A stream of water from Heilongtan flows out from the foot of Xiangshan Mountain, from the northwest corner of Sanlu ancient city to Yulong bridge.

After arriving here, the current is divided into three parts, forming three rivers: the West River, the middle river and the East River.

At this time, two people in plain clothes were holding a map drawn on silk, looking at it and pointing at the surrounding terrain.

They are the four princes Kublai Khan and Mr. Yao Shu.

They are talking while watching.

Kublai Khan, the fourth prince, said with a smile: "last time in the Blue Moon Valley, our camp was attacked by fire. This time, we will go against it. "

" what do you mean, fourth prince? " Yao Shudao.

Kublai Khan, the fourth king, said, "if they use fire, then the king will use water."

The most important thing for a general is to be able to observe astronomy and geography.

Before I came here, I heard the former general say that after the three rivers, the West River, the East River and the middle river, flow into the ancient city of Lijiang, they can flow through all parts of the ancient city with the help of rivers.

With his own experience, Kublai Khan, the fourth prince, knows that there will be rainstorms in recent days.

He imagined that there would be an earth dam to the northwest of Sanchong.

Store the water flowing down.

When a large amount of water accumulates and overflows the dam, the dam will collapse, and a large amount of water will rush in, which will surely destroy and submerge most of the periphery of the city.

After hearing this, Yao Shu gave a thumbs up and praised the fourth Prince Kublai Khan for his brilliant idea.

But the earth dam should not be too far or too close to the city.

If it's too far away, the power of the accumulated water to the city is not so strong. If it's too close, when building this earth dam, it will be harassed by Dali soldiers in Sanlu city.

After some exploration, the place where the earth dam was built was determined, so I left here and went back to the barracks.

It should not be too late. After returning to the barracks, Kublai Khan, the fourth prince, immediately called all the generals to hold a military meeting.

Let general Boyan lead 20000 troops to attack from the southeast of sanjuan city to attract the attention of the defenders in the city; Yao Shu lead 30000 troops to build a large number of tents near the earth dam address determined by their investigation.

After the tent is built, the earth dam will be built as quickly as possible.

And when they had received the commandment, they acted separately.

The Mongolian officers and men worked very fast, and the earth dam was formed soon.

When he saw the leader of the fourth branch of the Mongolian army, he didn't know what it was.

However, in the southeast, the troops led by general Boyan attacked the city day and night. In addition, he also worried that it was Kublai Khan's plan to lead the snake out of the cave. In the end, the two leaders a Liang did not arrange anyone to go out.

Several days later, Yao Shu led 30000 people to build the earth dam.

Kublai Khan, the fourth prince, came to inspect himself.

After seeing it, he said he was quite satisfied.

But the rainstorm he predicted never came down.

Kublai Khan and Yao Shu are worried about this.

After all, the key to the success of this project is to bring down a rainstorm.

At this time, the sun is shining high.

Kublai Khan, the fourth prince, said in his heart, "are you wrong in your judgment?"

It's really a vexing problem .。

The weather is always changeable.

Just when they were worried, when it was almost dark, the sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

Soon, as the fourth Prince Kublai said, there was a rainstorm.

By the morning of the next day, the water in the dam had almost accumulated.

The rainstorm still doesn't mean to stop.

When the fourth Prince knew it, he asked the soldiers to evacuate from the earth dam and prepare their bags.

After more than an hour, the water in the earth dam overflowed the earth dam.

The earth dam is built with a large amount of soil mixed with a small amount of stone. As soon as the water washes, the earth dam collapses in a short time.

A lot of water, the power is amazing.

Most of the man-made areas in the northwest of Sanfu city were washed down.

Kublai Khan, the fourth prince, ordered the soldiers to ride on the leather bags and rush to the Sanlu.

When they entered the city, they saw that there was already a vast ocean among the three cities, and they became the kingdom of Ze.

The army and the people of Sanchong are struggling in the water.

