The Minister of Dong and song usually had to wait on emperor LiZong. Now that he has found a way out, he has to enjoy himself.

After discussing the serious matters with Prime Minister Ding Daquan, he naturally relaxed a lot.

Two people are frequently clink a cup, drink to happy place, Ding song calls a few girls who are good at playing and singing to come to cheer up.

On weekdays, in the palace, Dong songchen often accompanied emperor LiZong to watch the dance, but they were all standing on one side, waiting for emperor LiZong in his spare time. Compared with today's, they were sitting on the throne, accompanied by the prime minister.

It was not until the second half of the dinner that the guests and the host enjoyed themselves.

Of course, it's so late that the gate of the palace has already been closed. The drunken Dong songchen can't go back, so Ding song arranges him to live in the jingshe of the hotel's guest room.

Ding Daquan drinks a lot. Although he and Ding Daquan seem to be drunk when they drink, in fact, he is not drunk at all.

The wine pot they drank was called jiuzhuan Yuanyang pot, which had a very delicate mechanism.

The wine pot is divided into two spaces, one side of which contains wine for guests to drink, and the other side can be wine, of course, the Lord can be water.

At the beginning, Ding Daquan drank wine. Later, when he was about to drink, he started the mechanism when he poured wine. What he drank was water. When he poured wine for Dong songchen, he poured wine.

In this way, Ding Daquan was certainly not drunk, and Dong songchen could not afford to drink any more.

Looking at the people in the restaurant helping Dong songchen to sleep, Ding song, who just came up, asked, "Dad, you are really good to Dong Gonggong."

After hearing this, Ding Daquan showed a look of disdain and said, "what a stupid friend."

In Ding song's eyes, his father was born as a scholar and accepted the way of Confucius and Mencius. He had never heard his father say such rude words.

Seeing his son looking at him in surprise, Ding Daquan realized that he had just lost his manners.

Ding Daquan coughed, covered up, and said, "sit down and listen to your father."

After listening to his father's words, Ding song helped his father sit down.

Ding Daquan said: "son, remember, the most unbelievable among the Imperial Palace are those eunuchs."

"Why?" Ding song asked strangely.

Ding Daquan said: "children, you should know that these people have not been completely changed since they were young. They have been in the palace for a long time, and their character has been seriously distorted. They are not normal people at all."

After that, he said: "our Ding family is also a scholarly family. How can he compare with your father and me?"

"But, my child, your normal relationship sounds good?" Ding song asked.

Ding Daquan said: "now my father is fighting with Jia Sidao fiercely. Jia Sidao's sister, Princess Jia, is also one of the emperor's favorite concubines in the palace. If my father wants to compete with Jia Sidao, he must have someone in the palace!"

"So Dad, you supported Yan Guifei and secretly made friends with Dong Gonggong." Ding Songdao.

Ding Daquan said: "yes, if the father wants to be the prime minister, he must rely on all kinds of forces. If he is careless, he may be pulled down. He is really tired."

After that, he sighed.

"Since I'm so tired, I'll send you back to the mansion to have a rest." Ding Songdao.

Ding Daquan pushed his son's hand away and said, "wait a minute, Dad's words haven't finished yet."

"Dad, you said." Ding Songdao.

Ding Daquan said: "Dad is now the prime minister. It's not convenient for you to come forward. There are some things you need to deal with."

After that, he said a little bit in Ding song's ear.

Ding song is listening to the constant nod, heart said: "his father is really not small courage ah."

After explaining this, Ding Daquan left the restaurant ..。

The next day, just after dawn, two sedan chair bearers guarding Dong songchen knocked on the door to wake him up.

After song song song sent him out of the restaurant.

When they came back to the palace, the gate of the palace had been opened.

When the guard saw that the sedan chair was occupied by the chief manager of the Imperial Palace, he would not stop him and let him go immediately.

Dong songchen did not directly return to his room. After getting off the sedan chair, he went to the palace where Yan Guifei lived.

When he came, this Yan Guifei had not got up.

It turns out that emperor LiZong stayed up with Yan Guifei last night, but he got up early and said that he was going to see his newly raised crickets.

The emperor who sleeps with himself is about to get up. Naturally, concubine Yan has to get up, take care of the emperor, wash and dress, and then send emperor LiZong away.

At this time, it was still early, and Princess Yan had not slept well, so she went back to sleep.That knows that she just fell asleep not much for a while, hear the maid next to come to report that it is the eunuch Dong songchen who is in charge of the University.

Yan Guifei was so angry that she scolded: "really, I can't even sleep well this morning. It's really annoying."

But she also knew that Dong songchen was an important figure in the palace. If he came to his palace so early, there must be something important. Otherwise, he would not come.

This angry return angry, but still have to get up, tidy up, Yan Guifei let maid please Dong songchen come in.

Although the concubine Yan is very arrogant in the Imperial Palace, she doesn't dare to be too crazy when she meets Dong songchen.

Seeing him coming in, Yan Guifei stood up.

Dong Song Chen bowed himself and said, "I've seen your concubine."

"Oh, don't be polite, Mr. Dong. Sit down quickly." Yan Guifei is very polite.

Yan Guifei asked, "Mr. Dong, is there anything important for you to come here so early?"

After listening to Yan Guifei's question, Dong songchen looked at the maid standing on one side.

Yan Guifei knew what this meant, so she let the maid around her just go in and out and guard at the door. No one was allowed to come in without her permission.

Well done, she said: "Mr. Dong, you can say it this time."

"Lady, you are so relieved. Can you still sleep at this time?" Dong songchen asked.

Yan Guifei was surprised and asked: "what's the matter? What's the matter?"

