Chapter 1777: Northern Region
When it is auctioned, it is not only auctioned in Pandemonium but also all over the world. In a way because of Freya, there is always a constants supply of these high-quality meats
These meats are not only useful for being eaten but also as medicine, and poison among others.
Even though almost three decades had passed since the Fall, there are still many things people still don't know about the world and there is always new discovery to be made. Sometimes, when Freya auction these monsters in the auction houses, the first one that snagged these monsters is Order of Thinkers. One could only imagine what they would do with the monster meat when they go it but most people doubt that they would eta it. In all probability they would dissect the monster and research the hell out of it.
The northern region is not as prosperous as other regions of Pandemonium, it did not reach a point where the people could not live
Most things in the northern region is cheap.
Especially food.
Sometimes the prices of the food it would rise but these rises would usually only be temporary.
And food is mostly only consumed by the lower-level realm people. For the high realm people, food is merely a supplement like one would eat a vitamin.
Because some food has great beneficial effect like medicine in the world after the Fall. Even those beings that did not need to eat would eat sometimes just to get the properties of these food
The difference between Wang Jian and Freya is that Freya uses her army to the utmost. Not only she could grow her army, it would feed the region.
But the reach of influence that she have over her territory usually only extend around her capital and the large cities near the capital. The northern region itself is vast and most of them are independent of Freya Hall.
Of course, none of them are stupid enough to call themselves independent.
If anyone tries to declare that, it would be like a nail that stuck out.
And a nail that is prominently sticking out into view like that would be hammered quickly by Freya.
And even though her reach did not extend that far, this did not mean that the princes of the north would disobey Freya words.
Because Freya fist is the biggest and she has the strongest army in the north. Her right of speaking come from her strength.
And even most warriors in the north would want to follow Freya
Freya influence is invisible. But if she raise a call to fight, all warriors in the north would follow her.
This is because Freya really treated her soldiers like her son.
The military after the Fall is more like the military during those heroic ages of the past instead of the bureaucracy of the military of the modern world.
It is not that the modern method is not effective.
But every era has their own methods.
There is a reason why certain method did not appears in certain ages.
It is not because people are stupid and could not think of it but there are limiting factors in tehri era that make it impossible for them to enact certain reform
In the modern army personal bravery could not change the direction of war.
But in a world of magic like Freya is living in., personal bravery could turn the tide of battle
Because magic is like that. It is fueled by emotions.
Especially strong emotions.
Right and wrong is very important and interest is not as important in politics for the warriors. The warriors in the north re all valiant people and inherited martial virtues of Pandemonium. They did not fear death that much because they danced at the edges of jaws of Death. Freya treated her army like a son and fight with them. If she is in danger, her soldiers would fight to the death to save her.
These tourists don't go to the rundown business park at the edge of the city. They don't walk around underneath concrete overpasses to take pictures, and they certainly don't go for a picnic next to a stinky random pond somewhere.
No, they got the historical inner-city, with its beautiful buildings, its parks and boulevards.
Those are beautiful places. The solution is obvious right? Just build more beautiful places!
The problem before the Fall is that architect will give you all sorts of reasons why building beautiful is too limited or problematic because of some philosophical reason. The thing you will hear most often is that "Beauty is subjective".
The idea that 'beauty is subjective' and it's therefore not useful to discuss any further it's
quite common.
It didn't use to be that way. In older works in architecture and urbanism, beauty was always
named as one of the essential elements.
One of the goals of a building or an urban area.
But in the world before the Fall, it doesn't seem to be important.
In architecture schools, creative personal expression and innovation, and of course: 'The Concept' are most important. Many civil servants, decision-makers and politicians but also developers don't consider beauty
They are thing that architecture should always strive forward - for progression's own sake.
Beauty is too difficult
to translate into numbers, too much a subject to debate. So why bother? It's easier to build a
glass box anyway!
Beauty attaches emotional attachment. Even more so when a place is beautiful. Emotional attachment to places that are beautiful is recorded.
In a survey before the Fall, there is a result that shock people.
Aesthetic attraction to the city was the third most important, even scoring above education,
safety and basic services!
There is also a strong correlation was found between health and scenicness of the area.
So not only the presence of nature turned out to be important to people's health, but also how scenic the nature looks like in an area!
In other words, it's beauty! if you are a decision maker and you want a happy, healthy community, if you want to bind skilled workers to your area, you better start caring about
beauty as well.
Architect after the Fall believed that there is a design disconnect.
Architects and the public each seem to like different kinds of buildings.
And it is the Renaissance of this school of thoughts that now filled the world with beautiful
(I recommend people to watch the Aesthetic City in Youtbe. I like what they think about what architecture should be and not what it is today. And no, I do not have any relations with them) The villages of the north is also filled with beautiful buildings.
As for the Hall it is even more beautiful