After a long journey, Yang Miaozhen finally arrived in Bianliang, Tokyo at noon.

Bianting banner became a Mongolian flag, which surprised her not because of Daliang banner.

After arriving near Bianliang, Tokyo, tachar took out 5000 soldiers from his own army. At night, under the banner of the song army, he lied that he had come back from Luoyang to carry grain and grass.

At night, the guards in Luoyang, Tokyo, could not see the faces of the people below.

When they saw that the army below was carrying the banner of the Song Dynasty, they thought that the people below were really carrying grain and grass from Luoyang, the western capital.

So he ordered the soldiers to open the gate to meet them.

Mongolian soldiers disguised as song army entered the gate and immediately killed the song army guarding the gate.

Five thousand Mongol troops poured into Bianliang city of Tokyo.

After that, the troops led by general tazar got the signal of success, so he led the troops into Bianliang, Tokyo.

It is unimaginable that Bianliang's troops were several times as big as those of the Mongols who left in Tokyo.

In addition to those who were killed, all of the ten thousand song army were captured. The grain and grass that had just been transported to Bianliang in Tokyo also became the spoils of the Mongolian army.

In this way, Bianliang in Tokyo was controlled by the Mongolian army.

It's just that Lin'an in the South and Luoyang in Xijing don't know the news.

Fortunately, Yang Miaozhen was dressed as a Mongolian soldier. He entered the Bianliang city controlled by the Mongols.

After some inquiry, she learned what happened in Bianliang, Tokyo recently.

The female Xia Yang Miaozhen said: "there is no food left behind in Bianliang, Tokyo. If you want to send troops to transport food from the south, it's far water that can't save the near thirst. This time, the garrison in Luoyang, the west capital, is really finished."

If a weak willed person sees such a situation, she will either turn to the enemy or abandon her comrades in arms. However, Yang Miao is a rare woman in the world. Although she has no strength to recover, she will not survive alone.

Yang Miaozhen, a female Xia, had enough to eat in the city, got another horse and went back to Luoyang, the western capital.

After she escaped from the barracks last time, Hao Jing, the envoy to the south, ordered his subordinates to strengthen the defense of the barracks.

The female Xia Yang Miaozhen saw this situation and complained to herself.

He knew that he couldn't get in during the day. He had to wait until the evening to try his luck.

The female Xia Yang Miaozhen went to a secret place nearby and went to sleep.

In this way, he didn't wake up until the middle of the night and came back to the Mongolian military camp.

Yang Miaozhen, the heroine, hid in the dark and saw countless torches lighting around Luoyang City.

It's like a circle of fire around Luoyang City.

In the barracks, there are three steps, one post and five steps, one sentry. The defense is very tight.

It must be impossible to intrude, but it is impossible to cross the barracks pretending to be Mongolian soldiers.

The heroine Yang Miaozhen is in a hurry.

Just when she was worried, someone patted him on the shoulder in the second half.

Yang Miaozhen said, "who is that?"

She's changing shape. She's about to stab her gun.

"Sister Miaozhen, it's me." A woman's voice said to her.

There is another person beside this person.

Yang Miaozhen, the heroine, has a close look. It turns out that they are Xin Ran, the young leader of Huangshan school, and Hong Yin, the wise master.

"How could it be the two of you?" She asked unexpectedly.

The wise master Hong Yin replied with a smile, "our sisters are interlinked."

Xin Ran, the young leader of the Huangshan school, and Hong Yin, the wise leader, helped the Minister of punishment, Lord Wen Tianxiang, escort Jin Yuanbao to the Song Dynasty to meet the army. After the arrival of the army, they bid farewell to the Minister of punishment, Lord Wen Tianxiang, and went to the Tiandu peak of Huangshan.

After so many years of separation, his son Xin Ran suddenly came back, but the old leader of Huangshan sect was very happy.

Although Hong Yin, a wise man, is often unruly and unreasonable in front of Xin Youxuan, he shows filial piety when he meets his future father-in-law.

Naturally, Xin Ran, the old leader of Huangshan school, is very satisfied with his future daughter-in-law Ji.

Since the return of Xin Youxuan and the wise master Hong Yin, the peak of Tianshu in Huangshan is full of laughter every day.