Kublai Khan, the fourth prince, led the Mongolian soldiers with weapons in hand. It was very easy to deal with the soldiers of the tribes in the water.

They were either captured alive or killed in the water.

After the flood disappeared, the whole city of Sanlu was occupied by Kublai Khan's army.

In this long campaign, less than 100 Mongolian soldiers were killed.It's a shadow brought about by the defeat of the previous battles, because this victory is a sweeping two.

The soldiers regained their confidence in continuing to attack Mongolia.

Sanfu city is a larger city occupied by Mongolians since they invaded Dali.

During the Long March, all the troops were in the field, setting up tents. This time, when they occupied sanjuan City, the fourth King Kublai Khan decided to rest for a period of time and make sufficient preparations for attacking the capital of Dali.

Although Sanfu city was occupied, there was a Shanju tribe near Sanfu city. In the past, it had been allied with some tribes.

The mother of the second leader, a Liang, is the princess of the Shanju clan.

We can see how close the relationship between the two groups is.

Now that some tribes have been settled, it can only be said that most of the things in Sanhu have been settled. If we want to completely settle here, we need to deal with this Shanju tribe.

The fourth Prince Kublai Khan's plan is that the main force of the army will rest here, and at the same time send a small number of elite to clean up the Shanju.

"Mo Jiang is willing to lead 5000 people to Shanju. "After listening to his plan, general Boyan said.

General Boyan was the right person in Kublai Khan's heart.

But this time, in order to cover his own action, general Boyan kept attacking the city. He was very hard, and the fourth Prince Kublai Khan was a little impatient.

Now general Boyan volunteered, and the fourth Prince Kublai Khan was overjoyed.

He picked up the command arrow and handed it to general Boyan.

"Wait a minute!" Yao Shu stopped.

Kublai Khan, the fourth prince, listened to him, took back the arrow he was about to hand out, put it on the table and asked, "Mr. Yao, do you have any different opinions? "

" yes. " Yao Shu replied.

In his opinion, Shanju tribe is different from other tribes.

The remaining main force of these tribes is in sanjuan City, with a fixed goal. However, the place where Shanju tribe lives is not a city, but a deep mountain, just like the former general's tribe.

And their tribal base will change from time to time.

In terms of combat effectiveness, although Mongolian soldiers have strong combat effectiveness, their whereabouts are uncertain. If they don't fight with you and hide in the mountains, it's not easy to do.

Although the eagle is powerful, the chicken is hidden in the woods and it can't catch it.

This is really a problem.

Kublai Khan and general Boyan did not think of this problem just now.

"Besides that, there's another problem." "What's the problem?" he asked

"Up to now, the second leader, ah Liang, has not been seen." Yao Shudao.

He added: "although the territory of these tribes has been occupied by us, there must be some people who are not satisfied. If these people are entangled with the leader of a Liang Er, plus the Shanju tribe, it will be quite troublesome to deal with them. "

this analysis is really reasonable.

At present, the three cities have been occupied and won, but there are deep-seated crises hidden under the victory.

The fourth Prince has always trusted Mr. Yao Shu very much. After hearing this, he can do anything.

After a little meditation, he thought it was better to appease.

However, the Mongolian generals who are doing this are not happy. They think of the last time they appeased the big leader azong and the second leader Aliang.

As a result, they pretended to surrender, which made the Mongolian army suffer a great loss.

The bloody lesson happened not long ago. No wonder they think so.

Only one Mongolian general did not object.

This man is general Boyan.

In Xingzhou, the residence of the fourth prince, general Boyan, Mr. Yao Shu and Liu Bingzhong have a good friendship.

General Boyan often asked the two men about their doubts. He knew that it was not as simple as fighting to pacify a place.

It's totally in the public interest to think so, but the other generals attacked general Boyan. They said that he had just volunteered, and now he praises Yao Shu's ideas. They must be afraid.

General Boyan was a little angry. He held the handle of the waist knife in his right hand and said, "since I followed the fourth prince, I don't know what fear is."

