The reason why the ghost doll from the primitive darkness has exposed its true colors is to a large extent due to the hell master disguised as a mysterious swordsman.

It's because of her hellfire.

When the prime minister Jia Sidao wanted to deal with the ghost doll from the primitive darkness outside Lin'an City, the hell gate master pretending to be a mysterious swordsman felt that it should be done by himself. But I didn't expect that the prime minister Jia Sidao was in the consideration of checks and balances. Instead, he left the task to Zhang Hao and Li erniang.

If you can't get it, you will destroy it all.

In order to consolidate his position in the prime minister's mansion, the hell sect master disguised as a mysterious swordsman came up with a plan to lead the tiger to drive the wolf.

That night, when Zhang Hao and Li erniang, the two monsters, confronted with the wise master Hong Yin and the young leader of Huangshan school, Xin Youxuan, the hell master disguised as a mysterious quack, felt that the young leader of Huangshan school, Xin Youxuan and the wise master Hong Yin were a little familiar. But at that time, they were close to the prime minister Jia Sidao and focused on protecting him. There was no problem Think too much about it.

Later, recalling the duel between the two sides, the hell gate master disguised as a mysterious swordsman concluded that it was Xin Youxuan, the young leader of the Huangshan sect who had disappeared from Lin'an for some time, and Hong Yin, the wise master, who had entered the prime minister Jia Sidao's residence at night.

She felt that the prime minister Jia Sidao was unfair when he arranged the task. The hell gate master, who pretended to be a mysterious swordsman, did not tell the prime minister Jia Sidao his own judgment.

This time, she was just like the leader of this beautiful crowd, general Chun Qiu.

The hell sect master who pretends to be a mysterious swordsman also thinks of the microphone of the beggars' sect.

In the apartment she rented, she wrote down the plan of the prime minister Jia Sidao to build a plank road in the open, and let the envoy of hanyue find a chance to deliver the letter to the disciples of the beggars' sect.

In this way, Yunlong Jiuxian, the leader of the beggars' sect, gets the letter. Then Yunlong Jiuxian, the leader of the beggars' sect, gives it to Xin Youxuan, the young leader of Hongyin and Huangshan sect.

Of course, no matter the leader of the beggars' sect, Yunlong Jiuxian, or the young leader of the Huangshan sect, Xin Youxuan and the wise master Hong Yin, they don't know the inside story.

After listening to the words of Laozi's apprentice, the master of hell, disguised as a mysterious swordsman, was happy for a while, and then began to sigh ..。

"Master, what's bothering you?" After hearing this, the envoy asked.

The hell master disguised as a mysterious swordsman asked the moon making envoy and the moon loving envoy. When he came to Lin'an, he once told the moon making envoy and the moon making envoy a "prosperous plan" she had made.

But Lin'an, the capital of the Song Dynasty, has been here for such a long time.

So far, the plan has not made any progress.

At the thought of this, the hell sect master disguised as a mysterious swordsman was a little frustrated.

At the beginning, she came to Chang'an, the capital of the Song Dynasty. In name, she was ordered by the master of Kanas Lake. In fact, the hell gate master disguised as a mysterious swordsman actually came for her "prosperity plan".

To tell you the truth, I don't think much of my master, the master of hell who pretends to be a mysterious swordsman, the envoy of nongyue and the envoy of hanyue.

They think that although hell gate is powerful, it's just a sect in the world.

It's not easy to get the colorful world of Jiangnan.

It's not difficult for the master of hell, who pretends to be a mysterious swordsman, to be a peerless master. But controlling a dynasty is not only a matter of top martial arts.

Although the Song Dynasty was partial to the south of the Yangtze River, there were many generals loyal to the Song Dynasty. In the face of thousands of troops, even the three of them could not resist.

It's just that the hell sect master, who pretends to be a mysterious swordsman, wants to do it. As apprentices, the moon making envoy and the moon containing envoy dare not oppose it.

In a word, for her "prosperous plan", the moon making envoy and the moon containing envoy don't want to do it.

This is the thought in my heart. As an apprentice, I dare not say it.