In the afternoon of this day, Xin Youxuan was discussing with his father Xin ran about the experience of using nature's miraculous skills. The disciples at the foot of the mountain reported that it was Xue Ren, the leader of the beggars' sect, who came to visit.

Xue Ren, the leader of the beggars' sect, is a good friend Xin Ran knew not long after he started his career.

It's said that he's here. In addition, when Xin Youxuan and the wise master Hong Yin were in Lin'an, they had been helped by leader Xue Ren. The old leader Xin Ran took them down the mountain to meet the leader Xue Ren of the beggars' sect.After offering tea to the headmaster of the beggars' sect, Xin Ran asked him what happened.

The enemy is the backbone of the northern beggars' sect.

The beggars' sect has been paying close attention to the garrison movement of the Song Dynasty and the Mongolian Khanate in the north since the Song Dynasty discussed the issue of the army's march to Luoyang in the western capital.

Xue Ren, the leader of the beggars' sect, has repeatedly commanded the heroes of the Wulin in the Central Plains to fight back the invasion of foreign enemies.

After learning the intention of the Song Dynasty, he was very happy that the Song Dynasty had the idea of recovering the Central Plains. But while he was happy, he was a little worried.

Xue Ren, the leader of the beggars' sect, is worried that the army of the Song Dynasty will fall into crisis because of belittling the enemy.

Thinking that Xin Youxuan and wisdom Zun Hongyin had been to the Mongolian khanate, he went to Huangshan to ask Xin Youxuan and wisdom Zun Hongyin to help the song army.

After listening to the advice of Xue Ren, the leader of the beggars' sect, although the old leader of Xin Ran was reluctant to leave his son Xin Youxuan and the wise master Hong Yin, considering that it was important to recover the western capital Luoyang, he asked Xin Youxuan and the wise master Hong Yin to go down the mountain the next morning to help the army of the Song Dynasty recover the western capital Luoyang.

When Xin Youxuan and the wise Hongyin arrived in the north, they heard that the army of the Song Dynasty was surrounded in Luoyang, the western capital.

In the past few days when the female Xia Yang Miaozhen returns from Bianliang, Tokyo, Hong Yin and Xin Youxuan have been looking around the Mongolian military camp, hoping to find a way to rescue Luoyang in the western capital.

This evening, they wandered around here again, just in time to meet the heroine Yang Miaozhen who just came back.

After listening to them, Yang Miaozhen knew the cause and effect of the incident.

Female Xia Yang Miaozhen said to the two humanitarians, "I'm worried that I can't enter Luoyang City in Xijing. It's like rain when I meet you."

"Sister Miaozhen, don't take us too seriously." Wisdom reveres the red hidden way.

Xin Youxuan then said, "to tell you the truth, sister Miaozhen, we've been here for more than one day, and now we haven't found a way to rescue the army of Inner Mongolia."

"We're slowly discussing how to make the army of Luoyang in Xijing stand out from the encirclement. At present, we still want to find a way to enter Luoyang in Xijing first." Female Xia Yang Miaozhen.

Xin Youxuan said: "sister Miaozhen, if you want to enter the barracks of passing through the Mongolian army and enter Luoyang, it's not difficult."

"That would be wonderful." The female Xia Yang Miaozhen listened to his words and said happily.

She added: "the marshal in the city is waiting for my sister's news. We must go to the city as soon as possible."

"When I was in Xingzhou, I got a gold medal presented by Kublai Khan, the fourth Prince of guhanting. I said that holding this gold medal was like the fourth Prince of Kublai Khan coming in person." Xin Youxuan takes out a gold medal from his treasure bag and tells the heroine Yang Miaozhen.

When Yang Miaozhen heard about it, she said, "show me your sister."

Listen to her say so, Xin Youxuan see out of the gold medal handed to the nvxia Yang Miaozhen's hand.

Female Xia Yang Miaozhen looked carefully and said, "this gold medal is true."

"Elder sister, what you are wearing is the clothes of Mongolian soldiers. It happens that my sister Hongyin and I also have two sets of Mongolian clothes, so we should dress up as the envoys sent here by the fourth King Kublai Khan." Xin Youxuan said.

After listening, Yang Miaozhen nodded and said, "that's a good idea. It should be feasible."

Seeing that she agreed with her own idea, Xin Youxuan and the wise venerable Hong Yin also changed into Mongolian clothes.

