"You have to understand how bad the physical quality of a person who has never run since he was a student!" Said Jo Shan without blushing at all.

“……” You win!

They are still discussing whether students should run or not, and the crayfish they ordered is on the table, which successfully interrupts their discussion of no nutrition.

Qiao Shanshan looked at a piece of red crayfish, greedy insects were successfully hooked up, she was not very hungry, but smell the smell, stomach excited.

She hasn't eaten like this for a long time. After being with Bai Senyu, he paid much attention to her healthy diet and seldom let her eat these things, especially at the roadside stall, which made him feel unclean. Moreover, she has a bad stomach, and there is no reason to object to his management. After all, it is for her good.

Today, to relive the taste made her want to have another beer. But she didn't dare to drink outside. Not only Bai Senyu would be angry, but she was also afraid.

Two people are fighting three hundred rounds with crayfish. Josanshan finds that she hasn't poured out anything to others for a long time. Now facing her confidant, she has an impulse to spit it out.

"Sisi, when you were at school, did you ever think about what you were going to do?" Jo asked coldly.

"Well It's about the same as now. If only the competitive pressure could be reduced a little bit. And you? " Deng Sisi didn't understand why she suddenly asked her this, but he answered honestly.

"I, I used to want to be a cook, and I could make whatever I wanted." Josh looks back on herself.

"Chef?" Deng Sisi couldn't figure out the relationship between this career and her current career.

"Yes, you don't know. This is my major." Said Jo Shan, with a look of indifference.

"Cough! What What? " Deng Sisi was choked, or frightened.

"You heard me right." Said Joshua.

"How did you, then, switch to this profession?" She couldn't understand that.

"Because Senyu. At the beginning, he dragged me in. At the beginning, I was very tired and didn't know anything. I had to learn everything from the beginning. I once wanted to give up, but I insisted on it in the end. " Josh recalls when she first arrived at the company.

"Later, I felt more and more that this career was suitable for me, and I found a lot of fun in it. A lot of things you will find, at first it is not what you like, but after getting along for a long time, you will feel that it is also quite suitable for you

Listening to her encounter with Bai Senyu, Deng Sisi felt very romantic, but he also felt sorry for her experience in the company. At last, he envied her for holding her son-in-law, a man as capable, handsome and considerate as the president, who has become a rarity.

Looking at the changeable expression of her face, Qiao Shanshan was very funny. She couldn't understand why there were so many expressions on a person's face. She was just a walking expression pack!

In fact, how could she be lucky? Senyu is such a good person, just like they say, capable, handsome and considerate, how can you take a fancy to her?

But what she didn't think of was that Bai Senyu's hidden side was only in front of her. In the eyes of outsiders, he was always ruthless. Therefore, it is not unreasonable for him to have a deep love for her. He does not need any reason.

They are chatting happily. Unconsciously, it's almost nine o'clock. At this time, Qiao Shanshan's mobile phone rings. She takes off her plastic gloves and takes a look. It turns out that it's Bai Senyu. She stands up in Deng Sisi's narrow eyes and goes out to answer the phone.

"Hello? Senyu, are you finished Jo asked happily.

"Well, I'm done. Don't you think I'm done?" Bai Senyu over there rubbed his eyebrows. When he came over, he started to work without jet lag. Up to now, his body has been overloaded. Up to now, his work has not been finished. I'm just afraid that she will worry when I call back.

Hearing her soft voice, his brain immediately relaxed, but he heard the noisy voice on the other side of the phone, not at home at all. He just frowned and asked her, "where are you? Not home yet? "

"Sisi and I are outside. We'll be home soon. Don't worry." I didn't expect that he could hear it so quickly and explained it in a hurry.

"Go back now. It's very dangerous for a girl of yours to be outside so late. Do you know if I will worry about it?" Bai Senyu said sternly that she was uneasy after he left for only one day. She had locked her up for a long time!

"I know. I'll go back immediately. Why are you so fierce?" Josh was wronged.

"I didn't hurt you. I just worried about you. I'll go out and ask the housekeeper to send some people to follow you in the evening, but I'll try not to go out. If you want to play, just wait for me to come back and I'll go with you!" Bai Senyu said uneasily.

"Well, I know. I'll go out less in the future!" Qiao Shanshan said helplessly.

Bai Senyu said, "well, I'll call the housekeeper and ask someone to pick you up. Don't take a taxi."

"I see. You're so wordy. Don't you have to rest?" How can you talk so much! And he's not tired after working so long!"You don't think I'm wordy. I'll deal with you when I come back!" Bai Senyu gritted his teeth.

"I'll wait for you to come back," she said Then she hung up.

When she went back, Deng Sisi had already given her money and waited for her at the door. Seeing her coming back, she said with a smile, "is it the president? Come to check the post? "

Jo Shan nodded helplessly.

"The president is very kind to you. I don't know when I will meet someone who is so kind to me? Will it never happen? " Deng Sisi longed for Tao.

"Yes, you will." Said Joshua positively.

"I'll lend you some good advice. Are you going back?" Deng asked her.

"Well! Someone will pick me up later. How can you go back? I'll give it to you! " Josanne was worried that she was not safe as a girl.

"No, my house is nearby. It's very close." Deng Sisi refused.

Looking at her refusal, she said nothing. She was waiting for the driver on the side of the road, and Deng Sisi accompanied her. They were chatting while waiting. After a while, the driver drove over, and she said goodbye and left.

When she got home, it was already half past nine. She thought that Bai Mu had gone to bed. After all, she was very late. Women like Bai Mu in the upper class pay attention to maintenance, and beauty sleep is indispensable.

But when she came back home, she found that Bai Mu was sitting on the sofa watching TV. She suddenly became nervous. Bai Senyu was still around at ordinary times, but now she was the only one. She tried her best not to provoke Bai Mu, but the trouble was that you would not come if you did not go to find her.

"You haven't slept yet, aunt?" Josephine took the initiative to say hello to her.

White mother ignored her, watching TV on her own, but at this time the TV is advertising, obviously she doesn't want to pay attention to her.