Chapter 57: The Princess Returns

Chapter 57: The Princess Returns

Night descended, and Morea’s capital fell as silent as the city of the dead.

The Venetians had been planning to properly manage Morea’s port after conquering the region, so no one had thought that it would have become so desolate.

But which merchant would dare do business in Morea when Shu Yichao and his blood twin-headed eagle flag were slowly making its way toward Morea, devastating everything in their path like a stampede?

With the momentum displayed by the Scourge of God thus far, Morea could really go up in flames, despite being a highly defensible fortress. If so, any investment they had made in the region would go down the drain.

Only those who had foolishly poured their money into Morea earlier and had their assets stuck here had no choice but to remain in the city with tearful faces.


A Venetian mercenary patrolling the city walls let out a worried sigh as he thought about the disastrous situation at the frontlines.

Da da da da!

“What’s that sound?”

Alarmed, the Venetian mercenary anxiously turned his torch toward the sound... but in that direction was a cliff! How could the sound of horse hooves be coming from a cliff?


A furious gale gushed at the Venetian mercenary’s face, forcing him to close his eyes. When he finally opened his eyes once more, he was met with a flash of light.

His mouth fell agape in incredulity, then he simultaneously felt a coldness in his neck and excruciating pain. He reflexively reached for his neck out of confusion, only to feel something hot gushing out.

He instantaneously lost all energy, so much so that he couldn’t even let out a sound. Before he knew it, he had already collapsed on the floor.

“Tsk!” Shu Yichao, who had just landed on the city wall with Galewind, lowered his Jeweled Bow as he mumbled in dissatisfaction, “I was off the mark.”

He was planning to shoot the Venetian mercenary in the eye, but this mishap broke his streak...

He leaped down from the city wall with his steed and swiftly opened the city gates.

His Elite Horse Archers, who had secretly approached the city walls under the cover of the night, charged into the city without a sliver of hesitation, morphing into an unstoppable force like a natural disaster.

“...” Vernier took off her glasses and wiped them. Her hands were trembling.

“Envoy,” she turned to Venice’s Athens envoy and spoke words that drained her energy, “I might have to trouble you to make a trip to the Eastern Romain Empire and... beg their Augustus to let us off.”

It felt like a dagger had been plunged into her heart. This was the first time she had felt such bitter regret.

If only I wasn’t blinded by the potential profits of that golden sea route...

【Argh! Of all things, why is the screen jammed here?!】

System 12345 was frustrated. The feed lagging into powerpoint slides already grated at its nerves, but to think that the screen would freeze at night. It could only barely see Shu Yichao galloping in the middle of the night...

It thought that having a latency of 9999 was the worst thing in the world, but having a dark background on top of that made it so much worse.

【My host, there’s something weird about your situation. Why is Vernier so frightened of you? What did you do to her?】

System 12345 recalled Shu Yichao’s movement trajectory, and an idea popped into its head.

【Wait, did you directly propose to Vernier in the letter?! Eyy, that is really...】

【Look, I know daring confessions can be unexpectedly effective on scheming femme fatales. Sincerity is the key. It’s easier to win her heart with a straight ball. I’m not saying that you have done wrong, but, my host, you didn’t get the timing right!】

The truth couldn’t be clearer to Detective 12345!

My host must have thought that this is a good time to go on the offensive, but the problem is that Vernier was caught off guard and hasn’t readied herself for this. Thus, she escaped out of fear!

My host chased her all the way here, but Vernier chose to avoid him because her mind was in too much of a mess to confront her daring pursuer.

【See how much you scared her with your confession! She is reluctant to meet you, despite you chasing her all the way here... Aiish, what a headache!】

System 12345 thought over the matter, but it was unable to think of a solution.

【My host, it might seem like you’re in a disadvantageous position, but if we look at it from another perspective, it also means that you have moved Vernier. Otherwise, someone of her personality wouldn’t have gone through so much trouble to avoid you. Rather, she would have schemed you into bankruptcy!】

【Regardless, we have a huge advantage now. As long as you don’t mess it up, you should have a decent chance at capturing her heart.】