Although the Qiqi girl was proud, she began to be moved by Emperor LiZong and the son of the Song Dynasty.

After all, women in this world want to have a good home.

"Last time I said goodbye, I forgot to ask your name, but I still don't know your name?" Although Ziqi girl already knew the real identity of emperor LiZong, she pretended not to know and asked deliberately.

Emperor LiZong of course did not know that his identity had been exposed. When he heard that Ziqi asked his surname, he hesitated to tell her.

"Sir, if it's not convenient for you, I'm just asking." Ziqi road.

Emperor LiZong said, "there's nothing you can't say."

"My name is Zhao. I'll tell you my name later." He added.

After listening to Ziqi, she asked, "this Zhao surname is the national surname of our song dynasty. Are you a member of the royal family?"

"I can't forget the girl who played the piano for a long time." Emperor LiZong did not answer Ziqi's question, but asked her.

Ziqi replied: "you like it, I'm glad to."

With that, he got up, adjusted the strings and began to play.

This time, Ziqi plays you as "Q & A of fisherman and woodcutter".

This song is a famous one among Guqin. Just listen to this Qiqi playing and singing:

by and by, hard work, the world is full of dust.

Who is jiejie, who is arrogant, who is Tongqing.

If the compatriots, it is woodcutter and fishing, fishing and woodcutter, into the fairyland, jump over the Tao.

Fishing: by the boat cliff, straighten the silk hook, live in the Castle Peak, and by the stream head, drive a boat to the river and lake for fun, and you are also a prince.

Woodcutter: Wu Gang axe in hand, white Mao tapestry around waist. I like it most when I am under Baiyun Panasonic.

Compared with the fisherman's words, there is no concern about fame and fortune.

This song is very long. It mainly uses the way of a fisherman and a woodcutter chatting to express the pursuit of those people living in seclusion in the mountains and forests.

What Ziqi plays is the first and second paragraphs. The melody is natural and elegant. It expresses the life of the fisherman and the woodcutter in the mountains with music. It's really vivid and makes people feel like they are on the scene.

After playing, the emperor was still intoxicated.

Until Ziqi girl said to him: "uncle, I have finished playing."

"Well, that's good." Emperor LiZong came back and clapped his hands.

He asked, "this piece is divided into twelve parts. Tonight, the girl just played the first two parts. I don't know when she can play the next ten parts?"

"As long as you don't dislike my concubine's bad performance, I will play the next ten paragraphs one by one to you." Ziqi girl replied.

After hearing this, Emperor LiZong was so happy that he said, "I've got my ears."

He added: "girl, please sit down and let's have a drink."

With that, he poured two glasses of wine in person, handed one of them to Ziqi girl, picked up his own one, touched Ziqi's glass, and said: "cheers!"

Emperor LiZong drank all the wine he served.

See him all first dry, this Zi Qi girl said a thanks, will also from of this cup of wine drink.

"The girl is a good drinker." See Ziqi will drink wine in the cup, LiZong emperor way.

Ziqi said: "Sir, you flatter me. I'm not good at drinking because I have a limited amount of alcohol. Just this cup, I feel a little drunk."

"It's a long night and there's nothing to do. It's nothing to drink." Li Zong emperor road.

He added: "as for the girl, it's impossible for you to say a glass of wine."

"Look, you should be a master in wine. I can compare with you." The modest way of Ziqi girl.

Emperor LiZong changed the topic and said, "I heard your tune just now. I really want to abandon everything in the world of mortals."

"It's easier said than done, sir. Are you willing to give up your wealth?" Zi Qi asked.

Emperor LiZong said, "it's not my wish to be prosperous."

"For those who don't have it, they are striving for glory and wealth, but for me, this kind of life has long been boring." He added.

After listening to Ziqi, she sighed: "this world is really ridiculous. I don't have it. I want to have it by all means, but I don't care about it."

Although she is in the dust, she is a woman with an idea. Thinking of the loss of her family and country in the north, Ziqi said: "with your talent, it's a pity if you retire. Now the North has not recovered. I can show your talent to unify the Song Dynasty."

