"What? Why is it so sudden? " Qin Youdao frowned. He didn't expect that he had a hunch that they were going to get married so soon. It was only half a month before they decided. But it's also common sense. When they separated, they were already getting married.

Looking at Qin Youdao's expression, Qiao Shanshan felt a little uneasy: "no, suddenly, we decided yesterday. After that, I was the first to inform you, because you are my brother."

"I don't agree!" Qin Youdao said without hesitation, how can he agree? It's not because he likes Qiao Shanshan, but because he doesn't believe Bai Senyu can take good care of Qiao Shanshan. What happened before has broken her heart.

He was afraid that after they got married, Bai Senyu would not be able to take good care of her. He was afraid that if they got married in the future, what would they do in case of some conflict? He didn't want to see her cry.

Qiao Shanshan's original smile gradually disappeared. She thought she would get Qin Youdao's blessing, but she didn't expect that he would object. She knew Qin Youdao's feelings for herself, but she always thought Qin Youdao would respect her decision, not object.

The door of the office was opened again. Bai Senyu came in from the door. He didn't leave after he sent Qiao Shanshan. After Qiao Shanshan came up, he drove around again. He guessed that Qin Youdao wouldn't agree with their marriage either. He was afraid that Qiao Shanshan would be sad, so he followed them.

"Senyu, why are you here? Didn't you go to the company? " Qiao Shanshan turned her head and looked at Bai Senyu.

"If I don't trust you, I will follow you." Bai Senyu smiles at her, walks up to her and touches her hair. Just at the door, he hears what they say and thinks that he is right.

"I'm fine." Qiao Shanshan smiles. Although Qin Youdao's opposition to their marriage makes her feel a little uncomfortable, it's their business to get married. Even if he opposes, they will get married.

"You go to the company first. I'll go back by myself later." Qiao Shanshan stood up and wanted Bai Senyu to leave. She was worried that when he heard what Qin Youdao had just said, they quarreled.

"Give Shanshan to me. I'll be nice to her. I won't let her suffer any injustice." Bai Senyu looks at Qin Youdao and says that for Qiao Shanshan, he should treat him as his elder brother. Since he wants to marry Qiao Shanshan, he should also treat him as his elder brother.

Qiao Shanshan thought Bai Senyu would be angry, but he was moved. She wanted to get Qin Youdao's blessing. For her, Qin Youdao was her only relative in the city. She didn't want to get married without her family.

"Don't let Shanshan be wronged? Why didn't you stand by Shanshan about your mother falling down the stairs before that? Do you know how Shanshan came here in the past half year? She worked late into the night every day and refused to let herself idle. Her eyes were red every day when she first came here! Do you know all this! You have a good time in China, Shanshan is suffering every day

Qin Youdao said excitedly that he was not optimistic about Bai Senyu and Qiao Shanshan together, especially after Du Linhua's painting, he took Qiao Shanshan to go abroad.

"Shanshan is living a good life abroad. I'm going to forget you! But the news of your marriage came! She had to go back to China to have a look. When she saw that you were in love with that woman, Shanshan didn't show anything on the surface. How much do you know about the pain in her heart! It's ok if you don't come abroad! Why are you chasing me again? Did you hurt her enough? "

After listening to Qin Youdao's words, Qiao Shanshan was stunned. She thought she could disguise well. She thought that Qin Youdao couldn't see some things. She didn't expect that he could see them in his eyes and hurt in his heart.

He thought Qin Youdao was against their marriage because he liked himself. As a result, he thought he was too selfish. He was just afraid that he would get hurt when he was with Bai Senyu again.

Bai Senyu was also stunned. He knew the damage he had done to Josephine, but he didn't know how deep it was. He thought that after the misunderstanding was solved, Josephine would be more likely to accept herself, but the wounds that had been caused were not easy to repair.

“… I'm sorry Bai Senyu opened his mouth and didn't say anything at last. He only said sorry, knowing that he was weak.

"I don't mind that. It's all over, isn't it? The important thing is now, I believe in him." Jo Shan blinked and forced back the tears in her eyes. Do you really mind? It's impossible. She just deliberately doesn't think about those things. She thinks that she can forget them. In fact, she is just deceiving herself.

"But I don't believe he can give you happiness. Anyway, I'm against your marriage!" Qin Youdao firmly said, in fact, selfish he is not without, but only a small part of it.

Qiao Shanshan takes a look at Bai Senyu. She is helpless and pulls his hand. They leave Qin Youdao's office together. Qiao Shanshan is in a low mood. Bai Senyu touches her head to comfort her.

Because of Qin Youdao's opposition, their marriage was temporarily postponed. Bai Senyu was also trying to persuade Qin Youdao, but the effect was not good. Every time he came back with a rebuff.Qiao Shanshan stood in front of Bai Senyu's office window and looked at the traffic below. After Bai Senyu came back from the meeting, he saw her listless and put his arms around her and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Nothing." Qiao Shanshan sighed. Apart from Qin Youdao's disapproval of their marriage, what else could she do to be listless.

"Don't be upset. I'll take you to a place." Bai Senyu pinches Qiao Shanshan's face. He has become more and more fond of Qiao Shanshan recently. Maybe Qin Youdao's words make him feel a little guilty. His kindness to Qiao Shanshan is also increasing day by day, for fear that he will make her unhappy if he is not careful.

"Where to?" Finally, she was no longer listless. She cleared out all the unhappiness in her mind and asked curiously.

"You'll know when you get there." Bai Senyu smiles mysteriously, leads Qiao Shanshan out of the company, and drives her all the way to a restaurant.

They had a romantic candlelight dinner in the restaurant, and it was getting dark. After dinner, Bai Senyu took Qiao Shanshan out of the restaurant. Instead of driving, he took her for a walk all the way to the square.

"I remember there are snacks you like to eat in front of me. You wait for me here, and I'll queue up to buy them back." Bai Senyu asked Qiao Shanshan to sit on the bench in the square and pointed to a snack bar not far away.

"Yes, yes." Qiao Shanshan nodded. She had been abroad for quite a long time, and she missed domestic snacks very much. Even after dinner, she still wanted to eat more snacks.