Leaving a bunch of high-level people looking at each other.

The iron tree is going to bloom?

What do you mean?

When did even Cheng help sell off!


Mu Qianyue lingers on the road. She has walked for more than ten minutes for a few minutes.

While walking, I was still thinking about what reason to let Su youyou let her go.

In recent years, they live together. Su youyou looks after her like a big sister. She takes good care of her. She thinks about Mu Qianyue and cares about her affairs. Even their own sisters don't get along as well as they do.

The relationship between mu Qianyue and Su youyou is also very good, perhaps because of two similar experiences, or because they are in the same boat.

Mu Qianyue walks to the door, takes a deep breath, takes out the key from the bag, opens the door, and sees Su youyou lying on the sofa sleeping in his clothes.

Although the weather is gradually turning hot, but sleeping on the sofa like this will also catch a cold.

Moreover, seeing the blue marks under her eyes and her tired face, I knew that Su youyou must have been sitting on the sofa waiting for her all night, and finally fell asleep on the sofa.

The movement of Mu Qianyue's coming in is very small. Maybe it's because Su youyou is too tired. So mu Qianyue's coming in doesn't disturb Su youyou at all.

Mu shallow month came into the house to take a blanket, still on Su youyou's body, and then went into the kitchen.

Although mu Qianyue has eaten, Su youyou certainly hasn't eaten. Moreover, mu Qianyue feels that she hasn't had enough.

Mu Xiaoyue cooked a pot of millet porridge, and then fried a few light dishes with some ingredients in the refrigerator, and then put it on the table in the living room outside, which is really full of color, flavor and flavor.

Su youyou woke up smelling the fragrance, because she waited for the moon to bathe in the light of the moon last night. She didn't fall asleep until dawn, so her head still hurt when she got up.

Su youyou sits up and rubs her forehead. After a while, she sees the food on the table and the busy moon in the kitchen.

The sunlight outside the window was shining on the floor, reflecting some light in the whole room.

Mu Qianyue has just brought out the last dish from the kitchen when she sees Su youyou waking up on the sofa.

He put the dishes on the table, ran to the sofa, and looked at Su Youyou, who was rubbing her forehead, "Yo Yo, what's the matter? Get up and wash up and eat! "

Su youyou leans on the back of the sofa, looking at the smiling and attentive Mu shallow moon, without any influence from Mu shallow moon, "don't fool me, first tell me why you didn't come back yesterday."

I really worried about Su youyou yesterday.

She went home with the company's things after work yesterday. Mu Xiaoyue said that she would come back soon. She also really believed that she had never waited for Mu to come back last night.

Call her cell phone, the mobile phone is also turned off, so that she a person anxiously around the room, and do not know what to do.

I also took a taxi to Roche. I didn't expect that the door would be closed and there was no one.

At that time, Su youyou was almost mad with anger. She knew she shouldn't believe mu Qianyue's words. She should go with her.

Listen to Su youyou's tone, Mu shallow moon on the dark road is not good, you are really angry.

As a matter of fact, Su youyou is very gentle and gentle in temperament and gentle in speaking. She is very nice to listen to. Just like the women in the south of the Yangtze River, she is also very careful. She does everything well and seldom gets angry.

But mu Qianyue knows that if Su youyou is really angry, it will be very serious.

She can ignore you for a long time, like a cold war with you, but what will think of you, as before, is not talking to you, ignore you.

Because the more is like this, the more uneasy the heart of the moon.

If Su youyou said she hit her, it's OK, but she just like this, let mu Qianyue feel that he did something wrong.

In fact, Su youyou is also worried about Mu shallow moon, the society is dangerous, she is afraid of what happened to Mu shallow moon.

"I'll tell you later whether it's OK or not. Let's eat first. It's not delicious when it's cold." Mu Qianyue tries to change the topic, but unfortunately, Su youyou doesn't pay attention to her.

Come on, it's starting to get angry.

Mu shallow moon sighs, sits next to Su Youyou, ready to shun Mao.

The voice was a little hoarse, but also with a trace of pathetic smell, "I went to a dinner party with mu Xuerou last night. I was drunk and drank a lot of wine. When I still had a trace of Qingming, I left and stayed in the hotel outside. At that time, I was drunk, so that's the only way."

Mu Qianyue doesn't tell Su youyou the fact of yesterday. It's fake that mu Xuerou asked her to go to that dinner party. It's true that she wants to be sent to the manager Chen.

Fortunately, she ran fast last night, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

She didn't mean to be full of Su youyou. She just didn't want to let her know. As long as she did, she would only worry.Su youyou takes a look at mu Qianyue and doesn't know if there is any letter.

On the contrary, I put my eyes on the skirt I wear.

Mu shallow moon dark way a not good, just hear, Su you you open a mouth, "that you this skirt?"? I seem to remember that you haven't had this dress before

Su youyou's heart is really fine, even these can be found.

Mu Qianyue

I knew I should have changed it when I came back.

"Oh, I got that suit dirty yesterday, so I bought a new one when I came back." Mu explained.

"Well, Youyou, I didn't mean to miss your call last night. The main reason was that it was too noisy and there was no power in the back cell phone." Mu shallow moon shakes Su youyou's shoulder, coquettish way.

"Well, don't shake. I'm dizzy."

Mu Qianyue: "OK, let's go to dinner."

After dinner, mu Qianyue cleaned up all these things, and then two people nestled on the sofa to see where there was a good shop front, and then rented them down to prepare their cake shop.


Huang Jue wakes up slowly and leisurely, and feels the pain all over the body, and the pain comes from below. Let Mu snow soft, the whole face is some ferocious.

Now the body that acid Shuang pain, all tell her what happened last night!

Last night, she arranged to see Mr. Chen with mu Qianyue. She had planned mu Qianyue from the beginning. She drunk mu Qianyue and then sent her to Mr. Chen's bed.

When Luoyang comes back, she can kill two birds with one stone and destroy mu Qianyue. At the same time, she also gives Luo a project. Originally thought that this matter was nailed on the iron plate, mu Qianyue could not run in any case. Unexpectedly, she ran away at last!