After he wiped out alibugo, the seventh prince who controlled and controlled Lin Hanting, the owner of Kanas Lake came. In Kublai Khan's view, this incident should not be accidental.

It was because of this that he asked the owner of Kanas Lake how he should go next.

"If my estimation is correct, you should have an idea for a long time, Khan?" The owner of Kanas Lake asked Kublai Khan.

Kublai Khan originally wanted to throw the problem to the owner of Kanas Lake, but unexpectedly, the owner of Kanas Lake brought the ball back.

The owner of Kanas Lake has his own idea, but now he really wants to say it.

If you want to achieve your goal, you must let Kublai Khan know your strength.

The owner of Kanas Lake knows this in his heart.

When he heard Kublai Khan say so, he said that since Kublai Khan said so, she would say her own opinion.

If his estimation is correct, Kublai Khan should not stay here for too long.

Kublai Khan really planned this, but when he heard what the owner of Kanas Lake said, he deliberately refuted the view of the owner of Kanas Lake, saying that Helin was the capital of khantin, and that he, as the Khan of khantin, should live here.

Then, he quickly asked the owner of Kanas Lake that if he did not live here and Lin Hanting presided over the overall situation of the whole Hanting, he should go there.

The owner of Kanas Lake seems to have prepared for this problem.

Without even thinking about it, Kublai Khan will soon return to the southern desert area.

most of the headquarters of Xingzhou and the new capital built by Liu Bingzhong are in the southern desert area.

Kublai Khan listened to her reply and did not say yes or no.

Neither the owner of Kanas Lake was right, nor she was wrong.

He just said that since his elder brother mengge became a Khan, he has been in charge of Manan.

The implication is that you, the owner of Kanas Lake, can guess this, but it's nothing.

With the wisdom of the owner of Kanas Lake, she could naturally know what Kublai Khan meant.

With a faint smile, he said that although Kublai Khan had become the unique Khan of khantin, there was still a big hidden danger in his heart.

If this hidden danger is not removed, for Kublai Khan, I'm afraid ..。

At this point, the owner of Kanas Lake will not go on.

"Ben Khan is now in control of khantin. No one can compete with him. What's the hidden danger?" Kublai Khan said.

The owner of Kanas Lake retorted: "from my seat, you really have hidden trouble, Khan."

"If you have to say that, what are the hidden dangers of Ben Khan?" Kublai Khan asked.

According to the owner of Kanas Lake, after Kublai Khan unified Khan tinghelin, the next step is to go south and attack the Song Dynasty in Lin'an again.

Hanting's cavalry was invincible.

Kublai Khan led the military cavalry to the south. He was not afraid of the army of the Song Dynasty with his strength, but Kublai Khan was worried about the people in the Wulin of the Central Plains.

Hearing this, I was really surprised.

Kublai Khan only thought in his own mind about planning for the people in the Wulin of the Central Plains. Even though he was his confidant, Liu Bingzhong, he didn't say it.

I didn't expect that the owner of Kanas Lake would be able to tell the biggest hidden danger in his mind when he saw him for the first time.

Kublai Khan was very admire the way: "really worthy of the patron saint of the master."

"I admire Ben Khan!" He added.

When the owner of Kanas Lake saw that Kublai Khan was impressed by what he said, she was very proud. She asked Kublai Khan, "do you want to know how to deal with the Wulin of the Central Plains?"

"Ben Dahan has become a great Khan, and there is no new great national master in the Han court." Kublai did not answer her question, but said to him.

He said that as the great national division of khanate, he could help Khanate deal with military affairs of Khanate.

It's very powerful.

In the past, when wokuotai Khan and princess teregana were in power, Huo Shu was the great national teacher.

At that time, Huo Shu was assisting wokuotai Khan and Taifei tuolegona to deal with military affairs.

Among the khantins, it can be said that they are under one person and above ten thousand people.

