Chapter 598 Situation at the farm

Name:Lord of the Truth Author:
598 Situation at the farm

"...Things are not good *there*, we need a prolonged took in this matter, but..." The Demon merely said these words, then glanced at Alexander and Jabba.

"Alexander is the one who runs the affairs of the Empire and should know sooner or later, and Jabba is my disciple and knows about the farm planet already so there is no need to monitor your words," Robin waved to the demon to continue, "What exactly is happening on the farm? Didn't you tell me yourself that the farm planet contains a large number of demi-humans and they are all enemies to each other? Didn't you say it was an ideal environment for you? What happened now..."

"...I will do as the Lord desires then." Moren hesitated a little, but he quickly gave up and began to speak, "For the first few years of our arrival on the farm planet, everything was really perfect. The number of demi-humans there is large and there is no specific ruling system, just tribes who love those who are similar to them and want to kill those who are different from them. If we attack one or two villages of one of the tribes, that tribe will not even know who attacked them or how many enemies they have, and even if they knew it was us and decided to confront us, they will fight us alone and no one will help them, and of course, at that time we had enough strength to battle one or two tribes at full force without any problem!"

Then the demon slowed down here a little, "But everything changed when we asked the Lord to allow us to bring our families from Planet Nihari and the Lord agreed to our selfish request. We couldn't leave them all on the Central Continent where there was not enough food, so we had to bring a large number of our cubs to the farm planet to hunt their own food and to feed their mothers and elders, but the huge increase in our numbers made us attack ten villages instead of one, and we quickly annihilated two entire races! This alerted all the tribes of the farm planet against us, they saw that we had no enmity with a specific race and that we attack randomly, so they united against us."

"Kekeke." Jabba looked up and imitated the Demon's laugh

Robin leaned his head on two fingers and spoke before the Demon cures Jabba, "So after you were treated as a new race among dozens, you are now treated as a global threat that must be eliminated."

The demon turned his face away from Jabba's side with great difficulty and nodded, "...That's right, Lord."

"It happens that this is the same situation as ours here. The difference is that we were put in this situation from the moment we set foot on this planet, but you... You managed to quietly infiltrate the planet and were placed in an ideal environment to hide and hunt wisely. Perhaps you could even make a few alliances with other tribes, but in the end, you found yourselves in the same position as us?" Robin shook his head with apparent disappointment, "So, what happened next? Even we with our human army were able to gain a foothold here and defend. Are you telling me that you might demons are having problems there?"

"My lord, this is not a peer-to-peer battle, or we are fighting respectable enemies like the humans, who have an organized army, lands, and known borders. Members of those tribes are accustomed to spreading out in small groups to hunt, and this is also their style of war, If we go out in an army, we will not find anyone there our way, we can even reach the main headquarters of their tribe and find it in ruins and we find their kids and elderly people committing suicide, while the young men and women among them have fled to another place, and then they come back to attack us in the form of small groups later! They are a group of savages and their way of battle is guerilla warfare!" Moren explained quickly

"They leave their homes and leave their families to die as soon as they sense danger? It seems that the concept of dignity and honor is not known to them at all. Rejoice, Moren, they are worse than dogs, exactly like you, Aha!" Jabba laughed again

As for Robin, he rubbed his chin for a while, "What you are describing now is evidence that they have become accustomed to this type of raid and have begun to take the safest way to keep their species alive without taking into account anything else... This type of enemy is truly dangerous."

Moren nodded, then continued speaking, trying to ignore Jabba's comments as much as possible, "There is another thing in their favor, which is that among them are tribes that live in the mountains, and their inhabitants are distinguished by the fact that they have wings like those of birds, and they are much faster than us, even when flying, and other tribes breathe underwater and live the seas, oceans, and rivers they also come out to attack us and then quickly return back to their safe heaven. There are tribes that live underground, tribes that live in volcanoes, and others that live in the Valley of Lightning. They are all dangerous places for us, and going there gives them an overwhelming advantage over us. We could only tighten the defenses around the Space Portal area, and wait for attacks from them to confront them and kill the attackers, but there are simply too many of them, and the method of their attacks is so diverse that we cannot keep up with it!"

*Whistling sound~* Alexander raised his eyebrows and whistled, he really couldn't imagine being put in a situation like this, even the massive attack of the Tree Fathers and the Human Alliance that he was thinking about day and night and preparing plans for seemed like child's play for a moment...

"Grrr..." The Demon growled at Alexander when he heard the whistle, forcing Alexander to quickly look away.

"What next? To what extent have your losses accumulated?" A kind of quiet anger took over Robin's face, his fixed features and half-closed eyes looked peaceful, but anyone could tell he was about to eat someone alive. n.-O)-v--e(.l/.b)-1-(n

Robin ordered the demons to use the farm planet as a literal *farm* forever, hunting whatever food they wanted and slowly strengthening themselves. He didn't even dare give them the order to overhunt when he was fed up and felt that the third stage of the Master Law of Truth was still too far away from him!

The reason for this was that he still wanted to hold on to a semblance of his humanity, but another reason was that he knew that overhunting would bring the demon into a world war that would make their losses greater than what they gained...

Moren's words were embellished to the utmost degree, even though he as a demon still had to show respect to Robin, so he came up with this story, but the result was the same... They ignored his orders and started overhunting without his permission!!

But what can he say? They did the same thing on the Ancestral Continent. They were creating problems and fabricating charges against the residents of the Ancestral Continent so that they would find an opportunity to prey on them. Even with the orders of the Demon Kings and Billy's intense monitoring, the number of casualties among the residents of the Ancestral Continent had accumulated to a terrifying degree, which is the reason for their deep hatred for Robin and his regime. They did in Robin's hometown, how can he expect them to respect his will on another planet far from his sight?!

"We are experienced in this type of battle too, and with the help of the Rune Masters and Divine Blacksmiths assigned to us by the Lord, we were able to confront them, but they gathered themselves and launched waves at us 6 times so far, and each time hundreds of thousands were killed on both sides... Our kinsmen losses it is estimated in the millions currently, but that does not matter since the Demons' reproductive rates are high and our cubs only need five years to reach puberty, you don't have to worry about that." The Demon spoke as if the death of millions is really a weightless side thing to think about, then looked at Alexander, "And during these waves in particular, we received messages requesting the presence of one of the kings, and someone here felt sad and complained because we did not comply."

"How do I know all this?!" Alexander defended himself

"All this happened to you while you were among them, Mr. Emperor? Tsk tsk~ It seems that the Demon Emperors are not that powerful." Jabba shook his head, smiling

But the bait did not work, as Moren looked at Robin instead, "Lord, Brother Sakaar was the first Emperor among us and he was able to achieve this mutation only 10 months ago."

"Do I understand that the war ended 10 months ago?" Robin raised his eyebrows, according to what he knew about the strength of the Emperors, the presence of Sakaar and a handful of Demon Kings around him was enough to destroy hundreds of armies easily!

"...No, Lord, after Sakaar showed his new power as an Emperor during the fifth wave, the sixth wave came and included two enemy Emperors."