Originally, I ran a big zoo this morning, and my legs were sore. But after I finished my meal, I took a rest for a while, and then I was fully revived. I followed yunmo.

The closer to the destination, the more prosperous the streets here are. Mu Qianyue and Su youyou have some doubts about why yunmo brought them here.

Until yunmo takes them to stop in a store, Mu shallow moon and Su youYou are more confused.

"What did you bring us here for?" Mu Qianyue looks at the front of the store, better than they used to see.

Moreover, the location here is not comparable to what they have seen before.

Although Su youyou told him yesterday that they wanted to rent a shop to make a cake shop, they didn't tell him specifically.

"Sister mu, have you forgotten what I do?" Cloud ink blinks, lovely looking at Mu shallow moon and Su you.

Su youyou breathes a sigh of relief. Fortunately, yunmo didn't give her up.

Mu Qianyue certainly knows what cloud ink is for. It's easy to know what he wants to know.

Mu shallow month hands ring chest looking at cloud ink, "of course I know, I just don't know what you mean by bringing us here."

Cloud Mo looks at Mu shallow month, some shy way, "of course is to repay Mu elder sister."

"If there was no elder sister Mu at that time, I might have been starved to death. At that time, my wallet was stolen and I didn't have any money. If it wasn't for sister mu, I wouldn't have found my family so soon."

Mu shallow moon help forehead, "that's just a small matter, you don't have to put in mind, and I don't want your reward."

Cloud Mo obstinately looks at Mu shallow moon, does not speak.

Obviously, if Mu shallow moon does not agree, he will be so always looking at Mu shallow moon.

Su youyou is watching, also know cloud ink this is a kind-hearted, and Mu shallow moon is just afraid of implicating cloud ink.

Su youyou looked at the wet eyes of yunmo, and felt a little impatient. He said to the moon, "shallow moon, this is also a kind intention of Yun Xiaomo. Since all of us have come, let's go and have a look first."

Mu shallow month turns head to stare at Su you, cloud Mo does not know her and Mu family's relation, she also does not know?

Su youyou is afraid to speak when he is staring at him.

Finally Mu shallow moon still can't stand cloud Mo's eyes, agreed to go in to have a look.

As soon as they entered the store, the people inside welcomed them out. He is a middle-aged man in his forties. He looks a little frightened. When he sees yunmo, he looks like his subordinates see the leader, so he meets him.

"Cloud..." Less. After that little word has not been said, it was stopped by a look of cloud ink.

Since yunmo called last night, he has been preparing to see where there is a good storefront suitable for making a cake shop. He has been waiting here early in the morning.

"Sister mu, sister you, is this store. What do you think?" Cloud ink is like inviting merit, looking at Mu shallow moon and Su youyou.

Receiving the cloud ink's eyes, the middle-aged man also looks over like mu Qianyue and Su youyou.

Although I don't know who they are, the people who can be together with Yunshao and are still treated like this by Yunshao are certainly not so bad.

"Miss mu, Miss Su, Hello, I'm the owner of this shop. If you have any complaints about this place, we can change it if we say it out."

Why do you look so attentive to the middle-aged men?

Maybe they were wrong.

Mu Qianyue and Su youyou look at each other. It has to be said that cloud ink still has some vision. The layout, layout, lighting and location here are much better than what they have seen before.

What's more, the location here belongs to the center of Kyoto. If the shops mu Qianyue and Su youyou visited before were prosperous streets and better locations, then this place and those places are not at the same level.

How can yunmo find such a place, such a place. It doesn't feel like they can afford it.

"Sister mu, sister Su, what do you think?" Cloud Mo asked.

Mu shallow month nods, "still OK, OK, see also see, we can go."

At that time, she just said to come in and have a look, but she didn't say she wanted to rent it.

Mu shallow month a mouth, that middle-aged man's face all changed. This is what Yunshao specially ordered him to look for. No matter what it is, it's first-class and first-class. Now they don't like it. Are they questioning his ability to handle affairs?

Because mu Qianyue and Su youYou are a cloud ink together, so the middle-aged man also thinks that the identity of Mu Qianyue and Su youyou is not too low.

"Miss mu, Miss Su. You are not satisfied with here and there. If you tell me, we will make it all right at the first time. " The middle-aged man wants to keep mu Qianyue and Su youyou.Mu Xiaoyue waved her hand, "no, no, you are very good here, but we don't want to rent it now. It has nothing to do with the store."

Seeing the middle-aged man's reaction, mu Qianyue's feeling in his heart is getting heavier and heavier. Why does he feel like this man is selling their stores.

The middle-aged man had no choice but to put his eyes on yunmo's body.

Yunmo didn't pay attention to the middle-aged man, just looking at the moon.

"Sister mu, why don't you rent it? Isn't it good here? I can find you a new store. " Yunmo has some pathetic way.

"No, it's a good store." Mu shallow moon helpless way. What does she have to say? Said she and Mu family have a relationship, now Mu family in her, she does not want to implicate him?

"Well, let's go first. I'm sorry to trouble you The first sentence is mu Qianyue's words to Su youyou's yunmo, and the latter is to the middle-aged man.

Mu shallow month all went out, Su You helplessly looked at cloud ink, also followed out.

After mu Qianyue and Su youyou leave, the middle-aged man looks at yunmo uneasily, "Yunshao..."

Cloud Mo some impatient way, "OK, this storefront you keep first, I will persuade them to come in rent."

Cloud Mo, who was preparing to go out with him, didn't know what he thought of and returned. Looking at the middle-aged man, "by the way, you should quickly draw up a contract, the price is about 5000."

After saying this sentence again, yunmo did not care what expression the middle-aged man was behind him, and left here directly.

The middle-aged man looked at the shadow of yunmo, and didn't know why he wanted him to do so.