After tricking the bridegroom, the wedding march starts and continues. Qiao Shanshan takes Qin Youdao and walks to Bai Senyu. Qin Youdao has a good face to Bai Senyu.

"Today, I'll give you my baby sister. I won't let her accept her grievances. If she is wronged by you, I can't spare you." Qin Youdao said with a smile, he didn't know how many times he had said similar words to Bai Senyu, but this time is really the last time.

"Don't worry, I promise to protect her well." Bai Senyu said with a smile, this is the most relaxed conversation. Qin Youdao didn't give him any good looks when such conversations appeared before.

"I gave her to you." Qin Youdao, who said these words, was a little melancholy. He felt like marrying his daughter. He felt that his cabbage, which had been raised for many years, was suddenly arched by a pig.

Bai Senyu reaches out his hand to Qiao Shanshan. Qiao Shanshan takes a step forward, takes Bai Senyu by the arm, and the priest who has been waiting for a long time walks to the holy platform.

Qiao Shanshan and Bai Senyu walked to the priest hand in hand, with happy smiles on their faces. Finally, they came to this day. All the sad and painful things they had gone through before also became sweet at this moment.

Standing in front of the minister, they stopped and the minister said, "dear guests, today, we are gathered here to witness the coming together of Mr. Bai Senyu and miss Qiao Shanshan. Although they are two different individuals, their heart and soul have become one. Now, they are willing to swear in front of people all over the world that from now on, they will walk the road of life together. "

At the end of the pastor's words, there was a lot of applause under the stage. Josanshan and Bai Senyu looked at each other and laughed. They had not experienced rehearsal. Josanshan was still a little nervous at first. After holding Bai Senyu's hand, the tension also weakened a lot. She felt very relieved and gave everything to him.

"Miss Josephine, are you willing to understand this man's love for you, respond to his love, know his strength and learn from it, recognize his shortcomings, help him overcome them and recognize him as your lawful husband?"

"I will." Qiao Shanshan said this sentence with a smile, her eyes were a little red, because she was moved and happy.

"Mr. Bai Senyu, are you willing to understand this person's love for you, respond to her love, know her strength and learn from it, recognize her shortcomings, help her overcome them and recognize her as your legitimate wife?"

"I will." Bai Senyu looks at Qiao Shanshan affectionately, from the usual superior president to the affectionate prince charming.

In the presence of the female guests eyes are red heart, in the face of a gentle gold, handsome and dedicated man, that woman can not be moved, everyone hopes that this man is his own, but today they are to attend other people's wedding, also can only look at the envy.

"Now you can exchange rings." At the end of the priest's words, Jiang Yunyan came up with a ring box. There was a pair of wedding rings in the box, which were specially selected by Bai Senyu. The abbreviations of their names were engraved in the ring.

Bai Senyu took the ring and put it on the ring finger of her left hand. It's just the right size. Qiao Shanshan also took another ring and put it on Bai Senyu's hand.

"Now, I declare you husband and wife!" At the end of the priest's words, there was applause, and a rain of rose petals fell from the air.

Bai Senyu holds Qiao Shanshan and looks at her affectionately. Finally, on this day and at this stage, they enter the palace of marriage. Qiao Shanshan can't hold back and shed happy tears.

"Kiss one! Kiss one The guests yelled one after another. The current atmosphere reached the highest point at this moment. Bai Senyu and Qiao Shanshan also received their blessing.

At everyone's request, Bai Senyu lowers his head and kisses Josephine. Today, she is his most beautiful bride. In his eyes, there is no woman in the world who can enter his eyes except Josephine.

It's embarrassing to kiss in front of so many people, but I'm really happy.

After the wedding, Qiao Shanshan and Bai Senyu moved from the original villa to the new villa. They could smell the fragrance of roses every morning, which made people feel more comfortable.

Bai Senyu has been busy for several days. After dealing with the company's affairs, he takes Qiao Shanshan to spend his honeymoon. When he leaves, Jianji, Jun Xiaoxiao and Qin Youdao all come to see him off. It seems that the relationship between Jianji and Jun Xiaoxiao is getting closer. He is happy to think that the move he gave Jun Xiaoxiao worked.

After saying goodbye to them, they flew abroad by plane and started their honeymoon trip. However, half of the trip was not finished, so they went back home.

It's said that they have come back. Jianji, Jun Xiaoxiao, Qin Youdao and Jiang Yunyan all went to Qiao Shanshan's villa. They said that they would come back only ten days after their honeymoon. They were worried about whether something was wrong.

"Shanshan, why did you come back so soon?" After entering the villa, Qin Youdao asked with concern, but he was relieved to see that there was no contradiction between them.Qiao Shanshan and Bai Senyu have just returned from the airport. Not long after, their suitcases are still in the living room. Qiao Shanshan is sitting on the sofa while Bai Senyu is packing himself.

"Why are you all here?" When she got off the plane, she sent them a message saying that she had come back. They all came here so soon, just like the appointment.

"Just in time, I'd like to announce to you that Shanshan is pregnant!" Bai Senyu was very proud and happy. He was going to be a father. Not long after he got married, Qiao Shanshan became pregnant, which was a big surprise to him.

"What Everyone was surprised. Unexpectedly, both of them had children so soon. They all looked at her flat belly. It didn't change at all.

"How many months? Why doesn't the stomach seem to have changed? " Jun Xiaoxiao asked curiously. Others also expressed their curiosity. Only Jiang Yunyan didn't show his curious eyes. At least he was a doctor. He could see the month at a glance.

"I'm just pregnant. The doctor says it will take three to five months to have a stomach. I'm only half a month now. Of course I can't see it." Qiao Shanshan said with a smile, happily touched his flat stomach, which is now pregnant with a small life, is the crystallization of her love and Bai Senyu.

In fact, when she was pregnant with this baby, she didn't expect that she was having a good time abroad. Who knows that when she ate, she felt like vomiting when she saw the greasy food. She didn't have this reaction before, and she didn't have any appetite for several days in a row.