After hearing the details of Han's murder, Xin Ran raised a case and said, "this thief really wants to kill him now, brother Chen. Besides being the godfather of today's empress Yang, he doesn't know the origin of this thief. Can you tell me in detail. "

" of course, in the future, when Shixiong and others work for the country, they are afraid that they will have to have a conflict with Shi Miyuan. They should know the details in advance or make preparations early. "Chen Wenduan said.

”Shi Miyuan is also the son of an official of the aristocratic family. His father is Shi Hao, the right servant of Shangshu. He is also a learned man and upright as an official. When he is free, he is very fond of meditation and enlightenment. One day, he came to Tiantong temple, which is very famous at that time. Because Shi Hao and master Wuzhi, the abbot of the temple, are friends from other places, he came here After that, the abbot set up a vegetarian house to entertain Mr. Shi Hao. During the dinner, they had a very happy conversation. So Shi Hao said to master Wuzhi with a smile, "which is better, master or I? "

Master Wuzhi may feel that Shi Hao is a senior official of the current Dynasty, and it is inconvenient to offend him. In addition, they have a good relationship, so he said a joke:" you are extremely rich. I can't be as rich as you are. I envy you so much. "

later, after thinking about it, he said," Alas, my Lord, I'm afraid I'm going to enter the world for this reason, although I'm a joke. "

However, when he saw master Shi sitting up in his study, he didn't wake up.

At this time, the housekeeper came to the study and said that his wife had given birth to a son.

Later Shi Hao heard that master Wuzhi had passed away on the same day, so he thought that master Wuzhi was reincarnated, so he named him Miyuan.

When Shi Miyuan grew up, he was also excellent in learning. He became a Jinshi, and he became a servant of the Ministry of punishment from the head of Taichang temple. However, he had great ambition and was not satisfied with being a servant, so he sent his daughter yang to the palace. First, she became a royal concubine, and then, in collusion with the peace negotiation faction in the court, he plotted against Han, and removed the obstacle of Han At the same time, Shi Miyuan also played the emperor's decree to abolish the ban on the spread of Neo Confucianism during Han's reign, and restored some official posts of the Neo Confucianism party. Some of them were also entrusted with important posts, so a large number of Neo Confucianism officials believed that Shi Miyuan was also a belief in Neo Confucianism Now many Neo Confucianists who think they are Qingliu also support Shi Miyuan. In this way, Shi Miyuan can confuse some people in the imperial court. Some people even think that what he did was for the sake of the Song Dynasty. In addition, he vigorously attacked the main warring factions and demoted or demoted the capable officials promoted by Japanese and Korean people in the past. In this way, the Northern Expedition restored the Central Plains China's national policy is dead in name.

They are now known as the four powerful gangs in the history. “