Turning around, he looked at Luoyang calmly, without a trace of waves in his eyes, "I have nothing to talk about with you, we have no relationship."

See Mu shallow moon so calm to say this sentence, Luoyang only feel a burst of pain in the heart, let him almost breathless.

But he didn't mean to do it. That night, he just drank a little wine and got drunk, so he took mu Xuerou as a shallow moon. That's what happened after that.

"Shallow moon, I know, you still love me, right? Since we still love each other, can you give me another chance? " Luoyang almost begged for the moon road.

"Oh Mu shallow month one face satirical looking at Luoyang, "even if you say so, that Mu snow soft? What are you going to do? "

Hearing Mu shallow moon's words, the surprise on Luoyang's face couldn't be restrained. He said, shallow moon still loves him.

But Luoyang did not see Mu shallow moon's face ridicule, disdain expression, if see, also don't know if he will be so happy.

"Xuerou is a very good girl. I believe she will meet someone better than me in the future. Moreover, if Xuerou knows, she will bless us!" Luoyang looked at Mu shallow moon, said a face firmly.

Mu shallow month don't know whether to say Luoyang silly, or to say he is simple, unexpectedly said Mu Xuerou is a very good girl?

She even said that if she knew they would be together, she would help them both?

Mu Qianyue looks at Luoyang like a fool. I don't know how he is so sure that mu Xuerou will do this.

The president of these years should be there. I can't even tell them apart.

Let's not say what things muxuerou has done, which can be touched with kindness?

Mu family and Luo family, the marriage of the two families. It's not just like a child in a family. If you say that you are engaged, you will get engaged; if you say that you are released, you will be released. And the two families are also related to the business development of the whole Mu family and the Luo family!

Besides, even if the two of them broke their engagement, his mother would not let them be together. What's more, haven't you heard that good horses don't eat the grass?

At the moment when Luoyang betrayed mu Qianyue, there was no possibility between them!

He didn't recognize mu Xuerou's true face. After all, mu Xuerou can pretend so well. One set before others, one set after another.

"Poof." Mu shallow month did not hold back, all of a sudden began to laugh.

"Luoyang, can you be a little silly? You have been engaged. Mu Xuerou is your fiancee. It's not like a child's family. You can get rid of it if you want to! "

Luoyang's face was stiff for a moment. I don't know whether he was too stupid or too naive.

"No, shallow moon, you believe me. As long as Xuerou agrees, we can have a good agreement between our two families. " Luoyang explained.

How could mu Xuerou agree? Finally let Luoyang and her engagement, to the mouth of the duck so easy to let him fly away?

Even if Mu Xuerou hypocritically agreed, what about Mu family? How can we easily let go of this big tree of Luo family?

Mu Qianyue looked at some decadence in front of her, but she was still handsome in Luoyang. "Your marriage is related to your two families, not just you and mu Xuerou. Moreover, I think I have made it very clear that we have broken up. Even though we have liked, complained and complained about you before, but now I see you again, you have become a passer-by in my life. "

Mu Qianyue thinks his words are clear enough.

Then he did not look at Luoyang behind him. He broke his hand out of his hand and left.

Until the warmth in the palm disappeared, Luoyang came back to God, looked at the figure in front of him and roared, "then how can you come here? And still with a man? If you don't have me in your heart, how can you let me see this scene? You're using him to revenge me, don't you? "

Revenge I and mu Xuerou together, so you also with another man, this is clearly your revenge on me.

Mu shallow month stopped the pace, did not turn head, the voice is calm, "who said I am retaliating you? Do you think I'm like a man who just wants to get revenge on someone who doesn't want to do it with another man? "

People who don't want to do it.

People who don't want to do it.

At this time, Luoyang's mind is the five words, she really heartless to him to this extent?

Suddenly flashed in the eyes of that man that terrible, terrible eyes, people can not help but fear, fear.

"You are not cheated by the man. It's not like that man who was cheated by you." Luoyang did not give up to Mu shallow moon road.

"I don't need you to remind me what he looks like." Mu shallow moon light finish this sentence after leaving.

Two people did not find, in a corner of the extremely remote place, a person staring at Mu shallow moon's back.There was poison in my eyes.

Obviously, she heard all that had just been said.

Mu Xuerou is also watching Luoyang said to go to a bathroom, but so long did not come back, so want to have a look, did not expect to let her see such a scene.

Mu shallow moon, you are really haunting ah, where you are!

Mu Xuerou puts all the faults on mu Qianyue's body and thinks it is Luoyang she seduces. But I don't know, every time is Luoyang to actively look for mu shallow moon.

What if she knew? She still reckons everything to Mu shallow moon's body!

If Mu shallow moon knows mu Xuerou's algorithm, it means that he may cry injustice.

Her own fiance can't take care of herself, but it's her fault to come to her?


When mu Qianyue goes to the box, everything in the box has been cleaned up. The rest of the table was also cleaned up.

Lu Zeyuan is sitting on the side quietly looking at the mobile phone, but the soul has no idea where to fly, obviously waiting for her back.

It seems that he knows when muqianyue will come back. When muqianyue steps into the box, Lu Zeyuan raises his head.

That pair of dark pupils in the end is a trace of emotion, looking at Mu shallow moon, eyes look, as if, there is such a trace of sadness?

"Are you finished? So I'm going? " Bathe in the moon road.

However, in the climate when she finished this sentence, Lu Zeyuan also stood up, looked at her quietly for a few seconds, and then got up and walked outside.

Mu shallow month quickly followed up, here is not like other places. And it's so big that she's afraid she'll be lost.