went all the way to the mountain trail to the north, and from time to time along the way, I could see those crypt monsters wandering around.

However, Zong Shen did not order an attack, but kept passing at full speed.

The time to hurry is very precious.

He led the soldiers under his command to quickly pass the crypt monsters with the speed of their mounts.

left behind the slow-moving crypt monsters.

There are 1,000 crypts in each area, and it can be calculated that 2 million to 2.4 million crypt monsters can be refreshed every day.

With Zongshen’s current strength, even if he was dispatched, fighting day and night would only destroy a small part of it.

It is impossible for him to give up normal exploration in order to kill the crypt monsters.

trekking all the way, and some detours along the way, after spending more than an hour, Zong Shen once again came to the mountain trail where he found the temple last time.

This time, Zong Shen brought soldiers ten times more than the previous time!

This path into the mountains is more spacious and gentler than the one leading to the dark fort of Azshara.

As long as they don’t run into the nearby mountains and forests, both the horse and the Bajie can go up the mountain smoothly.

Colby has been here for the third time.

The first time was to explore the day after landing, the second time was to accompany Zong Shen into the hidden temple on the side of the mountain, and the third time was this time.

He has also changed from the first wolf rider by Zong Shen to the leader of the wolf ride team under Zong Shen.

This made him thankful that he had met a good lord.

Colby led the reorganized wolf riding squad, leading the way, Zong Shen followed with the soldiers.

Everyone went up the mountain very smoothly, and occasionally encountered crypt monsters that were also trekking towards the mountain.

Let the ranged units solve them all, and then pass before the plague zone breaks out.

Although strong soldiers can basically resist the primary plague, it is better to have as little contact as possible just in case.

Wolf cavalry opened the way, and everyone soon came to the vicinity of the mountainside.

Here you can already see a towering guard tower near the top of the mountain.

The whole tower is in tatters and is covered with large deciduous vines, like a green coat.

Below the sentry tower is a sentry surrounded by tall walls.

The overall area is not small, and all the buildings are in good condition.

"Luna, Colby, Aishia, follow me first."

"The others are waiting here."

"If you hear the howling of wolves, come up and support."

Zongshen stopped here and decided to bring only Luna, Colby, and Aishia who can summon the Holy Spirit up the mountain, ready to see what the wandering merchants are.

These soldiers stayed on the mountainside to support them, and they can quickly support them if possible, and they won’t be surprised.

Showing weakness is the best way to detect the reality of the opponent. Zong Shen has already decided that if the price of those goblin merchants is right, then trade normally.

If the other party is playing slippery, then no wonder someone used some tricks.

Zongshen walked on with the three soldiers and continued to march towards the mountain.

He deliberately slowed down, and it took ten minutes to walk to the gate of the post. On the treetop beside him, a black grackle flew up.

"The distinguished guests come! The distinguished guests come!"

flew into the small courtyard of the outpost, flew and shouted in an obscure voice.




There was a crackling sound in the small courtyard of the post.

"Smelly boy, panic, this is precious ice sheet bronze!"

"Hurry up and see who is here!"

A loud shout came out.

Then, a short green goblin carrying a basket ran out, and his eyes lit up when he saw Zong Shen.

"Gosh! You are so tall!"

"Are you a passing traveler or you want to come and buy something."

"I think you must be our potential customer!"

"Our ratchet trading company has only stayed here for the last three days, and in three days we will set off for the giant city of Lentax!"

This little goblin is alive and kicking around Zong Shen, and every goblin is talkative.

Zongshen's eyes picked up, and he nodded the small courtyard in front of him with his chin.

"Take me to see your goods."

The little goblin became even more excited when he heard the words, and he was on the continent in front of him.

"Time is money, my lord, please follow me!"

"Goblin products are absolutely shocking!"

The little goblin carrying the basket flexibly led the way, while still bragging, it really was born to be stubborn!

"Uncle Boswell, it's business!"

He shouted loudly and led Zong Shen into the small courtyard of the outpost.

After entering the small courtyard, Zong Shen was stunned by the scene in front of him.

The small courtyard of the sentry post was filled with a large number of heavy boxes.

There are also all kinds of weird metal machinery.

These things occupy almost half of the yard.

More than a dozen goblins with their baskets on their backs were busy and tidying up.

An older goblin followed the call and poked his head out of the pile.

When he saw Zong Shen and his group, his eyes lit up.

Then he drove out a strangely shaped magic mecha with a square body.

The body and shoulders of this magic mecha are very wide, with a height of more than six meters and three to four meters at the widest position, just like a large moving box.

On the long ears of the old goblin, there is still a pair of single-sided glasses. The huge green nose is particularly noticeable, but it also looks ugly.

He wears a gold-stripe beret on his head, an exaggerated sapphire inlaid on the top of the hat, and a luxurious fur cloak behind him, which contrasts his figure like a quilt .

"Hello sir! Welcome to the tourist camp of our ratchet trading company!"

"I must have what you need here!"

The elder goblin said to Zong Shen proudly. UU reading

The mechanical arm that controls the magic mecha directly opened the chest of the mecha, like a cabinet.

Zongshen finally knows why the shape of this magic mecha is so peculiar.

Because this mecha is simply a mobile shelf.

After    opened, it was divided into five layers. Each layer was filled with different items. However, the cargo compartment was filled with small gadgets, and there were many things that even Zong Shen had never seen before.

Zong Shenshun pointed at one of the things that contained pink liquid and looked like pink perfume, and asked curiously.

"What is this?"

The elder goblin raised his eyebrows, a smile appeared on his face, he had already seen that the guy in front of him was a little white!

He decided to help Zong Shen's wallet to slim down!

"Gosh! Your vision is really good!"

"This is a good baby!"

"We call it the pink kiss, of course this thing has a nickname, called the grumpy sweetheart..."

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