"Girl, do you know what the common people of the Song Dynasty longed for most?" Emperor LiZong asked after listening to Ziqi.Ziqi girl replied: "I am the common people of the Song Dynasty. I feel the same way as the common people think. Of course I know."

"Tell me about it." Emperor LiZong said to her.

Ziqi said: "what the people want most is peace in the world, clothing and food."

"That's right. If the imperial court wants to recover the northern homeland, it will have to recruit soldiers to fight. If so, the people will be killed and wounded, and they will have to pay for food and money. Then they will have a peaceful life?" Emperor LiZong asked.

This words, return this is to ask Zi Qi girl to live.

She felt that what emperor LiZong said was quite reasonable.

Because of the war, her wife and children were separated and her home was destroyed. Ziqi had her own experience.

Seeing that Ziqi listened to her own words and stopped talking, he said, "I don't think the emperor of the Song Dynasty is partial to Jiangnan. It's a good thing for a king to bring all the land under his rule, but it's not necessarily a good thing for ordinary hundred surnames."

"From Qin Emperor Hanwu to Tang Zong songzu, in order to unify the world and expand the territory, I don't know how many Liming people have been sacrificed. You've heard of Xiangbi girl." He added.

Originally, Ziqi was trying to persuade emperor LiZong to cheer up, but this emperor LiZong told me that after listening to Ziqi, it was hard to refute.

After thinking about it, he asked emperor LiZong: "this north is the foundation of our emperor Taizu of Song Dynasty, so give up?"

"Of course not." The emperor replied.

After hearing this, Ziqi asked, "but just now I heard you say that in order to take care of the lives of the people, we should not send any more wars."

"Think about how powerful the kingdom of Jin was at the beginning, but now, our song dynasty is still the same, but the kingdom of Jin has long been destroyed. Although Mongolia in the north is now strong, they only know how to ride horses and shoot arrows, and they don't know how to settle the country. Sooner or later, it will decline like the kingdom of Jin. At that time, Our Song Dynasty will take back the old mountains and rivers, that is, Yi It's like the reverse. " Li Zong emperor road.

After listening to Emperor LiZong's words, Miss Ziqi said, "uncle, if we follow the routine you said, we'll have to wait until the monkey year to recover our homeland."

"It may take a long time, but it is the safest way." Li Zong emperor road.

Talking with emperor LiZong, Miss Ziqi was a little disappointed.

The ideal man in his mind, stepping on the colorful clouds, came to meet his heroes.

But emperor LiZong made her feel old.

Ziqi thought: "the son of the Song Dynasty, the man who dominates the world, how can he be like this."

At this time, the fierce struggle in her heart .。

She had a few more drinks with emperor LiZong, and Ziqi's obstinacy came up. She said to herself, "it's not easy to meet the man who has the highest power in the Song Dynasty. I can't give up. Although he can't satisfy me now, as long as I work hard, I will be able to change him in my future life."

At this time, Emperor LiZong also felt very strange. For so many years, even when he was with empress Xie Daoqing, he didn't say these thoughts to her.

Emperor LiZong said: "what's wrong with today's play? How can I tell Ziqi that I have known her for a short time?"

Both of them had something on their mind, and the room was quiet for a moment.

After a while, or this Zi Qi first opened his mouth, said: "uncle, do you still want to drink?"

"Today, we've already had a lot to drink. Just two more drinks." The emperor replied.

Ziqi picked up the wine pot, poured two glasses, and said: "uncle, please"

"more girls." Emperor LiZong took a glass of wine.

Before he had drunk, he felt hot and dry.

Emperor LiZong didn't care. He thought the temperature of the room was a little high.

He drank the wine from the glass.

At this time, there was an impulse in his heart.

Look at Ziqi girl again. After drinking, her face is even more red.

"Sir, I'm dizzy." Ziqi said.

Emperor LiZong said, "I'll help the girl to have a rest."