Kublai Khan means that as long as the master of Kanas Lake can clean up the people in the Wulin of Central Plains, Kublai Khan can appoint the master of Kanas Lake to have the same power as the great national master Huo Shu.

"Khan, if you don't like it, you look down on me too much." After listening to Kublai Khan's words, the owner of Kanas Lake said to him.

Kublai Khan heard that the owner of Kanas Lake said that he wanted to appoint her to a position of great importance. He despised the owner of Kanas Lake.Please make it clear.

The owner of Kanas Lake said that he lived in seclusion outside the great wall and never asked about the affairs of the world. Naturally, he had no interest in being an official.

It's not nice to say that even if she was the master of Kanas Lake, he would scoff at it.

In front of his face, Kublai Khan heard such arrogant words for the first time.

It's the first time for the master of Kanas Lake to see such a person who looks down on fame and wealth.

With these words, Kublai Khan said that since the master of Kanas Lake is not interested in fame and wealth, he must have something else to ask for.

If a man who lives in seclusion in the mountains has no concern for the affairs of the world, he will not enter the world again.

This analysis is reasonable.

The owner of Kanas Lake had nothing to say for a long time.

Kublai Khan is really different from the previous Khan. It is quite difficult to control her.

Fortunately, standing on his own master, the goddess of Kanas Lake, who is beside the master of Kanas Lake, saw this and began to help his master. He said that his master is really different from ordinary people. After so many years of practice, he really has no desire and no need.

She can testify to this.

Listening to his disciple, the saint of Kanas Lake said so, he stretched out his right hand and motioned to his disciple that the saint of Kanas Lake would stop talking.

"Khan really has insight." The owner of Kanas Lake arched his hand to Kublai Khan and said.

Even directly admitted that he helped Kublai Khan, it is indeed a plan.

Kublai Khan did not expect that the owner of Kanas Lake would have the courage to admit that he really had a plan.

If a person wants to use another person, he has to know what the other person's requirements are. Once the person has no requirements at all. Those who use people are not at ease with the people they use.

This is what Kublai Khan thought, the leader of Khan court.

For him, I believe that there is an expert in this world, but he absolutely does not believe that in this world, there is no reason for love ..。

Before that, Kublai Khan didn't have any kindness to the owner of Kanas Lake. If he didn't have any ideas, Kublai Khan would never trust him to do things for him.

He asked the owner of Kanas Lake, "if Ben Khan guessed correctly, he should have a deep grudge with the Central Plains Wulin or the Zhao and Song dynasties in Lin'an?"

"Not bad." The owner of Kanas Lake replied.

She added, "but Khan, you're not quite right."

"Why?" Kublai Khan asked after listening.

It turns out that the owner of Kanas Lake does not have a grudge with the Central Plains Wulin or the Zhao Song Dynasty in Lin'an. She has a grudge with the Zhao Song Dynasty in Lin'an and the Central Plains Wulin at the same time.

At that point, he would not hide any more.

The owner of Kanas Lake said that he was helping himself as well as Kublai Khan.

"It's great to have a heart to heart with Ben Khan." Kublai Khan said.

He said that he knew what the owner of Kanas Lake thought, so he was relieved to leave the matter to the owner of Kanas Lake.

Although I have never seen her real means, Kublai Khan has witnessed her apprentice, the saint of Kanas Lake.

From the apprentice, we can imagine what kind of person the master of Kanas Lake is.

If you go to Kanas Lake, you can't deal with all the people in the Central Plains.

She is powerful, but it's not easy to deal with the Song Dynasty in Lin'an.

After all, there are thousands of troops guarding the Song Dynasty.

It's easy to kill one person, but if you want to overthrow a dynasty, even if you are a peerless master, you may not be able to do it.

In this case, the owner of Kanas Lake can only rely on Kublai Khan.

As long as he and she clean up the people in the Central Plains, the successful implementation of Kublai Khan's plan to attack the Zhao and Song dynasties in Lin'an is half the success.

