a person who didn't care much, and she yelled at home!

White mother obviously showed a very dissatisfied appearance, but Bai Senyu on one side was happy and helpless.

I'm glad that Josephine is eating delicious food. She even thinks of him and brings him back. It shows that the little guy hasn't forgotten that there is another person in the family, but he is still so reckless.

Bai Senyu wanted to get up, but he was stopped by Bai Mu. The first thought that flashed through Bai Mu's mind was to let the two break up!

"Mom, what are you stopping me for?" Bai Senyu was puzzled. Today, Bai Mu came suddenly. However, Bai Senyu had been prepared for a long time, but he was stopped.

Bai Senyu didn't know what Bai Mu thought, but he was more or less suspicious. At this time, the sound of walking at the door was getting closer and closer.

Qiao Shanshan was still wondering why she didn't hear Bai Senyu's voice. She saw the housekeeper standing on one side with a serious face. The atmosphere of the whole hall was completely different. Qiao Shanshan couldn't help but "clatter".

She walked in slowly. An elegant and noble woman couldn't move her eyes. The Fried Bun in her hand began to grip slowly. The strong breath suddenly came to josansane, which made her gasp.

However, the woman's edges and corners are somewhat similar to Bai Senyu's. she guessed that this person should be Bai Senyu's mother. She immediately cut off her previous excited expression, and then walked over slowly.

"Hello, aunt." In fact, it took a lot of courage for her to give a light greeting. The noble woman in front of her was full of an invisible momentum. The huge breath immediately enveloped her and made her want to lower her head.

It's as if a good woman in the world, standing in front of her, only lowers her head. This kind of feeling is very uncomfortable, but it has to be admitted.

However, Qiao Shanshan is still looking forward to this. This is Bai Senyu's mother, Bai Senyu's closest person in the world. She is looking forward to receiving Bai Senyu's answer.

Looking at the silly look of Qiao Shanshan, Bai Mu's brow is more tightly wrinkled. In a twinkling of an eye, Bai Senyu can't see Bai Senyu. When Bai Senyu looks at the woman in front of her, there is a trace of tenderness on her face. It's impossible! It's totally out of her imagination!

But although the white mother's heart has begun to roll, but did not show, the face is still that false smile.

"You are..." Although white mother already knew the relationship between the two people, she would obviously ask a hostess another irrelevant person in her tone. She put on such a high posture that she wanted to see the gap between them.

Even though Bai Senyu had said that she would make their relationship public, she had never been ready before, and this was in front of his mother. Could she say those three words?

Looking up at Bai Senyu's face, Qiao Shanshan hesitated. She was not confident. She was right at all.Bai Senyu sighed in his heart and said, "Mom, this is my girlfriend, Josephine." In fact, Bai Senyu is a little worried about the plain introduction. She naturally knows Bai's mother's standards for her daughter-in-law. However, now, Qiao Shanshan does not meet all her standards.

There was a faint smile on Bai Mu's face. She held her head nobly and showed the noble momentum. "So you are my son's girlfriend. I've never heard of you before."

Although the white mother is smiling, there is a trace of disdain in her words. The girl in front of her, with an unknown brand, exudes a sense of poverty.

She just wanted to let her know that she was not valued.

As soon as she blushed, she naturally understood the meaning of Bai Mu's words. At this time, her brain began to get stuck, and she didn't know what to say.

"You know it now." Bai Senyu recognized the disdain in Bai Mu's tone and frowned unhappily. Qiao Shanshan stood on one side, and the Fried Bun behind him was slowly clenched.

"Son, when you are in love, shouldn't you be the first to tell your mother? Of course, I'm very unhappy when you are in love with me like this!" White mother knows her son's temperament, so it's better not to make it too clear at this time.

Turning to look at josansan standing on one side, the white mother's face changed its seriousness and gave a faint smile. The feeling was like pulling someone close to her, very comfortable.

"I'm sorry, aunt." Bashan lowered her head in guilt, as if it were all her fault.

Bai Senyu also knew that the little woman in front of her used to push everything on her own. She couldn't help feeling a little distressed. As soon as she wanted to refute, she was robbed by Bai Mu.

"I see you've been standing. Come and sit down." White mother pointed to the side of the position, and then waved, called the housekeeper.