"If any of you don't agree, you'd better stand up and compete with our general." He added.

When the fourth prince saw that his generals were making a lot of noise,

he patted the handsome case and said, "shut up and don't attack each other."

"Mr. Yao has a point in what he said." He added.

Kublai Khan, the fourth prince, felt that they were just resting here for a period of time. If, as Mr. Yao Shu said just now, they could not be eliminated in a short time, and they would be removed again, the Shanju tribe and the second leader a Liang would pose a threat to their rear area.

In particular, they are all local people. They are very familiar with the topography here. Once they have copied their grain road, it will be dangerous.Yao Shu suggested that he take the father and son of the former general to the general to appease them. As for the two leaders, a Liang, if he was in Shanju tribe at this time, he also hoped that Kublai Khan, the fourth prince, would forgive him for his past sins.

It really takes a lot of mind to do so. After all, the two leaders once betrayed them and caused great losses to the Mongolian army.

The fourth Prince Kublai Khan, as a hero of the generation, is incomparable.

He nodded and agreed with Mr. Yao Shu.

Moreover, Kublai Khan, the fourth prince, also authorized him. For these two leaders, apart from letting bygones be bygones, the previous promise to him was still valid.

To achieve this, Mr. Yao Shu really admired Kublai Khan from the bottom of his heart.

Heart: "it seems that he is with the right person."

For the sake of safety, Mr. Yao Shu not only brought the former general and his son, but also asked the fourth Prince Kublai Khan to accompany Boyan with 100 elite soldiers to protect their safety.

After the agreement, the party left Sanchong and headed for Shanju tribe.

While walking, the former general introduced the Shanju tribe to them.

After walking about fifty or sixty miles, I saw a large number of people coming towards them.

Seeing this, Yao Shu asked, "is it Gao Guozhu who sent a large army to deal with us?"

"Sir, you take them back quickly." General Boyan said.

He added: "the end will stop them here for a while."

"There are so many of them, general. You only have 100 people. If you stay here, you will die. Let's go together." Yao Shudao.

The former general looked at it carefully and said, "don't panic. This should not be the army sent by Gao Guozhu."

"Who is that?" Mr. Yao Shu asked.

The former general replied, "if I read it right, it should be the people of Shanju tribe."

"We really wanted to find them. Unexpectedly, they came on their own initiative." General Boyan said.

The former general said, "I know the leader of the Shanju tribe. I'll go and find out the truth."

After that, their father and son rode to the Shanju tribe.

From a distance, it seems that they talked for a while when they got there. The former general and his son took a man with them, and there was a bound man behind them. They pulled him with a rope and went back to general Yao Shu and general Boyan.

On the day of the destruction of Sanfu City, seeing that the situation was not right, the second leader, a Liang, was under the protection of a group of confidants and escaped.

Originally, he wanted to go to the capital of Dali to find Lord Gao, and asked him to send a large army to deal with the fourth Prince Kublai Khan. However, when he looked at his embarrassed appearance, people might not pay attention to him when he went there.

With the help of his confidants, he went to Shanju tribe.

After all, Shanju tribe is his relative.

But the leader of Shanju tribe heard that the city of sanjuan had been broken, and all the big tribes nearby had been cleaned up for the fourth prince. It must not be wise to fight against the fourth Prince Kublai Khan with their own strength.

When he saw the leader of the tribe, he tied up the leader of the tribe.

After hearing this, general Yao Shu and general Boyan were very happy and said, "once this thing goes smoothly, it's really smooth."

He dismounted himself and said to the leader of Shanju tribe, "it's so good."

"As you can see, the former general used to be the leader of the tribe here. Now their father and son are playing for the fourth prince, and they are all very important. Now you are also subordinate to our fourth prince, and the fourth prince will certainly be used for you. Please rest assured." He added.

The leader of Shanju tribe was very happy to see that Mr. Yao Shu was so polite to him. He said that from now on, he and his Shanju tribe will serve the fourth Prince wholeheartedly and never repeat.