Chapter 203: These Elephants Are Formidable

Chapter 203: These Elephants Are Formidable

It was a complete meltdown.

Gopala’s army had always been centered around the war elephants. Her armored war elephants had never failed to bring down any enemy who dared to challenge the Pala Empire.

As for the bandits, thugs, and lowly peasants who filled the ranks of her army, they might be lacking in terms of fighting prowess, but they were no fools.

If the gigantified terracotta warriors could kill even their strongest armored war elephants as easily as slaughtering a chicken, there was nothing they could do to salvage the situation. Thus, they swiftly scattered in all directions...

...though their escape was futile.

A white fog filled with sinister snickers had already enveloped the barracks. Amidst the chaos, the specters had already begun picking away the Sindhi soldiers like a spreading curse.

“Get into formation and fire again!” Gopala ordered. “Blast those buffoons off!”

She was trembling.

Damn it!

Gopala realized that she had severely underestimated the Tang army, and this mistake was likely to be fatal.

“Shit!” she hissed. “How could there be something like this?”

It was commonplace to boast in this day and age.

Gopala thought that she was already humble by claiming to have only 500,000 soldiers to Weryomahners.

But the Tang army was completely ridiculous! The rumors weren’t rumors at all; they felt more like smokescreens intentionally released to make their enemies underestimate them!

You have giant soldiers that can send my armored war elephants flying with a kick, yet you aren’t bragging about them! Shouldn’t you at least use them to terrorize your neighbors and force them to offer you tribute?

And if the Tangs are this formidable... just how insanely strong the Tibetan Empire must be to clash with them?

Gopala had fought the Tibetans before, but she didn’t think that they would be a match for the gigantified terracotta warriors either.

Are the ones I fought not the main force?

Gopala’s mind was in disarray, but she continued to issue commands rationally.

If she failed to get a footing here, the terracotta warriors might come after her and stomp her and her armored war elephant to death. And if she lost the bulk of her troops here, her position would be in jeopardy.

“There’s a chance. I can still turn things around...” Gopala cheered herself on. “I just have to focus my firepower, blast off some terracotta warriors, and open a path so that the others can retreat...”

“It won’t work! There’s no time to charge the artifacts!” one of her generals suddenly howled.

“What’s going on? The artifacts are cracking!”

“Damn it! Those bastards must have scrimped on the materials when forging the artifacts. These things are useless!”

He had already given the armored war elephants a chance to rampage earlier.

Instead of sending in his gigantified terracotta warriors, he flew in with his white lion and unleashed his Lightning Arrows on the armored war elephants. To his surprise, the armored war elephants didn’t go berserk and rampage.

So, Shu Yichao gave it a second try.

This time, the armored war elephants were thrown into disarray and began running around, but they didn’t charge into where the Sindhi soldiers were gathered.

Eyy, that makes it meaningless.

Shu Yichao sighed.

“There’s no point leaving them if I’m not going to be entertained. Hu... Aid me, Lightning God!”

Lightning bolts zapped down from the sky, burning the armored war elephants to ashes.

The remaining armored war elephants trumpeted in horror as they realized a terrifying truth. They had been encircled by the gigantified terracotta warriors!

They tried to charge through at the gigantified terracotta warriors, but it was futile. They weren’t strong enough to breach their defense line.

The gigantified terracotta warriors raised their weapons, be they metal whips, cudgels, or vajras, and smashed them down on the armored war elephants, knocking them down for good.

“Massacre them!” As Shu Yichao gathered lightning in his hand, the flickering light made his dashing face look demonic. “Damn it! I got excited over nothing. Kill all of them!”

It looked like all the armored war elephants were going to be massacred...

...but elephants were smart animals. It was even more so for these mutated war elephants.

When they realized that the gigantified terracotta warriors were going to massacre them, one of the armored war elephants stretched its trunk toward the war monk riding on its back and hurled the latter to the ground.

Then, it swiftly tore off the war monk’s white robe with its trunk and waved it around.

“Ah?” Shu Yicaho stared at the armored war elephant in astonishment. “They can surrender too?”

He glanced at the minimap and saw that their colors had changed. He clicked his tongue in wonderment.

“I thought that only the riders could surrender, but it looks like the mounts can surrender too? That’s an interesting mechanic.”

The war elephant had been paying a close eye to Shu Yichao’s expression, and upon seeing the latter’s reaction, it lowered its knees to the floor and frantically waved its white flag more.

The other war elephants did the same too, throwing off the war monks riding on their backs before kneeling to surrender.

It was an incredible sight.

Countless war elephants kneeled in submission to a glowing deity riding on a white lion in the sky, showing a deferential attitude no one had ever seen from these beasts.