Chapter 216: Dark Creatures appeared, Skeleton Monsters attacked!

Name:Lord of Flames Author:
Chapter 216: ?Dark Creatures?appeared, Skeleton Monsters attacked!

Chapter 216:?Dark Creatures?appeared, Skeleton Monsters attacked!

Lin Yan ignited a flame in the Abyss. When Natasha fought in the Abyss, the reclamation continued in the Dark Forest.

In the blink of an eye, the Elves had been in the Dark Forest for more than a month.

Until now, the Holy Flame Forest had been reclaimed.

It was reclaimed to the?depth of 1,000 kilometers.

The north and south were over a thousand kilometers wide.

Chen Xi had already reclaimed two-thirds of the area she had originally envisioned.

However, after discussing with Lomina, Chen Xi decided to expand the reclamation area.

The Elves would not feel that the forest they lived in was too large.

The larger?the forest, the more energy the Tree of Life in the forest would receive, and the faster it could be able to breed new Elves.

On the Continent of Gods, many Elves were living in small forests. Many Elves tribes were living there.?When?they had reclaimed the Holy Flame Forest, more Elves could be there.

“Holy Flame Forest will be bigger than Rocky Forest!”

In the sky, Chen Xi looked at the Dark Forest below and whispered.

Under Lin Yan’s care, Chen Xi successfully became?an eighth-ranked?Elf. She did not take?part in the reclamation but flew in the air to ensure the Elves’ safety.

In front of the Elves’ reclamation line, there was Chen Xi, Lomina, and another seventh-ranked?Elf.

As the cultivation progressed, the number of Dark Creatures increased and became more concentrated.

This was normal.

Dark Creatures on the edge of the Dark Forest were rushing.

These Dark Creatures gathered into a pile.

However, because of the existence of the Holy Light, these Dark Creatures did not dare?to step forward.

However, it was undeniable that in the darkness, many Dark Creatures were spying?on the Elves that were reclaiming land, and they were ready to move!

When the Elves were reclaiming land, they could also hear all sorts of low roars, as well as especially strange sounds.

These sounds were?exceptionally strange. If a human heard it, he would probably feel a chill run down his spine.

The use of sound as a means of influencing emotions had excellent results many times.

Unfortunately, they encountered powerful Elves.

When the Elves heard these voices, they had to?be more careful and not fall for them.


After watching for a while, Chen Xi continued to fly a distance.

Down below, the Dark Forest was exceptionally dark. The sun could not shine through.

Chen Xi thought for a moment and prayed. A larger flame appeared in her hand and she threw it down.

After the Holy Flame landed in the Dark Forest, it exploded and illuminated the entire Dark Forest.

Many Dark Creatures inside screamed in pain. Some of them were stronger than others, so they couldn’t escape in time. They were purified by the Holy?Light, and not even their bones remained.

“It’s getting more and more concentrated.”

Chen Xi muttered to herself.

Then, the Holy Flame appeared in her hand. She threw it every few hundred meters and blew up the Dark Creatures.

This was the way to eliminate the danger ahead.

This method did?not waste?energy points, because when?the Dark Creatures inside were purified by the Holy Light emitted by the Holy Flame; Lin Yan could?also harvest energy points and evolution points.

On the other side of the Elves’ reclamation team, Lomina and another seventh-ranked?Elf were also doing this.

In the sky, there were some Elves. Although these Elves had not reached the seventh rank,?they could still fly.

Because their backs had wings.

These were the Winged Elves. Their wings were transparent, but under the sunlight, they would reveal beautiful colors.

As compared to the Night Elves tribe, there were fewer Winged Elves. There were only a few thousand of them.

They were responsible for the horizontal elimination that was the northward elimination.

As for Chen Xi, Lomina, and the other?seventh-ranked Elf, they were in charge of the vertical that was facing the west.

Few Dark Creatures were heading north, and more Dark Creatures were heading west.

Further, they went west, denser the dark substance was. It even filled the sky.

The Elves had no choice but to put a Holy flame on the treetops and disperse the dark matter in the sky.

The rate of reclamation slowed down, but it did not slow much.

At the same time, three hundred thousand Elves were reclaiming their land, the other fifty thousand Elves were growing slowly.

A large number of ancient trees were planted. Under the magic of the Elves, these ancient trees grew quickly.

These trees?would be the first line of defense for the Holy Flame Elves.

Magic plants were planted, and the entire Holy Flame Forest developed into the ideal home of the Elves.


However, after another week, Chen Xi and Lomina both noticed something strange.

Many Dark Creatures began to gather in the Dark Forest.

The Dark Creatures that had gathered in the past were all kinds of creatures. They were not strong enough.

But now, a Skeleton monster that looked like it had only bones and no flesh started to grow.

These Skeleton monsters were also afraid of the Holy Light. However, under the illumination of the Holy Light, they escaped quickly.

Moreover, they had been illuminated by the Holy Light in?a second or two, and the damage they suffered was minimum.

The Elves would often hear the sounds of these skeletons in the Dark Forest.

That sounded like a strange cry from someone’s?throat.

“Maggie, send all of your fourth and above ranked Winged Elves.”

By?the Elves’ special methods in the forest, Chen Xi contacted Maggie, the leader of the Winged Elves.

Hundreds of Winged Elves flew over instantly.

Under Chen Xi’s arrangement, the several hundred Winged Elves used the Holy Flame to reclaim the front of the forest. They “bombed” the Dark Forest on a large scale and drove the Skeleton monsters away.

These Skeleton monsters could?last for a second or two under the illumination of the Holy Light. If they were stronger, it?would probably last even longer, and they would be a threat to the Elves.

That was why they had to “bomb” ahead.

“Mother, there are more and more Skeleton monsters. Their nests likely exist in front of us. Let’s split up and look ahead.”

Chen Xi contacted Lomina.

Lomina was dozens of kilometers away from Chen Xi, headed?deep into the Dark Forest.

In the sky, there was nothing but darkness in the Dark Forest.

But as long as Chen Xi threw down a single Holy Flame, she would?be able to blow up the pot inside.

As Chen Xi flew, she kept throwing down the Holy Flame.

With this method, Chen Xi could observe the density of these Skeleton monsters.

Skeleton’s density continued to be?higher.

When Chen Xi flew dozens of kilometers away, she once again threw a Holy Flame down and found something strange.

When the Holy Flame exploded in the Dark Forest, Chen Xi could see that a Skeleton monster with a particularly large body did not run away. Instead, it stood there and looked up at Chen Xi for a few seconds before it plunged into the darkness!

The Holy Light still burned its body.

The thin layer of skin on the bone seemed to boil.

The skull caught Chen Xi’s attention.

This must be a powerful Skeleton monster.

Chen Xi chased after it toward its escape and occasionally took out the Holy Flame to blow it up.

Chen Xi did not rashly enter the Dark Forest alone. Before the dark matter in the Dark Forest was dispelled,?magic could not be used. Moreover, the field of vision inside was very poor, and the skull was too fast to catch up to it.

If not, why was the Dark Forest the?forest of life?

“Mother, I encountered a powerful Skeleton monster.”

Chen Xi chased after him while contacting Lomina.

“I’ve also encountered one. I’m afraid it’s at least an eighth-ranked?Skeleton monster.”

Lomina replied immediately.