The group searched their brains for what they knew, but the results were the same. They didn't know when Kyoto had a Mujia.

If the people of the Mu family know that they are not famous, they don't know how to stamp their feet in anger!

In Kyoto, the Mu family can only be regarded as a third rate family, not even a second rate family. It's no wonder that this group of second rate aristocratic families don't know about Mu family.

"Mu family? It seems that there is no such family in Kyoto? " Said the man at the head.

Words and expressions are very confused, as if really do not know the existence of Mu home in Kyoto.

Which other childe brothers are also in line with nodding, "yes, brother Mo, it seems that there is no Mu family in Kyoto. Can you remember it wrong?"

They have been living in this circle since they were young. Although they are mixing like this now, in the end, their family business has not yet been left to them to manage.

As they are now, they know more than some people sitting in the company.

Although they are mixing like this now, how can they not know that there are many people in the family who have been living in a rich family since they were young.

Most people here are just playing pigs and eating tigers. Who knows what they think.

In that group of people said they didn't know Mu's family, cloud Mo's face was more and more ugly.

This group of people's news is the most clever, cloud ink is also aware of this to find them, but did not expect, they actually one by one do not know what he said about the Mu family. He said that he didn't hear the wrong thing. He is not Alzheimer's disease. How can all these things be ignored!

Just when everyone didn't know what to do, a man in the corner suddenly raised his hand.

Suddenly, those eyes in the box all looked at the man.

Being watched by so many people, the man's legs can not help but some soft, but still opened his mouth, "as if, I know what you said about Mu family."

This person's identity is the lowest among them, and he usually has no sense of existence. Now he suddenly stands up, and these people are looking at him with a face of muddle.

But yunmo didn't care about it. He went to the man and said, "do you know the Mujia?"

Yunmo stood in front of him. Under the light, the shadow of yunmo covered his whole body. Looking at him from a commanding position, he couldn't help feeling out of breath.

But he knew it was his only chance.

That group of people in the side of the covetous look at him, that look, is not how friendly. On the contrary, he got the attention of yunmo, so he had some hatred towards him.

This is what they are like, holding high and stepping down. You can't compare with them. Although you are in a pile with them, there is a difference between them.

They all want to attract the attention of yunmo. No matter what the reason is, it is just the identity of yunmo. It is said that they are friends with the young master of the cloud family, and the face of their whole enterprise is bright.

But now this kind of thing that obtains cloud ink's attention has been attracted by a person who used to step on the bottom of their feet. Can they be in a good mood?

"Brother Mo, don't believe his words. We don't know the existence of the Mu family. How can he know. He is nothing but a waste of the Luo family The head of that person called cloud ink came to Luo Yan's side, after the reaction immediately to cloud ink road.

"Yes, brother Mo, don't believe him. Maybe he lied to you." Next to the group of people can not help but in line with the road.

In the past, the Luo family could be regarded as first-class in their family businesses. But since the Luo family didn't know what had changed from a first-class enterprise to a family business that they could not match, they had been mocking Luo Yan and despised him.

Luo Yan ignored those people who had been saying that and looked down on him. He just looked at cloud ink with those eyes, and was not affected by them at all.

He used to be so aloof, and this group of people was also behind him. Who knows who is completely like a changed person after that incident!

He thought he was friendly to them instead of being nice to them when he was proud. But what is it now?

Yunmo picks eyebrows. In fact, he doesn't have to hear about Mu's family here. He can have a lot of opportunities and ways to know what he wants to know. He doesn't have to lower his identity to ask them.

However, yunmo took a look at the boy in the corner. He was still pretty, and his eyes were so straight at him that he felt a little strange.

The light swept behind a glance which is more excited that group of people. The crowd seemed to be suddenly silenced, and the atmosphere did not dare to make one.

Cloud ink this just satisfied put the eye on Luo Yan's body, "you say."

But Luo Yan did not speak, but put his eyes on the group of people behind yunmo.He knew that his action today was totally infuriating them. As soon as yunmo left, they would be unscrupulous to him.

That's why he asked for yunmo in this way.

Yunmo is very curious. How can this boy be so sure that he will accept his request? Does he look like he wants to know about Mu family?

"Don't go out after him." Cloud Mo looks at the group of people behind him, light way.

Although a group of people are dissatisfied, yunmo is not what they can afford, so they have to retreat obediently.

As soon as they got out of the box door, the group of people couldn't help but gather around and whisper. Because the sound insulation effect of the box is very good, they don't worry that cloud ink will be heard inside again.

"Brother Chen, do we let the boy named Luo succeed like this? What if the news that he gave satisfied Mo Ge and the Luo family rose again? "

A dyed yellow hair of that person, a go out can't help but ask out.

"Otherwise? What else can we do? You don't know the news of Mu family. Who let him know? " The head of the boss is also a face of haze, the mood is obviously unhappy.

What's more, before leaving, yunmo made special efforts to let them not go to Luo Yan's trouble. Even if they want to do something about Luo Yan in the future, it will not work!

Since Luo family no longer follow, they have been bullying Luo Yan for fun. Although Luo Yan didn't do anything to Luo family at that time.

But they don't think so!