Mu Xuerou was said by cloud ink a burst of red, can't help but glare at cloud ink.

When seeing cloud ink, muxue is soft, and other people think that yunmo is just a cute boy who can't lift any kind of storm.

What's more, yunmo's voice is relatively small when she calls mu Qianyue's sister. Mu Xuerou naturally doesn't hear her, so she uses this thing as an article. I want everyone to misunderstand mu Qianyue and splash dirty water on her.

Who knows, cloud ink unexpectedly will come to such a big reversal, let no one expect.

And who in the supermarket who heard what yunmo said had already believed more than half of yunmo.

When mu Xuerou glares at the cloud ink again, there is still half a weak and pitiful meaning.

Those people are aware that they were played, looking at mu Xuerou's eyes are very bad.

When Luoyang heard the words of yunmo, his face was shocked. My mind is full of scenes when Yun Mo called the man's brother-in-law.

He didn't realize the meaning of cloud ink words. He called his sister mu Qianyue, and the man's brother-in-law.

If Luoyang boy think about it carefully, you will find that when mu Qianyue had a younger brother?

Mu shallow month also was cloud Mo said this word to muddle, brother-in-law? When did he see Lu Zeyuan? Moreover, when did Lu Zeyuan become his brother-in-law?

However, seeing mu Xuerou's face unwilling, Luoyang is shocked. And those who originally said her who all go to blame mu Xuerou, Mu shallow moon that want to say the words on the silent swallow back.

"I'll tell you, that girl doesn't look like this. You don't believe it."

"Look at that woman. When you see that girl, her face is full of surprise, and she also calls her sister affectionately. However, everything she says is about that girl. How could she have said that if she really thought of the girl as her sister? "

"It seems true to hear that."


Who disdains to look at mu Xuerou with disdain, such a pretentious person, but also want to frame others.

"Girl, little brother, I'm so sorry. We just didn't mean to. We just misunderstood you just by listening to what this woman said One of them began to apologize, and those who followed began to apologize in succession.

"Yes, girl, little brother, I'm sorry!"


"It's none of your business." Yunmo said, and then sighed, "these things happen all the time. Every time this aunt sees sister mu, she will say some specious words, which makes people misunderstand sister mu..."

Hearing the words of cloud ink, mu Xuerou's whole face is almost twisted together, and the pair of eyes are staring at cloud ink.


He called her aunt?

She is even two years younger than mu Qianyue. He calls her aunt? But it's called sister mu Qianyue?

Mu Xuerou looks at cloud Mo with haze in her eyes. How can she not know when mu Qianyue has a younger brother. There may be something in it!

"Ah, auntie, what are you doing looking at me like this? I'm so scared! But I didn't say anything wrong? " Cloud Mo said, as if suddenly found mu Xuerou's eyes, suddenly scared of a cry, and then hide behind the moon.

Mu shallow moon cloud ink protection behind, cold eye at Mu snow soft.

After hearing the cry of cloud and ink's fear, which people can't help looking at mu Xuerou. As expected, they saw the twist on mu Xuerou's face that hasn't had time to take back, and the haze in his eyes.

There is no weakness and grievance just now.

When those people's eyes looked over, mu Xuerou remembered that they were in the supermarket now, and there were so many people looking at them. She was in a panic. She quickly put away the expression on her face, looked at mu Qianyue wrongly and called for her sister. The expression was more than words.

Then, as if determined, he looked at mu Qianyue and said in surprise, "sister, we have lived together since childhood. How can I not know when you have a brother? And she called me aunt? How can you be so impolite

After mu Xuerou said this, Luoyang just remembered that mu Qianyue had no younger brother. Who's the man next to her? Is it really like mu Xuerou said? Luoyang put his eyes on the moon.

Mu Xuerou said that mu Qianyue had been with her since childhood, and did not know when Mu had a brother. Also disguised as saying that yunmo is not polite.

It means that yunmo and muqianyue are lying to them.

But who have already seen mu Xuerou's true purpose, and they will not believe it any more.

"Sister? Growing up together Mu shallow moon sneers. She didn't have the kind of sister who wanted to frame her up at any time!

Mu Rou, do you know whether I am my brother? What's more, you said we grew up together. How could I not know that we grew up together? "Mu Xuerou choked for a while, looking at Mu shallow moon, speechless, hands dead to stir his skirt.

The onlookers, who are listening to what yunmo said and what mu Xuerou is doing now, seem to have been able to imagine a picture.

It is mu Xuerou who always says bad things that mislead mu Qianyue outside. Mu Xuerou is not good at explaining and is misunderstood every time.

Suddenly, these people look at mu Xuerou's eyes with disdain and disdain!

When mu Xuerou receives the disgust and disdain in her eyes, she is so angry that she almost vomits blood!

Which eyes, clearly should be in the light of the moon!

Yunmo, the little demon king, was with people who were afraid that the world would not be in chaos. At this time, he added, "Auntie, don't look at me like this with such eyes. I will have nightmares when I go back."

"Snow soft." Luoyang's face is not very good-looking, now mu Xuerou is his fiancee, she did these things not let his face also have no face?

"Brother Luo, I I didn't... " Mu Xuerou squeezed out a few tears from her eyes. She looked at Luoyang wrongly and buried herself in the arms of Luoyang.

Seeing mu Xuerou crying like this and being wronged like this, it's hard to say those words in Luoyang. Can only embrace Mu snow soft shoulder, deeply looked at Mu shallow month one eye, then left here.

After they left, yunmo said in a crisp voice to the people next to him, "thank you all. If it wasn't for you, my two sisters and I might be misunderstood by that aunt again!"

Yunmo is so good, and calls so sweet. He says that those people are in full bloom, and they all wave their hands with some embarrassment, saying it's nothing.