The jade pendant was worn by mu Qianyue when she went to Mu's house. It should have been worn by the family she had lost before. Although she didn't know what the jade pendant represented, her intuition felt that it must be very important to her.

When she first entered Mu's house, mu Xuerou, who was two years younger than her, saw the jade pendant and felt strange. She clamored to ask for her jade pendant. Although Mu was still young at that time, she knew the importance of the jade pendant to her.

Protect their jade pendant, refuse to give mu Xuerou. Mu Xuerou is a little princess in the heart of Mu Zhengtao and Su Yubao, but it is just a jade pendant. It is not a big deal for them.

However, she is a child, how could she have snatched Su Yu.

Finally, mu Qianyue can only watch her jade pendant snatched by Su Yu, but she can't do anything.

But it was returned to her a few days later. At that time, mu Qianyue knew whether the jade pendant was fake or not, so she wore it on her body for more than ten years.

Now want to come, Su Yu, how could they be so kind and bring the things they robbed to her again?

"What do you want?" Mu shallow month looks at Su Yu, just think, how can their family be so hateful.

Su Yu, "it's very simple. You just need to do one thing."

"What do you want me to do?" Mu shallow moon calmly looking at Su Yu.

See Mu shallow month compromise, Su Yu knew that she must be gambling right.

Yes, she is gambling! Bet this jade pendant is very important to Mu shallow moon! Bet Mu shallow moon will certainly agree to her request!

Su Yu was in a good mood and put the jade pendant away. "I have only one request, that is, I want you to get married. No matter whether you are a su lie or someone else, you can get married. And you only have a week. "

Mu shallow moon, "then if I did not do it in a week?"

Su Yu Yang raised the jade pendant in her hand, "if you don't do it, then this jade pendant will not be necessary for you to take it back."

Mu shallow month hears here, just want to sneer. She really wants to know what kind of hatred she has with Mu family, what kind of hatred, why everyone should force her so much.

Although the Mu family adopted her, she didn't bring any trouble to the Mu family.

Mu Xuerou seems to be wrong with her, her things, she would like to rob, no matter what.

So she also recognized, now they actually let her marry in a week for the sake of Mu Xuerou?

She has said that there is no relationship between her and Luoyang, and she can not be looking for Luoyang! But they still want to force her.

"Oh Mu shallow moon sneers.

Su Yu raises eyebrow, "what are you laughing at?"

"I'm just afraid of some people. I'm not trustworthy."

Hearing Mu shallow month's words, Su Yu immediately became unhappy, "when did I promise you that I didn't do it?"

Mu shallow month just pulled the corner of his mouth, did not answer.

"How about bathing in the moon? With this one request, you can get back your jade pendant. It's not a loss. "

Mu shallow moon, "that jade pendant is clearly mine."

Su Yu frowned at Mu shallow moon, "we have been raising you for so long, you don't do anything for us. Now it's just a jade pendant. You have to bargain."

Mu Qianyue closed her eyes, "OK, I promise you, but I hope you remember what you said today. If you don't do it, I'll make it hard for you to bathe in your house no matter what method I use! "

Finally, Mu shallow moon coldly looked at Su Yu, and then took his own things to go.

Be bathed shallow month last one eye stare some to be afraid, Su Yu whole person can't help but Leng there.

If Su Yu doesn't return the jade pendant to Mu Qianyue, it is estimated that mu Qianyue will really do something unexpected.

Knowing that mu Qianyue has disappeared, Su Yu comes back to her senses. Thinking that she was frightened by Mu's eyes just now, she can't help being angry. She is proud of herself, but she is just an orphan adopted by Mu family! What kind of storm can be overturned!


Lu's group, Lu Zeyuan's office.

Lu Zeyuan meticulously sat on the office chair with a document in his hand. He looked at it carefully and carefully, and made a lot of remarks on it.

The vigorous and vigorous handwriting all reveals that the person who wrote these words must be a calm and restrained person.

"Buckle, buckle, buckle." Rhythm sounds outside the door.

"Come in." Lu Zeyuan spits out two words from his thin lips.

"President." Cheng Ling came in with a large document in her hand.

"President, we found out what you asked me to check last time. Last time we met Miss Mu there, it was completely planned by mu Xuerou, and After that, Cheng Ling didn't go on. He felt that if he said it, he would certainly be torn apart by his own president, or let his own president look after it.Hearing Cheng Ling's report, Lu Zeyuan didn't lift his eyelids. Looking at the documents in his hand, he was not affected at all.

Lu Zeyuan didn't put down the things on his hand until he heard mu Qianyue's voice. He took what Cheng Ling put on the table and looked at it.

Cheng Ling looked at the document that Lu Zeyuan had put aside. He was curious about what document the president was looking at. He actually looked at the document so seriously. You know, the president read the document very quickly, and it was the first time to see it today.

However, the next second, Cheng Ling felt that his three views were destroyed.

What document is Lu Zeyuan reading there? It's just a virtual head of the document outside. What I see on it is "overbearing president falls in love with me" and "101 style of chasing goddess". In addition, it also made a lot of notes and notes.

Cheng Ling dares to say that this is absolutely the most serious time for his own president, but it is not used in the company.

Cheng Ling quietly moved her eyes, this must not be the president.

As the president of Lu's group and the person in charge of the Lu family, Lu Zeyuan's hands should have signed large contracts of tens of millions of yuan, and those eyes should have seen contracts of tens of millions.

When can you read this kind of romantic novel that little girls like to read?!

Until the chilly line of sight nearby looked over, Cheng Ling took back his sight, pretended that nothing had happened, and calmly moved his eyes. It's just that I don't feel so calm in my heart.

While Lu Zeyuan looks at the documents sent by Cheng Ling, the more he looks down, the colder his breath is.