The envoy comforted the hell master disguised as a mysterious swordsman, saying that she was now the Prime Minister of the Dynasty and the first master of Jia Sidao's side.

Over time, the "prosperity plan" should be possible.

"According to the current plan, I'm afraid it will never come true." The main way of hell gate disguised as a mysterious swordsman.

After hearing this, the envoy asked, "master, you mean ... "

" I feel that if I want to implement this plan, I have to find another way. " The hell gate master disguised as a mysterious swordsman replied.

The moon making envoy and the moon containing envoy asked the hell sect master disguised as a mysterious swordsman what her plan was.

You need two people who don't want to help you.

The master of hell, disguised as a mysterious swordsman, laughed and said, "when the time comes, I will tell you both.""As for now ..。” The road of desire to speak and stop.

At this point, the hell gate master pretending to be a mysterious swordsman will not go on.

"How about now?" the envoy asked

"Now you just hold on to the hearts of the men around you." The hell gate master disguised as a mysterious swordsman replied.

With these words, the hell master disguised as a mysterious swordsman let the moon making envoy and the moon containing envoy leave first.

He said that he wanted to be here and think about some problems quietly.

After hearing this, the moon making envoy and the moon containing envoy saluted the hell gate master disguised as a mysterious swordsman and turned around to leave.

"You stay for a while." The master of hell gate disguised as a mysterious swordsman points to the envoy of the moon making saint.

Seeing that the holy emissary of hanyue left first, the hell master disguised as a mysterious swordsman asked the holy emissary of nongyue, the beggar who sent the letter to the headquarters of the beggars' sect, whether the holy emissary of nongyue could still be found.

"There should be no problem." The envoy to the moon replied.

She said that the disciple of the beggars' sect who sent the letter had been begging on the same street all the time.

The hell sect master, who pretends to be a mysterious swordsman, hears this and says to the moon making envoy, disguise yourself and kill the disciple of the beggars' sect.

"Shifu, when I asked him to deliver the letter, the beggars' sect disciple didn't see his appearance." The way of making the moon holy emissary.

He added: "this disciple of the beggars' sect is just a minor role in the beggars' sect. It seems that there is no need to kill him."

"Be smart!" The master of hell gate, disguised as a mysterious swordsman, glared at the envoy of the moon maker and cheered.

Seeing his master, the hell master disguised as a mysterious swordsman suddenly got angry. The envoy of the moon maker was terrified and did not dare to ask more questions. He immediately said that he would obey the orders of the hell master disguised as a mysterious swordsman and kill the disciple of the beggars' sect immediately.

"Don't you wonder why teachers want you to do this?" Asked the Lord of hell, disguised as a mysterious swordsman.

The envoy said that the hell sect master disguised as a mysterious quack had her own consideration. As an apprentice of the hell sect master disguised as a mysterious quack, she only needed to do what the hell sect master disguised as a mysterious quack told her.

In fact, he knew that his master, the master of hell who pretended to be a mysterious swordsman, hated other people's prying into her mind.

Maybe the hell master who pretends to be a mysterious swordsman will punish himself.

The moon maker doesn't want to get moldy.

In this case, the hell master disguised as a mysterious swordsman doesn't want to hide something from his apprentice, the moon making envoy.

The one who sent the letter written by himself to the disciples of the beggars' sect is his disciple, the holy envoy of the moon.

There's no need to hide every detail from her.

If that's the case, I'm very willing to let my apprentice, nongyuesheng envoy, think that he's guarding against her.

The hell gate master disguised as a mysterious swordsman doesn't want to create such a bad impression in his mind.

He asked, "how are you going to kill this beggars' sect disciple?"

"From a distance, use poisonous concealed weapons." The saint of the moon replied without thinking.

After hearing the fire, the hell master, who pretended to be a mysterious swordsman, said with a smile, "good idea."

"Thank you for your praise." After listening to his master and pretending to be a mysterious swordsman, the master of hell's gate praised himself with a happy face.

However, the hell sect master pretending to be a mysterious swordsman said that it was a good way to kill the disciples of the beggars' sect with a poisonous concealed weapon from a distance, but this time, it was not necessary.

"What do you want me to do, master?" After hearing this, the envoy asked.

