In the evening, mu Qianyue and Su youYou are busy working in the kitchen. Mu Qianyue is giving Su youyou a hand, and the door bell rings suddenly.

"Shallow moon, open the door."

"Oh." Mu shallow month should a, and then wipe hands clean.

But there are also some doubts. Who will be at this time?

Doubt return to doubt, Mu shallow month still went to open the door.

However, the moment I opened the door, when I saw who was outside, Mu's face became cold, and his expression of unwelcome was so obvious.

Mu snow soft hands against the door, a pair of eyes are full of hate, so looking at Mu shallow moon.

They looked at each other right here, and neither of them could bear with each other.

"Shallow moon, who is it?" Su youyou in the kitchen saw no sound for so long and asked.

"Sister youyou." Did not wait for mu shallow moon to answer, Mu snow soft takes advantage of Mu shallow month Leng God's moment to enter the door, at the same time to the kitchen called.

Mu shallow month shut the door, came to Mu snow soft side, cold voice way, "what do you come here for?"

Let who is so calculated, see the person who calculated himself, the mood will not be good.

Besides, I still didn't match her since I was a child.

"It's no big deal." Mu Xuerou said, pausing and trimming her long hair.

"I just came to inform you that I have not approved your resignation. You will continue to work in Roche tomorrow. As for today, I don't count you as absenteeism. " Muxue judo.

But mu Xuerou's heart is not so calm on the surface.

Now as soon as she saw the moon, she would think of what happened that night.

In the past, she wished that mu Qianyue could leave Luo's family immediately, lest Luoyang's whole day's mind be on her body, let her look out of the way.

But now she has changed her mind. It's better for people to put them under their own noses.

Therefore, she thought about it and thought that she would let mu Qianyue go back to Luo's to continue her work and put mu Qianyue under her own eyes. In this way, she could not do one plan. She had two or three plans.

One day, she will let Mu shallow moon be ruined!

"Oh Mu shallow moon sneers.

"Mu Xuerou, you may not take yourself too seriously, do what you want? What about? Did you feel good last night? " Mu shallow month in one side, hands ring chest looking at Mu snow soft, not smile.

Just because she doesn't say it doesn't mean she doesn't understand.

Last night, mu Xuerou's meaning was so obvious, and only the two of them went there. Moreover, mu Xuerou was so attentive to the general manager Chen, and the eyes that he put on her.

Mu Xuerou really thinks she is a fool!

"Bathe in the moon, you!" Hearing mu Qianyue talk about last night, mu Xuerou clenches her hands into a fist, and her eyes stare at mu Qianyue with hatred.

That thing last night has always been a thorn in her heart!

It doesn't come out, it doesn't stick in. It's like choking in my throat all the time.

"We won't go back to Roche again, and the contract signed by Roche and US has expired now. You have no reason to let us go back to work again. If you don't go out, I'll call the security guard." As soon as Su youyou comes out of the kitchen, she hears that Mu Xue Rouzhi asks them to go back to work tomorrow.

Take out the mobile phone, calm mouth threat way.

Mu Xuerou's face is stiff. She is the daughter of Mu's group. If we let the security guard out here, how can we save her face!

"Hum, I hope you don't regret it!" Mu Xuerou stares at mu Qianyue and Su youyou fiercely, turns and walks out.

After mu Xuerou goes out, mu Qianyue immediately closes the door.

"Bang." It's a very loud voice. Obviously, it was deliberately given to Mu Xuerou.

Mu Xuerou looks at the tightly closed door, and her eyes seem to be going through the door.

At this time, mu Xuerou's face did not have half of the elegance and nobility of the eldest lady. That face, because of anger, was somewhat ferocious.

In this dim light, it seems to be particularly penetrating.


When mu Xuerou leaves this room, mu Qianyue feels that the air is much fresher.

Sure enough, some people just affect the air.

The people of Mu family calculated her again and again, and really regarded her as a soft persimmon!

Mu shallow moon is not worried about muxue Rou will go back to Mu's house to sue her. She dare not say this, she can only die full!

However, thinking that he still has a few days to break away from the relationship with the Mu family, Mu shallow month feel relaxed all over.

After growing up day by day in muqianyue, the feeling of nurturing Mu family becomes more and more weak.

Since she was a child, she hopes that Su Yu and mu Zhengtao treat her like mu Xuerou and have extravagant hopes for them.

But they broke it again and again, because she was just an adopted daughter, so they could bully her at will and ignore her. Why should she have feelings for them.It can be said that the Mu family just adopted mu Qianyue back, gave her a name, paid her tuition fees for several years and gave her food. There was nothing else.

Since she was in high school, she earned money to study on her own.

A burst of burning smell came, interrupted the memory of Mu shallow moon.

Mu Qianyue moves her nose and looks at Su Youyou, who is also a little confused beside her. She pulls her up and runs to the kitchen.

"Oh, you, your fried dishes are all gone." Entering the kitchen, the smell of scorching is getting heavier and heavier, and at the same time, the pot also makes a zizizi sound.

Mu shallow month quickly to turn off the fire, looking at the pot has been burnt vegetables.

But fortunately, it's not too serious. I can barely eat it.

After dinner, they lay on the sofa playing with their mobile phones, and they would not have to go to work in Roche.

Tomorrow, the two of them will go to the store, rent it out and open a shop of their own.

In fact, mu Qianyue and Su youyou have always wanted to open a store and manage it by themselves. But at that time, mu Qianyue was with Luoyang, so they went to Luoshi after graduation. Fortunately, the contract they signed was not very long, and up to now, it is just right.


Lu Zeyuan is sitting in front of the computer, dealing with the company's affairs meticulously. There is a cup of coffee next to the coffee and a stack of information beside the coffee.

After dealing with the computer affairs, Lu Zeyuan picked up the coffee beside him and sipped it. He was still sleepy. He suddenly became sober.

Looking at the stack of information placed next to him, Lu Zeyuan's face softened down. He carefully picked up the stack of information and looked at it carefully. He didn't miss a word.

Even looking at the company's information, Lu Zeyuan has never looked so seriously.

That stack of data is nothing else. It is Lu Zeyuan's order to Cheng Ling to collect Mu Qianyue's data, from small to large! They are all very careful, and there are photos of Mu Qianyue.