
Luoyang came out of the airport carrying a box.

The assistant who came to pick up the plane took the box in Luoyang, "president."

Luoyang always feels that something is going to happen in recent days. Even when he is on business, the feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

"Did anything happen to the company these days when I was on business?"

On the bus, Luoyang asked the assistant sitting in front.

This assistant followed Luoyang from the beginning, so he had a high degree of trust. Moreover, he stayed in Luo's family on a business trip. He was afraid that mu Qianyue would be wronged.

The assistant also knows the relationship between Luoyang and mu Qianyue. It is because he knows the relationship between the president and mu Qianyue that he finds the job so difficult.

I don't know how to say it.

The assistant thought about it for a while, but still felt that he said briefly, "the company hasn't had any major events recently, that is, vice president Mu, she resigned." The assistant also only recently knew the news of Mu Qianyue's resignation.

Although he was left in the company by the president to watch mu Qianyue, he couldn't watch the moon in a day. No, he still had a lot of things to do, so the assistant knew something about the company.

"Do you think Xuerou has left?" Luoyang some puzzled looking at the assistant.

In the Luo family, mu Qianyue and mu Xuerou have similar positions. When mu Xuerou wanted to join Luo's family, she was the daughter of the Mu family. At that time, they were also engaged, so they did not refuse. And it's his mother who sent a message to let mu Xuerou enter the company.

Luoyang has always thought that Mu shallow month will not leave office, so it is considered that mu Xuerou.

However, at that time mu Xuerou didn't want to enter Luo's? Why are you leaving now.

As soon as the assistant heard Luoyang's words, he knew that he was wrong. He could not help explaining, "it's not general mu, mu Xuerou, but vice president Mu, muqianyue."

"What? Did you say that you left the company? " Almost the assistant's words fell, Luoyang can't believe looking at the assistant, the voice can't help but improve several times!

"Yes Yes Although the assistant didn't understand why the president was so excited, he still nodded honestly.

Although the assistant knows a little about the relationship between mu Qianyue and Luoyang, because mu Qianyue didn't want other people to know about their relationship before, the assistant thought they were just better friends and didn't think about anything else.

"Now, back to Roche."

When the assistant was puzzled, some anxious voices came from Luoyang.

"However, President, you are just back from business trip. Would you like to have a rest first..."

The assistant is also out of good intentions to persuade Luoyang, because he has been abroad for such a long time, the time difference has not reversed, and the business trip has only become a big list, and people must be very tired.

But who knows Luoyang seems to have not heard the same, just take out the mobile phone, dial a phone again and again.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is off..."

"Sorry, the number you dialed is off..."


After that matter, Mu shallow month to Luoyang Telephone number to pull black.

In any case, they also broke up, and can not be like those who break up lovers, break up can also be friends. For them, that would never be possible.

Just a muxuerou, there are a lot of things between them, let alone a mu family and a Luo family.

Soon to the company, a company to Luoyang can't wait to get off the car, the assistant can only follow closely.



As soon as I entered the company, the person who was working saw Luoyang and stood up to say hello.

But Luoyang didn't pay attention to it, and went straight to the place where he used to work.

The assistant followed in a hurry.

A group of people standing up to say hello looked at each other.

Luoyang's image in the company has always been gentle. If they say hello to him, Luoyang will generally answer them. Today is the first time.

They have never seen the president so nervous.

"Is there anything important that the president is in such a hurry?" One of the staff asked with some doubts.

"I don't know. However, I think the place where the president went seems to be the office of vice president Mu before." A staff member looked at the back of Luoyang and summed up such a sentence.

"Ah? But vice president Mu has already resigned? What's more, what did you say on the company's forum the other day? Is it true

"Whether he's real or not, it's none of our business."

"If you want to keep your job, don't talk about it."

What the president's mother said here a few days ago is still vivid. It's not just for fun.

All of a sudden, a group of people who had just been in a heated discussion seemed to have been thrown cold water and were forbidden to speak.Although Roche can't compare with other large listed companies, it can be regarded as a big company in Kyoto. The people who can work here are selected carefully. Moreover, working here is not very tired, and the salary is high. No one wants to touch the bad luck and be dismissed by Roche.

After being expelled from Roche, no one can be sure to find a better job in another company.

Moreover, if they were fired from Roche because they were chewing their tongues or something, I'm afraid many companies will not hire them again.

They can also distinguish which is more important.


As soon as Luoyang entered the company, he ran to the place where mu Qianyue worked before. However, he found that all the positions there had been tidied up, and some things had disappeared.

Seeing this behind the scenes, Luoyang felt that his whole body strength was like being drained.

In front of my eyes flashed the scenes when I was together with mu Qianyue, and Luoyang only felt that there were bursts of black hair in front of me.

She really left, she really cut off everything related to him.

Luoyang can't help but go to the place where muqianyue worked before. It seems that you can see how mu Qianyue worked before.

But mu Qianyue has already left, and how he does it is just in vain.


In the general manager's office, mu Xuerou's face is self-evident when she hears Luoyang back.

But when I heard that Luoyang came back in a hurry, I went to the studio where I was bathed in the moon. The bright and beautiful face suddenly became gloomy.

When mu Xuerou was meditating, Luoyang opened the door and came in.

Mu Xuerou quickly cleaned up the gloom on her face and put on a bright smile. "Brother Luo, are you back? It must be very tiring to go on a business trip. You can sit down first and I'll rub your shoulders. "

Mu Xuerou stood up, pulled Luoyang to the sofa and sat, then the pair of tender hands kneaded on the shoulder of Luoyang and slowly kneaded up.