Sea lost by listening to your words, really surprised, said: "sweat, absolutely not."

"I am sweating. I has the final say." Guiyou roared.

Hai lost realized that he was a little out of his way just now. He didn't give due respect to his lover, so he lowered his voice and said, "Khan, even if you want to attack qincha khanate, at least you have to prepare for the first half of the year."

"Half a year, at that time, I don't know what will happen. Don't be perfunctory. Do you have no confidence in your husband?" Guiyou said by Khan.

Hai lost, holding Guiyou's hand, said: "Khan, you are the greatest tree in my heart, supporting our whole wokuotai family. Of course, I believe in your ability."

After thinking about it, he said, "Khan, even if you want to send troops, you should find some helpers."

"Who do you think is the most suitable one?" Asked Guiyou Khan.

"The most suitable person is, of course, Kublai Khan," he said

"But don't forget that Kublai Khan and Batu have always been good friends. How can he help us?" You asked.

"As the head of a country, the most important thing is how to control his ministers for his own use. Think about it, you may have a way to use your sweat."

Yes, his father, Han wokuotai, once said in his diary: "in a perfect person, there are his weaknesses. As long as you grasp his weaknesses, give them what they like and use both kindness and authority, you can control your subordinates well. It's a little bit hard. "

Kublai Khan thought: what is Kublai Khan's weakness?

After thinking for a long time, I still have no clue.

Hai lost, standing on one side, finds out the file about Kublai Khan made by the spies of the shadow army and hands it to Guiyou.

In addition to carrying out the assassination mission, the shadow army also collated the information collected from all over the country, and the important figures set up special files for their masters to consult.

After you flipped through a few pages, you didn't find any useful information.

I'm going to give up.

But think of the situation they are facing, hold back and continue to look down.

I know the last page, that is to say, in recent years, Kublai Khan promoted the Han people's strategy of governing the country in a large area in Xingzhou, redistributed part of the pastures occupied by the Mongols to the Han people for farming, and hired a lot of Han people to be officials in his palace.

After reading it, I had an idea.


Hearing the sound, the attendant outside came in quickly, knelt down on the ground and asked what happened to Guiyou Khan.

Guiyou said: "pass on Ben Khan's will, and let Kublai Khan rush to Helin from Xingzhou immediately. He said Ben Khan had something important to discuss with him. "

after receiving the imperial edict in the palace of Xingzhou, Kublai Khan arrived very strange and thought," the Khan court has not heard of any major incident recently. Besides, he is not a Khan's confidant. What's more, he has nothing to discuss with himself. "

but when Khan gave the imperial edict, he was not able to resist it. However, Liu Bing Zhongyi dealt with the affairs of Xingzhou for himself. With his entourage, he rushed to the Khan court in Helin.

Guiyou Khan did not immediately summon him in the golden account.

But three days later, at sunset, khantin's entourage led him to the spot platform used by Genghis Khan in the past.

Then, in the afterglow of the sun, Kublai Khan saw Guiyou Khan waiting for him.

There is still a table on the ordering table, and the mare's milk has already been poured.

Seeing him coming, he said, "Kublai Khan, do it. I've been waiting for you for a long time.

"Please forgive me for coming late. "Kublai Khan gave a gift to Kuiyou Khan, saying.

"It's all my brothers. Why are you so polite? Sit down." Guiyou said by Khan.

After Kublai Khan sat down, he asked, "I don't know what the order is for Khan to call me back to Helin."

Kublai Khan did not answer Kublai Khan's question, but pointed to this point and said, "Kublai Khan, why did our grandfather Genghis Khan build a vast empire from few people to the end?"

Kublai Khan was not sure why he suddenly asked this question. After thinking about it, he said, "our grandfather has great talents and many brothers and heroes to help him."

"That's right. No matter how great a person is, if he wants to achieve something, he needs the help of a group of good brothers." GUI you sighed.

Kublai Khan thought, "if you say so, is there anything I can do for you?"

So he asked: "Khan, you will return the military power of Kublai Khan to us. Kublai Khan has always been very grateful. If you have anything to do with Khan, please give me your orders."

Kublai Khan's words are the words of Kublai Khan.

He immediately said, "Kublai Khan, what you say must be true."

"That's nature." Kublai replied.Guiyou told Kublai Khan about himself and Badu Khan, and then asked, "Kublai Khan, would you like to join me in fighting against Badu Khan?"

But to his disappointment, Kublai Khan resolutely said: "Khan, I can't send troops."

"Why, didn't you just say you were willing to help us?" You said unhappily.

Kublai Khan said: "one of you is the Great Khan of Mongolia, the other is the army with the strongest fighting power of Mongolia. The two powers fight against each other, and the final consumption is the strength of Mongolia."

"But I'm your big sweat. I don't pay attention to my sweat and refuse to pay tribute. It's a blatant violation of the rules set by our grandfather." Your way.

"Da Han, it's definitely wrong that I can't pay tribute to him. I can go to his Khanate of qincha and take charge of coordination. I believe Badu will still give me face." Kublai said.

Kublai Khan said: "Kublai Khan, do you know that it is against our Mongolian tradition for you to practice Han law and appoint Han people in Xingzhou. Now there are many people in the Khan court to impeach you, but Ben Khan has come down. Do you know why?"

"This is Khan, you are wise!" Kublai replied.

Guiyou Khan said, "no, it's because Ben Khan regarded you as a good brother, just like our grandfather had many good brothers before he died."

"Thank you, Khan. Even if you want to punish me because of Kublai Khan's practice of Hanfa, I can do this soldier. I won't do anything to harm the unity of Mongolia." Kublai said.

Since Bagui and I don't want to help you, you and I will be angry

After that, he flipped the table angrily