The three of them, Xin Youxuan with the gold medal in front, the wisdom of the venerable red Yin and female Xia Yang Miaozhen dressed as an entourage, followed.

At this time, a chieftain was in charge of guarding the gate.

When he saw someone coming, he immediately ordered the guards to come forward to check.

"Bold, dare to stop my Lord." Xin Youxuan drinks a way intentionally.

Then he raised his hand and slapped the guard two loud ears.

"How dare you hit me?" Asked the guard, covering his face.

Xin Youxuan scolded: "hit is you this not long eye dog slave!"

"Why do you want to fight commander Ben?" Seeing this, the chieftain came over.

He did not wait for Xin Youxuan to answer, and asked: "who are you in the end?"

"Just look at this." Xin Youxuan gave the gold medal to the chieftain, cold way.

After he took the gold medal, his face suddenly changed.

Kublai Khan's position is among the four leaders of the Mongolian army.

The chieftain quickly handed the gold medal to Xin Youxuan respectfully, and said, "your honor, please take back the gold medal."

"Excuse me, sir, are you here to see Mr. Hao, our envoy to the south?" He asked again.

Xin Youxuan is very arrogant reply: "yes.""Mr. Hao, you should go to bed and stay in the big account." The chieftain said to him in a very flattering tone.

The chieftain Xin Youxuan said, "no, my Lord and you are acquaintances. We can go by ourselves. You can guard the gate of the camp well here. Don't let the spies in."

"Just by the way, let's see if your barracks are rigorous." He added.

The chieftain didn't disobey Xin Youxuan's words, so he pointed out the way for Xin Youxuan to go to the South envoy Hao Jing's account, and returned to his post.

While walking, the wise master Hong Yin said to Xin Youxuan, "brother Youxuan, since we know where Hao Jing's residence is, why don't we just kill him? In this way, the Mongolian army will be in chaos. Maybe their Mongolian army will withdraw."

"You can't do that, sister Hongyin." Xin Youxuan said to the wise.

The wise master Hong Yin asked Xin Youxuan, "why, brother Youxuan?"

"Mr. Hao is very talented. When we were in Xingzhou, we had a little friendship. As friends, we can't assassinate him. We have to deal with Hao Jing and deal with him fairly before the two armies. In that case, it's the work of the heroes in the Jianghu." Xin Youxuan said.

At this time, Zun Nan was very dissatisfied with us when he said, "if we are not satisfied with this, we can kill a lot of people."

"Sister Hongyin, don't talk about it. Xin Youxuan won't do such a thing,. Xin Youxuan said.

Yang Miaozhen, the female Xia, heard that the two men were quarreling about this, and said, "don't quarrel, you two. We'd better go back to Luoyang in Xijing according to the original plan. When we get to the military camp, if we want to kill the envoy, we'll have a chance."

After walking in the direction indicated by the commander, the three of them took a turn and walked towards the gate of Luoyang.

Go to the gate of the camp opposite the gate of Luoyang City, Xin Youxuan takes out the gold medal again, saying that he wants to see the city defense of Luoyang.

The guards of the gate here dare not stop them when they see the gold medal.

The three of them went out of the Mongolian camp.

Finally, when they arrived at the gate of Luoyang, they were relieved

"Young Master Xin, it's really thanks to you. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'm still wandering around outside the Mongolian military camp!" Female Xia Yang Miaozhen.

Xin Youxuan said, "sister Miaozhen, you are welcome. We are all our own people."

There are soldiers standing outside the gate of Luoyang. Yang Miaozhen, armed with a long gun, comes to them and explains his identity.

Commander Zhao Kui had already told the soldiers who were guarding the city that as long as Yang Miaozhen came back, he would take her to see him no matter when.

All the soldiers guarding the city at the four gates of Luoyang in the western capital received this order. Naturally, the soldiers at the gate where Yang Miaozhen lived were no exception.

After listening to Yang Miaozhen's statement of his identity, the soldiers did not dare to neglect him, so they immediately took the three men to see commander Zhao Kui.

Like Hao Jing, an envoy to the south of the Mongol camp, at this time, in Luoyang, the western capital, marshal Zhao Kui was also resting.

However, after hearing that it was Yang Miaozhen who came back, marshal Zhao Kui got up immediately and met them in the living room.