"Now that Jia Guifei is pregnant with Longzhong, her brother Jia Sidao is moving around again. Isn't that a big thing?" Dong songchen said.

Yan Guifei said: "it's not a secret. All the doctors in the imperial hospital have come to see it. The people in the harem have already spread it. The empress also took us to the Qingya building."

"Don't you have any idea, lady?" Dong songchen asked.

Yan Guifei said: "this Jia Fei is just pregnant, can keep the fetus, smooth production, it is still unknown."

Then he stopped for a moment and said, "besides, even if Princess Jia can be born smoothly, it doesn't have to be a boy. You know, her last baby is a princess."

"Niang, you are really kind-hearted, but you don't think about it. If Jia Guifei gave birth to a prince, at that time, as the only concubine who has a prince, her status would be higher. To be frank, she might be the future empress dowager." The way of the officials of Dong and Song dynasties.

Yan Guifei a little frustrated way: "what can I do, I have not been pregnant."

"It's strange that you can't conceive the queen and the lady, but this lady Jia can conceive the Dragon seed one after another. Is the ancestral grave of the Jia family smoking Song Daochen's suspicion.

Yan Guifei said: "I said, father-in-law Dong, let's not study the Jia family's ancestors. Let's talk about what to do now."

After that, he asked, "have you sent the letter that I asked you to send to Mr. Ding?"

"Hand it over to Mr. Ding Xiang, and you can rest assured." Dong answered.

Yan Guifei asked, "what did Ding Daquan say?"

"After reading your letter, Mr. Ding Xiang said," please rest assured that he will do as you say. " Dong answered.

Yan Guifei said: "hum, this Ding Daquan has been in the officialdom for a long time, and he is very tactful. Even if he agrees to come down, if it's wrong, I'm afraid it's still unreliable."

"It's not true. Now Ding Daquan and we can say that he is in the same boat. If he plays tricks, he won't get any benefits. Will he fall into the arms of Jia Guifei?" Dong songchen said.

Yan Guifei asked, "isn't it possible for her own glory and wealth?"

"From the point of view of the old slave, there is absolutely no such possibility. You know, Ding Daquan and Jia Sidao are equal now. They are both prime ministers of the current Dynasty. Even if he takes refuge in Jia Sidao, Jia Sidao can't accommodate him. After all, one mountain can't accommodate two tigers." Dong songchen said.

Yan Guifei said, "according to your father-in-law Dong's opinion, what will be the end of these two people?"

"It's hard for one mountain to accommodate two tigers. In my opinion, it's impossible for them to get together because they are either dead or broken." Dong songchen said.

Yan Guifei confidently said: "according to what you said, what else should we worry about? He Ding Daquan doesn't cooperate with Jia Sidao, so he can only choose to cooperate with us."

"Lady, you are too optimistic. You know, there are many roads in the world. With the first one, there will be a second one or even a third one. Except for you and me, there will not be a third one." Dong songchen said.

Yan Guifei said: "Mr. Dong, you think too much. He has so many roads to choose."

Dong songchen knew that at this time, there was no point in arguing any more. He said, "well, let's talk about what we are going to do.""The most important thing now is to let the queen and Princess Jia know that your attitude towards them has changed." Dong Songcheng continued.

Yan Guifei complacently said: "I've done this for a long time. Now the relationship between them and my concubine has been greatly improved. Last night, the emperor came to my concubine and praised me for being more general than before!"

"That's good. It seems that the first step of our plan has been successful, and the next thing is easy to do." Dong songchen said.

Yan Guifei said: "these are the plans. Even if they are successful, it doesn't mean much to me. "

after hearing this, Dong songchen was a little upset and said," what do you mean, Yan Guifei? I, Dong songchen, am doing it for your own good. You still say that. It's not good or bad. "

" what I mean is that the key is that my belly doesn't move. As long as I'm pregnant with dragon seed, I'm afraid of Princess Jia. " Yan Guifei said.

Dong songchen said: "lady, you've got the point, but the key is that for so many years, your stomach hasn't moved at all."

"Do you want to see if there is something wrong with the emperor?" Yan Guifei asked.

Dong songchen said, "it should not be possible. If the emperor has a problem, where does the child of Jia Fei come from?"

"Ah, the queen is not pregnant either. Do you think Princess Jia has joined Jia Sidao to play tricks in the harem, and calculated that we can't be pregnant with her and the queen of the middle palace?" Yan Guifei said.

Dong songchen replied: "it's still possible to plot against you, but the relationship between Jia Guifei and the queen has always been good. After all, if they plot against you for so many years, it's impossible that none of the flaws have been revealed. After all, Lao Nu is the eunuch in charge of the imperial palace. It's possible to hide things from Lao Nu once, but it's possible to hide things for a long time It's almost impossible to live in an old slave. "

"Since there is no conspiracy, I still want to go to see the doctor. Maybe they have some secret recipe that can cure our disease!" Jia Guifei said.

Dong songchen said: "that is, we still have to work in two ways. It's meaningless to do well in one aspect."

"That's right. It's just that the imperial doctor has prescribed a lot of prescriptions, but it hasn't worked. I wonder if I can ask the doctor outside the palace to have a look. Maybe it will work." Yan Guifei.

Dong songchen said: "I understand what you mean. You can't get out of the palace on weekdays. I'll let the old slave do it for you. As long as you have good news, I'll inform you in time."

So enthusiastic for their own affairs, Yan Guifei naturally very happy, took out in the Dong songchen has not come in, she had prepared a piece of jade, said: "Dong Gonggong, I have nothing good here, I give you this."

After that, he handed it to Dong songchen, the eunuch in charge of the imperial palace.

It's worth a thousand gold at least.

After Dong songchen took over, he quickly said, "the old slave is not respectful. Thank you for your generous gift."