Assassinating the grand imperial concubine was a huge crime, not to mention the meeting at Kuli Tai Tai Tai.

The next day, the people who were in charge of handling the case had gathered in the courtroom of the forensics officer, Kublai Kublai.

As the head judge and the top official in charge of these matters in Mongolia, Kublai Lie naturally sat at the head of the court. Then, on the left side of the great hall sat the Left Premier Minister Cha He, the Right Prime Minister Zhenhai, and on the right sat the protector of Mongolia, guest elder Xin Xiuxuan of the Mani Sect.

After the preparations were completed, Kublai Lie ordered his men to bring Brother Meng and Ju Dun Han to the hall.

After the two of them were brought here, they saw that the referee in the main hall was actually Kublai. Even if they had thought about it, they did not expect that it was Kublai who would be in charge of this case.

Mongol thought to himself: Is it possible that Kublai had already secretly gone to Torrigo's side, and now he was trying to frame me by helping Torrigo, the first concubine?

Kublai slapped the table and asked, "Brother Meng, please be honest with me. Was the assassin sent by you at the meeting?"

"Kublai, are you stupid? Why did you say that this assassin was sent by me and Brother Meng? You don't understand me, nor do you know your brother Brother Meng, is he the type of person to do such things?" Even he couldn't accept it.

Without waiting for Kublai Lie to speak, Minister Zuo Cha He said, "Dabu, Brother Meng, Kublai Lie is now handling this case as the grand judge of Mongolia. He is not your brother right now. Your identities are now the suspect in the assassination of the grand imperial concubine."

"Cha He, you old thing, you only know how to talk. You said that it's because you're an assassin from Ben Han Sect, but you have proof." Both of them roared.

"Badou, back then you supported Brother Meng against the Grand Concubine and her assassin skills were the techniques of the warriors from the western region that you were in charge of. This fact can be proved by the various martial arts experts sitting around here." Prime Minister Zuo, Cha He said.

Kublai said, "There are a lot of warriors in the West. Prime Minister Zuo can't say that they are from the Gokhan faction just because the assassin technique is from the West. Can't other people bribe the Western warriors to use them for themselves?"

"What the Official said is right. However, this doesn't mean that this assassin was ordered by Brother Meng and Ba Du. Then, please send the assassin to the hall to see what he has to say." Prime Minister Zuo said.

"All right," Kublai replied.

The assassin who tried to assassinate Torrigo was soon on his way.

Normally, when the assassin was about to be shot, he would have already been seriously injured by the Great Master Huo, but seeing that he was able to walk now, the assassin didn't hesitate at all to ask the chief examiner to order him around. His goal was to kill Torrigo so that Meng Ge could become a big sweat in Mongolia.

Hearing the assassin's words, Baru and Mongolia were extremely angry. If the warriors beside them hadn't stopped them, they would have already gone forward to fight this assassin.

Seeing this, Prime Minister Zuo grew even angrier. "I say, my lords, you want to kill me in front of so many people. How dare you?"

The Right Prime Minister Zhenhai had always been at odds with the Prime Minister, so he stood up and said, "What if this assassin was purposefully sent by someone to frame the two kings?"

"Don't worry, I still have a witness." Prime Minister Zuo, Cha He said.

The Right Prime Minister Zhenhai said to the Left Prime Minister, "Then show us your trump card."

Although Kublai was the head of the trial, he did not know about the last witness. Hearing the Left Prime Minister Cha He's words, he said, "So the Prime Minister and the Prime Minister have important witnesses that even I, the head of the trial, do not know. Then, quickly bring them to the main hall."

The Left Prime Minister gave a proud smile and said to Kublai, "Please forgive my apologies, Minister. This is not because I intend to hide this from you, but because this important witness was handed over to me this morning by my first wife. She told me to inform the Minister in the hall of this matter, but since we were busy opening the doors to the hall this morning, I did not have the time to tell you."

"Your evidence really came at the right time." The Right Prime Minister Zhenhai said to the Prime Minister.

Cha He said, "Lord Zhanhai is too polite. The first wife is now the ruler of Mongolia. This matter concerns the old man. As subjects, how can we not be serious?"

As he spoke, Cha He's trusted aide brought him into the hall.

This person was none other than the butler of Prince Torre's manor.

Kubler asked, "Sticky Pillar, I am currently in the midst of a case. What are you doing here? Could it be that something happened in the Mansion of the King?"

Sticky Pillar lowered his head and did not answer Kublai's question. Instead, he turned his head to look at Prime Minister Zuo who was behind him.

Cha He said to Kublai, "Chief Official, you misunderstand. This sticky pillar is not here to report your Wang Mansion's private matters, but to testify."

Hearing what Cha He said, Kublai felt that something was wrong. He felt that the Torrigo trial was a trap.

However, as the head judge of the case, he had to say that it wasn't necessary for the witness to speak. Thus, he could only say, "Sticky, tell me what you know in detail."

He even wiped away his tears and said: "Prince Kublai, I, Sticky Pillar, have been following Old Prince Torre since I was a child. It can be said that he has a huge debt of gratitude towards me, and I shouldn't go and report this to the Emperor."

"This is the official yamen of Mongolia, it's about the laws of the Great Mongolia. No matter who it is, even if our Toray Family did something illegal, you can still report it. In Han Chinese words, this is called 'righteousness extermination'." Kublai said.

Prime Minister Zuo, Cha He said, "Just now, the Chief Judgement really did say something great. No wonder our wise first wife chose you to be the Chief Judgement. She did indeed pick the right one."

"Lord Cha He, are you praising Prince Kublai, or are you making a trap for him to enter?" Zhenhai said.

Then, without waiting for Cha He to speak, he added, "You brat, could it be that you have an objection because King Torre punished you before his death? Do you want to speak nonsense and frame his family? If that's the case, I won't forgive you."

"I say, Lord Zhenhai, this is the court, don't try to scare the witness. He hasn't said anything yet, how do you know that he's trying to harm Prince Meng and the others? Isn't that too arbitrary?" Cha He said.

Kublai said, "Don't argue anymore. Let Sticky Pillar tell you the truth. It can't be fake, it can't be real."