As soon as he got up, he realized that his body had no strength.

Emperor LiZong staggered to Ziqi girl's side, helped her up and walked to the bed.

As soon as they got to the bed, they fell on the bed together.

Emperor Zong really has no strength when he wants to.

He pressed on Ziqi and felt soft everywhere. The emperor LiZong was really at a loss.

At this time, I feel dry mouth.In this situation, although emperor LiZong had seen countless beauties, he could not control them. He hugged Ziqi tightly and kissed her warmly.

Ziqi girl wants to struggle, but she has no strength.

She had to close her eyes and accept.

In the past half a month, the Minister of punishment, Lord Wen Tianxiang, was not in good health and did not go to the court. He had been resting in his residence. He did not know what happened to the court.

Zhang Shijie, the head of the Ministry of war, knows that what happened recently in the DPRK can not be dealt with by his current position in the DPRK.

So he went to the residence of Wen Tianxiang, Minister of the Ministry of punishment, in a sedan chair.

When Zhang Shijie, the head of the military department, came to Wen Tianxiang, the Minister of the Ministry of punishment, he felt much better.

Mr. Zhang Tianxiang asked, "how do you come here to fix the punishment?"

Zhang Shijie, the head of the Ministry of war, told the Minister of the Ministry of punishment, Mr. Wen Tianxiang, about what happened to him.

"How could such things happen?" After hearing this, Mr. Wen Tianxiang, Minister of the Ministry of punishment, asked.

Zhang Shijie, the head of the Ministry of punishment, replied: "at that time, all the officials in the upper court saw it."

"Although I'm not present, I can conclude that it's not Jia Sidao's fault. It has something to do with the eunuch Dong songchen, the general manager of the University." Wen Tianxiang, Minister of the Ministry of punishment.

The eunuch of discovery Song Si Chen asks a way: "do you have what unusual action recently?"

"Xiaguan is just the head of the Ministry of war. One of them is the prime minister and the other is the general manager of the imperial palace. Xiaguan is ashamed and doesn't know much about their daily whereabouts." Zhang Shijie replied.

Wen Tianxiang, Minister of the Ministry of punishment, said: "no wonder you."

"If we want to find out why the emperor sleeps, we have to arrange for people to understand what Jia Sidao and Dong songchen are doing recently." He added.

Zhang Shijie, head of the Ministry of war, asked, "who should do this?"

"My lord thought of a man." Wen Tianxiang, Minister of the Ministry of punishment.

Zhang Shijie, head of the Ministry of war, asked, "who is it?"

"Zheng Huchen, commander of the imperial army." The Minister of punishment, Lord Wen Tianxiang, replied.

Zhang Shijie, the head of the Ministry of war, said: "this man is also known as a subordinate, but he was chosen when."

"Just don't know if he's willing to help us?" He asked again.

Wen Tianxiang, Minister of the Ministry of punishment, said: "you can rest assured, Mr. Zhang. Our friendship with Zheng Huchen is quite good. When Xiaguan just arrived in Lin'an, he had no residence. He lived in Zheng Huchen's home. As long as he spoke, he would be willing to help him."

"Since you have such friendship with Zheng Huchen, the commander of the Imperial Army, there should be no problem." Zhang Shijie, head of the Ministry of war.

He added: "Sir, if you are ill now, you should go to the commander of the Imperial Army, Zheng Huchen, and ask him for help."

"There's nothing wrong with my body. I'd better go to Zheng Huchen, commander of the Imperial Army in person." Wen Tianxiang, Minister of the Ministry of punishment.

Zhang Shijie, the head of the Ministry of war, said, "if you allow me to go in person, it would be good."

"I'll go with Mr. Wen." He added.

Lord Wen Tianxiang, Minister of the Ministry of punishment, waved his hand and said, "no, go and do your own business. I'll just take a sedan chair later."

It's hard to talk about some things when there are too many people. Zhang Shijie, the head of the Ministry of war, didn't insist on it when he heard what the Minister of punishment, Mr. Wen Tianxiang, said.