Under the cover of the weeds, Nie Feng moved seven steps to the left, then took two steps forward.

He raised his right arm horizontally, the thumb of his right hand pointing up, keeping it perpendicular to his body, and closed his left eye.

Was he using some kind of spell?

This professional archer from the hunting squadron assumed that Nie Feng was trying to attract attention. With great disdain, he pulled out an arrow and nocked it onto the bowstring. Then, he started to aim at the Ash Wolf on the other mound.

He was going to teach Nie Feng a lesson with his own facts, and tell him what a true archer should be!

Meanwhile, Nie Feng had already finished observing his target.

The series of actions that he had just completed seemed extremely strange to others. In fact, he had previously learned the eye of the Earth Army to measure the distance between the measured object and himself. By estimating the size of the measured object, combining the principle of similar triangles and the principle of linear propagation of light, he could calculate the approximate distance of the measured object from his own side.

Without the assistance of modern tools, this kind of eye skipping distance measuring method was very practical. Although the accuracy was not very high, it was more than enough for the current Nie Feng.

Nie Feng calculated in his heart between two hundred and thirty to two hundred and forty steps.

One step in this world was equivalent to one meter, three steps to one Zhang, five hundred steps to one Li, and two hundred and thirty to two hundred and forty steps to half a Li.

Killing three gray wolves at the same time was undoubtedly extremely difficult!

Fortunately, there was no strong wind at this time, so it was very quiet, which reduced the shooting error.

Nie Feng took a deep breath. With his left hand gripping the God Arm Bow tightly, he pulled out a goose feather arrow and placed it on the bowstring. Then, he turned his head around and nodded towards Gao Gang, who was looking at him nervously.

When Gao Gang saw this, he immediately raised his hand and made a killing motion. With a deep voice, he shouted: "Kill!"

Just as he finished speaking, Jing Fei impatiently released the bowstring and shot an arrow at the Ash Wolf!

Nie Feng's movement was a little slower than Jing Fei's, but the Godly Arm Bow, which was infused with Star Energy, was extremely powerful. It actually shot out an arrow like a bolt of lightning, catching up to the arrow Jing Fei had shot out.

In the next moment, he used his astonishing speed to pull out the second and third geese feather arrows that were stuck in the ground and shot them out!

Each arrow was stronger than the last!

In merely two breaths of time, Nie Feng shot out three arrows. Although there was a time gap between the first arrow and the last one, when the first arrow accurately hit one of the arrows, the other two arrows had already followed closely behind. They pierced through the other two little wolves!

This was the result of Nie Feng deliberately controlling the power of the bowstring. He had used seventy percent of his strength for the first arrow, eighty percent for the second arrow, and ninety percent for the third.

Nie Feng practiced kung fu in the dojo during the day and practiced his saber and archery skills at night when he returned home. Besides sleeping and resting, he spent all his time on improving his own strength.

His ability to control the bow had already reached the point where he could wield it with his bare hands!

One big and two small gray wolves died at the same time. This was because the arrows that contained powerful energy had instantly pierced through their heads, pinning them alive onto the mound of grass.

Creak ~ ~

However, something unexpected happened as an extremely sharp and shrill scream sounded out!

The one who screamed was the sentry, the Gray Wolf, that Jing Fei had attacked. Although his arrow had also hit the target, it had pierced through the Gray Wolf's chest and abdomen, not his head and vitals.

Therefore, before it died, this grey wolf used all of its strength to emit the final alarm of its life!

Jing Fei's face instantly turned purple.

He wished he could immediately find a hole to hide in.

He couldn't even meet anyone!

All the hunters, including Gao Gang, were left speechless. They had witnessed Nie Feng completing a brilliant third company kill with their own eyes. Everyone was shocked and amazed, but they never thought that something would go wrong with Jing Fei.

On one side, it was a 1v1. On the other side, it was a 1v3. The difference in difficulty was more than three times greater. In the end, it was the latter that won!

Although this grey wolf's scream was short, it was too ear-piercing. He estimated that he could hear it clearly from ten miles away. For a sharp-eared Green Edge Wolf, there was no question of ignoring it.

The hunting team's plan was going to fail!

Gao Gang secretly sighed and said, "Forget it, we'll come back tomorrow."

Since the gray wolf had warned them, the wolves would inevitably be alerted. Wanting to ambush and kill them had already become impossible. Under such circumstances, it would be wise for the hunting team to retreat in time.

As for tomorrow's situation, it was hard to say. The wolves were definitely on guard, so it was definitely harder to deal with.

Jing Fei lowered his head and said, "Boss Gao, I'm sorry."

Gao Gang forced a smile and said, "It doesn't matter, it was just an accident."

Actually, he was rather disappointed with Jing Fei. The latter was too young and arrogant, and he did not display his strength at the critical moment, which was why he made a mistake.

In contrast, the performance of the younger Nie Feng made everyone have a whole new level of respect for him.

An idea buried in Gao Gang's heart wavered.

On the surface, however, the leader of the hunting squadron hid his intentions well. He waved his hand and said, "Let's retreat."

Roar ~ ~

Before he finished speaking, a shrill and long howl suddenly came from afar and entered everyone's ears.

Aooo! Aooo! Roar ~ ~

As if they received a call for help, even more howls sounded from different directions!

Gao Gang's face suddenly changed and he lost control of his voice and shouted, "The wolves are coming!"

It really was a pack of wolves. They could only see the livid gray of well-built figures leaping over the tall grass hill in front of them. From the east, south and north, they were rapidly approaching the hunting squadron!

Green Edge Wolf!

Not only were they alarmed by the warning sound given by the wolf before it died, they even discovered the murderer at the first possible moment.

It was followed by a revenge attack!


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