Chapter 26: She’s Moving

Chapter 26: She’s Moving


Arrows rained from the sky like a death god reaping lives.

While the Elite Horse Archers, unlike Shu Yichao, were unable to accurately shoot their targets’ eyeballs from 100 feet away, they had no problem shooting their targets in the face from 30 feet away.

In a matter of moments, the Janissary had already lost rows of its soldiers.

“Warriors blessed by the true God, charge!”

The Janissary could tell that their enemies’ equipment was superior to theirs. Exchanging arrows under such circumstances would be disadvantageous to them. They knew it would be better for them to exploit their numerical advantage and charge straight at their enemies, forcing them into a physical brawl.

Thus, they began charging forward.

“Release another two rounds of arrows,” Shu Yichao ordered.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!!

Janissary soldiers at the frontline collapsed like dominos before the arrow rain, with most of them being shot in the face. Nearly a hundred of them died in a heartbeat, thus weakening their assault.T/his chapter is updated by nov(ê(l)

Before they could recover from the shock of abruptly losing a hundred of their comrades, the second and third waves of arrow rains arrived.

Even so, the Janissary, as the Sultana’s ace, displayed astounding fighting will. They roared in anger and continued to charge forth despite the death of their comrades as if beasts that didn’t know fear.

But despite their valor, the twenty feet distance between them and Shu Yichao’s army was like an unbridgeable gap.

The arrow rain finally stopped.

Momoana was stupefied.

Hundreds of the most elite Ottomain soldiers collapsed within twenty feet of one another, their fresh blood flowing like a stream down the street. Momoana knew the names and hobbies of many of them, having known them from a young age.

Yet, they were all dead.

Hundreds of Janissary soldiers would have been more than enough to crush 10,000 misfits on the battlefield, but despite the heavy casualties they had suffered here, they didn’t even manage to nick even the Elite Horse Archers’ sleeves.

“Charge!” Shu Yichao waved his hand.

The Elite Horse Archers encircled the remaining Ottomains with spears, and they relentlessly thrust their spear forth to stab whatever was ahead of them. It was a simple but deadly attack. The spears’ longer range allowed them to safely remain out of the Ottomains’ attacking range while steadily inflicting damage on them.

The Janissary did attempt to retaliate, but these valiant warriors were far too outclassed by the Elite Horse Archers.

They could only watch helplessly as bloodstained spears plunged into their own chests, their comrades’ abdomen, and their commanders’ throats...

There were ferocious Janissary soldiers who found an opening to launch a counterattack, but they quickly realized that they couldn’t do anything about the Elite Horse Archers’ 60 armor. Shortly after, they would have their throats slit by one of the troops behind.

The Janissary cried and howled. Some even pleaded for mercy. However, it was futile.

“Peace at last!”

Shu Yichao tossed aside his spear, which had become so slippery that he couldn’t properly grip it, and picked up a relatively clean white bork to wipe his hand. Then, he began strolling toward the only person left standing among the Ottomains.

Mountains of corpses and tattered limbs littered around, with blood and crushed flesh smeared all over the ground...

Momoana had the feeling that she was in a slaughterhouse, and she and her warriors were livestocks awaiting slaughter. Thousands of Janissary soldiers died just like that.

Looking as the Khitan leader slowly made his way to her, she wondered if she was going to be held hostage.

“We have won the war!”

The delighted Romains quickly spread the news, and the cheers swiftly spread from the center of the west wall to its both ends.

“Momoana is dead!”

“The Ottomain Sultana is dead!”

“The Ottomains have lost!”

Initially, the Ottomain refused to believe the news.

How can the envoy of the true God, our great Sultana, die just like that? This must be a lie weaved by the Romains to shake our fighting will!

But Momoana’s head was hanging on the city walls. Those with sharp eyes could clearly see it. Furthermore, Momoana had addressed the Ottomain soldiers before the war, so most people had no trouble recognizing her.

In the end, the Ottomains, much to their despair, had no choice but to admit that their Sultana was dead.

The Ottomains had fallen in defeat.

They had lost the Holy War!


“We have lost! We have lost!”

“It’s all over! The real God must be cursing us!”

Having lost their faith, the Ottomain army’s morale crumbled. The soldiers tossed aside their helmets and weapons and fled in confusion. The only thought on their mind was to get as far away from the battlefield as possible.

It was utter defeat!

But as much as the Ottomain army wanted to run, Shu Yichao wouldn’t permit them to do so.

“You bunch of bastards! You want to run despite making me squander so much of my money?! Pay up!”

Shu Yichao leaped onto his steed and chased after the fleeing Ottomains together with his Elite Horse Archers.


With my ‘Scraping It Clean’ talent, each head is at least worth a couple dinars!

“Massacre every last one of them!”

At the same time, the Elite Horse Archers, whom Shu Yichao had deployed behind Thrace Plains to interfere with the Ottomains’ supply chain, quietly appeared at the Ottomains’ flanks. Shu Yichao had ordered them to gather a few hours ago and await further orders.

Like water rushing through a leaking dam, they easily tore through the Ottomains’ military formation from the flanks, scattering them.

“Romains, it’s time for vengeance!”

Constantin XI also gathered the most valiant Romains and charged out of the city walls to pursue the fleeing Ottomains.

That day, corpses were strewn all over Thrace Plains, and blood flowed like the river.

The only one who failed to grasp the situation was a certain System.

【Yes yes! That’s right, my host! Run! Run as fast as you can! You must survive this ordeal!】