Chapter 618 Beast Armor

Name:Lord of the Truth Author:
618 Beast Armor

After an hour-- Unravel the Unknown, Unleash the Unimaginable: N♡vεlB¡n.

Emily quickly entered the covered hall again and found the scene completely changed, all the soldiers sitting without the upper half of their clothes while the Rune Masters were moving around like crazy, mixing inks and trying to finish developing the engravings as quickly as possible.

After a quick scan of the area, she found Robin on the side drawing something, and next to him, Zara, pointing towards the scroll in front of Robin, saying in an audible voice, "I think we need to develop the bone crown armor more, just making it more solid won't help much."

"You're right, but how do I develop it further? In the end, this area should provide pure defense for the rider... Hmmm, Right! What do you think if I added the feature of creating an energy shield around the bone crown to double the area of protection for the rider? this would also give him more space to dodge the attacks coming from the sides." Robin spoke, tapping the pen on his chin

"The idea is not bad... Hey, why not add a feature that allows energy shields to merge if there are two or more Terra Beasts standing next to each other? Imagine a wide row of Terra Beasts forming a massive energy wall, this would be a mobile fortress!" Zara suddenly greeted her with excitement evident in her voice

Robin furrowed his eyebrows slightly, then lowered the pen again and began drawing a new part in the rune in front of him. It was clear that he liked Zara's idea.

When Zara saw her father finished adding that part and went back to looking at the design from top to bottom again to find any other loopholes or ways to improve, she extended her hand and pointed towards the terra's head, "Dad, how does the beast receive its orders?"

"By saying it, of course, even ordinary beasts understand human language if you interact with them for a while, so how can creatures with this intelligence not understand?" Robin spoke, still tapping his chin

"But during battles, the sounds of explosions and screams are everywhere. How could the Terra rider have the time or effort to shout his instructions to the beast? Secondly, wouldn't the enemies also realize what the Terra would do after receiving the order?" Zara placed her palm under her chin and tapped on the drawing, "Secondly, how does the Terra Beast communicate with its rider if it detects something or wants to warn it of something?"

"...The beasts usually can't speak, you know that, but the Terra beast is smart and might be able to find a way to point with one of its claws or something..." Robin furrowed his eyebrows slightly, then looked at Zara, "Do you have a suggestion on this part?"

"Thought Transfer Technique! I know that the consciousness of humans and beasts is not the same, but not to the point of being completely different. Place a rune on the forehead of the Terra Beast to act as an intermediary between the consciousness of the Terra and its rider, so that they can exchange orders and information at all times!" Zara spoke excitedly

"This will--" Robin almost argued further, but he stopped and used the pen to scratch his hair for a few seconds. Then he started drawing something. Zara knew that he had started to design the communication rune that she had nominated.

After another unknown time after he finished adding that part, he was about to ask Zara about her opinion on another part when he felt eyes on him, so he looked at his sides, raising his eyebrows, "Emily, how long do you plan to stay there?"

However, the chaos caused by the Rune Masters, the large crowd inside the covered training hall due to the large number of soldiers, and Emily's suffocating aura did not affect the session between Robin and his adopted daughter. Rather, from Zara's ever-present smile on her face, it seemed as if she wished that this moment would last forever.

How not? The last time she spent such a long time with Robin, chatting and was able to help him with something was during Caesar's absence to participate in the Eight Kingdoms Tournament, that was decades ago!

Immediately after that, the war on Dolivar began, and Robin returned to the stricken city of Jura and named them his children. Since then, he has been alone most of the time and no longer asks her for help. Rather, he even advised her at that time to go out and play with children her age.

Sometimes while she was leading the Seventh Legion or currently while she was sitting in the warehouses, she wished that her adoptive father had followed what he had said when he took her and Peon in for the first time, when he told Peon to go and cultivate and told her to always stay by his side to help him in his research... Wouldn't that have been wonderful?

But at this moment, a strong rumbling sound froze everything

*Rumble* *Earthquake*

"What is happening?" Zara stood up and started looking around cautiously, the rest of the soldiers and the Rune Masters also furrowed their brows tightly

As for Robin, he closed his eyes for a moment to communicate with Evergreen, then opened them and began to laugh angrily, "Hmph, Tree Father Labikan has finally decided to make a warlord. It seems that the gravity field has really tired him out."

"A new Warlord? But reports say that Governor Alexander and the rest are already fighting against a Warlord, now there are two?!" Zara shouted in fear, one warlord has been terrorizing all the True Beginning Martial Emperors for days and might kill them at any time, what if another one appears?

Robin stood up and looked away with furrowed brows, "It's Alright, they're not the only ones who can make warlords."

Carson's voice came from behind Robin at this moment, "Your Excellency, the old Divine Tattoos have been developed and we have tattooed the new soldiers. You now have 7,000 saints and 700 sages and two array Hearts ready for the second test."

A big smile appeared on Robin's face, "Excellent, just in time." Then he put the scrolls in his ring and took a few steps towards the soldiers. Zara was also excited about what would happen now

Robin looked around for a few seconds then nodded satisfied, "I see you've organized yourselves like I taught you last time, good... Let's get started!"