The hell master disguised as a mysterious swordsman asked the moon making envoy to come closer and whispered a few words to the hell master disguised as a mysterious swordsman.

"Is that necessary?" With a suspicious tone, the envoy asked.

The hell master disguised as a mysterious swordsman didn't answer his disciple's question, but asked coldly, "what do you think?"

"Everything is at the master's command." The envoy to the moon answered hastily.

The hell master disguised as a mysterious swordsman said to her, "then what are you waiting for?"

"I'm going to do what the master ordered." The envoy to the moon replied.

The master of hell gate, pretending to be a mysterious swordsman, nodded and said, "that's right."

"I'm waiting for your good news." She also said that after the moon making envoy and the moon containing envoy left, she pretended to be the master of hell gate who was a mysterious swordsman. She still wanted to meditate here for a while. In fact, it was not like this.

After coming to the dressing table and making up carefully, the hell master disguised as a mysterious quack left the Inn Suite.

No one can imagine that after the hell gate master disguised as a mysterious quack left the suite, he quietly came to Zhang Yihong's room.Judging from the situation, the hell Lord disguised as a mysterious swordsman is familiar with this place. It's not the first time I've been to Zhang Yihong's room.

He just said a word to the gatekeeper of the mansion. One of the servants didn't even announce his entrance, so he took the Hellgate master disguised as a mysterious swordsman into the mansion of Zhang Yihong, the Minister of the family.

When she came, Zhang Yihong, the Secretary of the household department, was waiting in the study.

It turned out that this was agreed in advance.

After the guide's servants went out from the study and closed the door of the study, Zhang Yihong, the Secretary of the Ministry of household, no longer had the usual dignity. Instead, he came to the hell master disguised as a mysterious quack like a hungry wolf, pulled off the hat of the drooping veil that the hell master disguised as a mysterious quack was wearing, and hugged the man disguised as a mysterious quack tightly Hell gate master, gnawed at random.

I didn't expect that a senior official of the imperial court would play such a game with the big devil in the Jianghu.

As the Secretary of the Ministry of household, Zhang Yihong, as a confidant of prime minister Jia Sidao, often went to his residence.

Sometimes, when he goes, when he goes, the prime minister Jia Sidao is not in the mansion.

After all, in addition to handling official business, Prime Minister Jia Sidao also needed to enter the imperial palace to accompany the leader of the Song Dynasty, Emperor LiZong.

Especially when playing crickets, Emperor LiZong, the leader of the Song Dynasty, liked to play with the prime minister Jia Sidao.

Once, Zhang Yihong, the Secretary of the Ministry of household, did not see Jia Sidao, the prime minister, but met the hell Lord disguised as a mysterious quack.

Zhang Yihong, the Secretary of the Ministry of household, did not know the real identity of the hell Lord disguised as a mysterious quack, but he knew that in the prime minister's mansion, the hell Lord disguised as a mysterious quack was Jia Sidao, the prime minister The most trusted person.

He also wants to get to know the hell master disguised as a mysterious swordsman.

In fact, such an opportunity is exactly what the hell gate master disguised as a mysterious swordsman yearns for.

With their first meeting alone as the basis, the hell sect master disguised as a mysterious swordsman came to visit Zhang Yihong, the Secretary of the family.

Judging from his voice, Zhang Yihong, the Secretary of the Ministry of household, knows that the hell master disguised as a mysterious swordsman should be a woman. However, Zhang Yihong, the Secretary of the Ministry of household, did not expect that the hell master disguised as a mysterious swordsman looks like a gorgeous woman in her twenties.

It's a mysterious hell, of course.

As a hell sect master disguised as a mysterious swordsman, he has long known that once Zhang Yihong, the Secretary of the family, looks at his own appearance, he will be astonished.

In addition, she took advantage of this Hubu Shangshu, Zhang Yihong did not pay attention, in the food and wine under a special drug.

Although Zhang Yihong is not stupid, he can't stand the means of the hell master disguised as a mysterious swordsman.

In this way, the hell master pretending to be a mysterious swordsman got a bed with Zhang Yihong and the Secretary of the household.