From this point of view, the cooperation between Kublai Khan and the master of Kanas Lake is different.

"That's great." Kublai Khan listened and said.

Immediately, he told his entourage to bring mare's milk wine, saying that for their successful cooperation, they would work together.

The saint of Kanas knows that her master, the master of Kanas, never drinks. He told Kublai Khan that he would drink with him.

"I am a man of practice and never drink." Then the master of Kanas Lake said to Kublai Khan.

After listening to the words of their master and apprentice, Kublai Khan did not force himself to do a bowl with the apprentice of the master of Kanas Lake, the saint of Kanas Lake.Kublai Khan said: "from now on, we will be a family."

"Ben Khan has a suggestion." He added.

The owner of Kanas Lake asked, "Khan, what do you suggest?"

"You are the master of the patron saint. In order to show the respect of Khan, Ben Khan decided to move to Khan's golden tent." Kublai Khan replied.

In doing so, besides giving face to the owner of Kanas Lake, he has his own consideration.

Once you live in Khan's golden tent, it's very difficult for the owner of Kanas Lake to hide his every move.

But the owner of Kanas Lake also looked at his idea.

With her identity and status, she will not be controlled by others.

The owner of Kanas Lake said that Kublai Khan's heart was accepted by her, but he thought it was better to live here with his disciple, the saint of Kanas Lake.

Kublai Khan couldn't help it if other people didn't go.

He said that as a Khan, since he has spoken, it is effective.

In the future, if the owner of Kanas Lake wants to live in the Khan's golden tent, he will come at any time, and there is no need to discuss with him.

It's a great honor to be able to live in the Khan's golden tent.

You know, in this and Lin Han Ting, the Khan Jin Zhang is the most sacred place in the Han Ting.

Generally speaking, except for Khan and his concubine, outsiders can't live there.

to get Khan's permission and live in Khan's golden account is Khan's recognition of you.

After living here with Lin Hanting for so many years, the saint of Kanas Lake knows it very well.

Since the owner of Kanas Lake promised that he would fight against the Central Plains Wulin, Kublai Khan asked her if she knew anything about the Central Plains Wulin.

"Although I live in seclusion outside the Great Wall, I dare not say that I know all the people in the Wulin of the central plains like the palm of my hand. However, as long as I am in the river and lake and have certain status and status, I know a little bit." She replied.

Looking at the Central Plains Wulin, the most difficult thing to deal with is the Huangshan school led by Xin Ran, the world's best expert and old leader.

In addition, his family is also very prominent, with the Central Plains of the Song Dynasty is also closely related.

If Kublai Khan's army is won, the first people in the Central Plains Wulin to rise up against it must be Xin Ran, the old leader of the Huangshan sect.

Xin Ran, the old leader of Huangshan sect, is known as the best expert in the world. He is his own anda, and the father of Xin Youxuan's little leader. Naturally, Kublai Khan has heard of him.

"As Ben Dahan knows, Huo Shu, the former great national master, once went to Tiandu peak of Huangshan Mountain, defeated the old leader Xinran and occupied the residence of Huangshan school." Kublai Khan said.

After hearing this, the owner of Kanas Lake said that although Kublai Khan lived in the khanate, he knew so well about the affairs of the people in the Central Plains.

She said that Huo Shu, the former great national master of the Han Dynasty, was indeed defeated by Xin Ran, the old leader of the Huangshan school. But this does not mean that Huo Shu, the former great national master of the Han Dynasty, is better than Xin Ran, the old leader of the Huangshan school.

After all, before he was defeated, the old leader of Huangshan school, Xin Ran, had led the Central Plains Wulin for decades, and Huo Shu, the great national master, had disappeared.

Of course, the owner of Kanas Lake will not tell Kublai Khan about the fact that Huo Shu, the great national master, was possessed and imprisoned by himself, but then disappeared.

She said that at present, in terms of prestige, the Central Plains Wulin, Xinran old hero is still the first person .。