“——–That’s it for today.”

The math teacher looks at his watch and says, just as the chime rings.

Now it’s lunchtime.

“It’s finally over!”

Take in the seat in front of me stretches wide.

The last time he was called out, he learned properly and was yelling after the teacher left the classroom.

Take takes out three pieces of bread from a plastic bag.

“What’s that? Aren’t you going to buy something today?”

“Oh, I brought it from home.”

“I see. Today is my store day.”

It’s only at times like this that I go out and buy one.

I had my wallet and was about to go to the concession stand when Runa stopped me.

“Towa, stop.”

“What’s …… Whoa.”

Something is pressed against my chest.

“Yes, this is from me.”

Runa handed me a lunch box in a drawstring bag.

The fact that Runa has her own, means that this was made for me.

“Ah, thank you. ……. Did you know I didn’t bring my lunch?”

“I don’t know”

“Esper then?”

“I’m not sure if Towa is going to forget it today. Even if he does, I can give it to Aoba kun.”

“If Towa had brought a proper lunch box, my lunch would have been more luxurious! Hey Towa, I’ll give you this yakisoba bread, give me Naruse’s lunch box!

And besides, you’ve already started eating, and there’s only one bite left.

“Damn, I’m jealous of your childhood friend’s beloved wife’s lunch box.”

Then everyone puts their desks together.


“Yes, eat up~!”

When I opened the lid of the lunch box, I found fried chicken, egg omelet, octopus wiener, carrot namul, fried green pepper and bacon, and rice ball mixed with hijiki no nimono (stewed hijiki mushrooms) in the rice.

The colorful side dishes were glorious. There was also a menchikatsu, which I said I liked.

“Eeeehh! Runa’s bento looks so delicious!”


Yoshida and Take also bring their faces close to devour the sight.

“You have so many side dishes. That must have been a lot of work to make, right?”

“It’s not that hard because I’m making my own food. Now let’s eat it

It’s been a long time since Runa cooked for me.

Quick, quick, just–whoops! Where are my chopsticks? 

While I was away, Runa took a bite of the egg omelet from my lunch box and put it in my mouth.

“Here, aahhhnn”


She had recommended that I eat it, but the important thing is that I don’t have chopsticks. And now, those chopsticks are nowhere to be found except in Runa’s hand.

…… You don’t mean to say, “I only have one pair of chopsticks, so I’m going to make you eat everything with ahhh.”



Are you serious?

Runa stares at me in amazement, her mouth loosening in a mischievous manner.

“Oh ! Taku san Taku san! What do you think of this?”

“Mm, this is quite a turnaround.”

“Practice, I guess.”

“Yes, I guess”

Hey, Take, Yoshida. Don’t make fun of me, stop it.

“What’s wrong? Come on “

“…… do you have to do that? If you don’t have chopsticks, I’ll get some from the store. ……”

“No, no, no. Eat with a sense of acceptance.”


I looked around and saw that my classmates were also looking at me with bated breath.

The, “You wouldn’t turn down Runa’s ahn, would you ……?” and mysterious pressure.

“Yes… I will accept it.”

“Then open your mouth…… ahnnn!”

“…… first I wanted the menchikatsu.”

“Eat without complaining!”

Not a complaint, but a request.

I Taste the omelet shoved into my mouth.

The taste is sweet and fluffy.

Delicious. ……

Every chew whets the appetite.

“How is it?”


“Be specific.”

“Ehhh… sweet, fluffy, delicious”

“Thanks ♪”

Runa smiles happily.

“Then …… it’s Towa’s turn.”


“Yeah, come on….Ahhn”

Runa closes her eyes and turns her mouth toward me. This defenseless gesture makes me feel a sense of shock.

…… This is the air we have to do again.


With trembling hands, I bring the omelet between my chopsticks to her mouth.  

On the way there, Runa looks red on her face to her ears.



Runa tastes the side dish I gave her, chewing it cutely.

She chews carefully and eventually gulps it down and smiles with satisfaction.


Finally, she wiped her lips with her tongue.


“……, what’s wrong? You look red.”


“Fufu, That’s weird~.”

“Hey, Runa! What happened out of nowhere?~”

“Hmm, it’s just a whim…”

While Yoshida is involved with Runa, I am calming down.

I have had lunches made for me before. But I never thought I’d be asked to ahhhnnn …….

“I’d say it’s the indirect kiss …….”


Runa, who had approached right next to me before I knew it, whispered this in my ear.

I turned around and saw her giggle and smile innocently.

“I’m going to give you chopsticks any more because that would draw too much attention.”

“You had it,,,”

I ate my lunch again with the chopsticks Runa handed me. Inwardly, I was relieved.

Just when I was hoping for a change of subject, Yoshida breaks the ice.

“Oh, by the way, was that siblings marriage yesterday? I was surprised, wasn’t I? Well, me, Takeshi and Runa are only children, so it doesn’t affect us at all.”

“I was surprised, I have seven siblings in my neighborhood, so I’m wondering how they reacted.”

……I knew when I said it was a hot topic, it would be this story. That’s because it was on the news and in the papers all morning. The whole school was talking about siblings’s marriage.

“Towa is the only one in this group with siblings. Any reaction?”

Take says.

I won’t tell the truth, of course.

“Reaction ……nothing.”

“Is that so. I wonder why we couldn’t get married with siblings before. I think there are places in other countries where you can get married.

“I’ve heard that the reason they couldn’t do it in Japan is because the children born there are more prone to genetic diseases. This time it means that a drug has been developed to lower that risk.”

“I see. What do you think, Naruse, as an only child’s opinion?”

“Hmm. If you say you are getting married with siblings, people around you may look at you with puzzled and strange eyes, so some of you may have had a hard time getting to know each other. I think this time will make that a little easier, won’t it? As the years go by, it will become common knowledge.”

“Well, if I’m going to marry someone, it better be someone I like. Even if it’s a blood sibling.”

While Take, Yoshida, and Runa are talking rather seriously, I remain silent at the mention of the siblings marriage.

Does it matter if you are an only child or not? ……

Siblings marriage …… is not my business either.