Mu Qianyue almost ran out of Lu Zeyuan's car in a hurry.

Ran to no one's place, Mu shallow moon just stopped, slightly gasping, the mind is full of Lu Zeyuan just kiss her that picture.

The number of times they met each other can be counted with ten fingers. Except what happened that night, mu Qianyue never saw Lu Zeyuan kissing her so clearly.

Before and Luoyang together, two people can not help but also some intimate touch.

But she's never had a face like this.

Maybe Luoyang and Lu Zeyuan are not on the same channel. Mu Qianyue tries to ignore the strange feeling in his heart.

After recovery, mu Qianyue is ready to take a taxi to the store. But I didn't know what to think of during the trip, and suddenly told the driver to turn around.

And she made a call to the last person she wanted to contact.

I don't know what Su Yu is doing there. It sounds noisy.

Mu Qianyue directly said the purpose of looking for her, "Mrs. mu, I have considered the matter you said last time. I want to talk to you. By the way, you can take the jade pendant with you. The address is where we last met. "

Mu shallow month finish saying, hang up the phone, did not give Su Yu to react over time.

She has no relationship with Mu family now. Why should she listen to Su Yu's nagging. Anyway, they Mu family in addition to the adoption of her also did not take any responsibility for her.

In the large-scale brand clothing market, Mu snow is soft and Su Yu is now shopping hand in hand. Seeing the phone call from mu Qianyue, Su Yu is impatient and even wants to refuse to answer. But think of Mu shallow month call may be because of the last thing, Su Yu or connected the phone.

Who knows she just connected the phone, Mu shallow month's voice passed over, sure enough, is the last thing. Being disturbed by the light moon, the interest of shopping has also been eased.

Who knows Mu shallow month in finish that sentence when hang up the phone, did not give her a chance to speak at all.

Su Yu's face suddenly sank down, this dead girl!

Mu Xuerou naturally felt the change of Su Yu. Looking at Su Yu's gloomy face, she asked, "Mom, what's the matter? Who just called? "

Su Yu looked at mu Xuerou and relaxed his expression, but the words he said were not polite, "who else can it be? It's not mu shallow moon that dead girl. Last time I went to see her, she also agreed. I said to give her a week to think about it. Now it's almost a week.

It seems that the jade pendant is really important to her. " Otherwise, this kind of request Mu shallow moon how can agree?

"Mom, are you serious? Did mu Qianyue really agree? " Mu Xuerou hears Su Yu's words and looks at Su Yu in surprise.

"Of course, why would she call me? By the way, I just called from the moon. Would you like to go? "

Mu snow soft shriveled mouth, full of disgust, "I don't want to go, I see her feel sick."

Su Yu didn't ask for it.

"Then you can go shopping here. It will be your uncle Luo's birthday in less than a month. You should choose a gift for your uncle Luo." Su Yu told her before she left.

"Well, Ma, I see. You can go. " Mu Xuerou urges a way.

When Su Yu turns to leave, mu Xuerou suddenly stops Su Yu.

Mu Xuerou thinks about it for a while. She'd better go with Su Yu. She wants to see what mu Qianyue looks like now.

And a strange man married, let no one can accept, she wants to see Mu shallow moon in distress.

Mu Xuerou's most annoying thing is that mu Qianyue is always in front of people's appearance, as if she didn't care about anything, wanton, free and easy.

She is going to have a look. What is muqianyue like now!

Mu snow soft Su Yu two people are first back to Mu home, jade pendant with the body, and then to Mu shallow Moon said that place.

"Mom, do you really want to give this jade pendant to Mu Qianyue?" Mu Xuerou looks at that crystal clear green jade pendant, in the heart is not willing to give Mu shallow moon.

Su Yu doesn't know what mu Xuerou is thinking. "You don't want to do anything for me. I promise that dead girl. If you think about it, as long as you become the young lady of Roche Group in the future, the number of these things is not enough. What's more, the quality of this jade pendant is not so good. Just give it to her. "

Although Su Yu has been married to Mu Zhengtao for so many years, she should know the brand well. But in Su Yu's opinion, this jade pendant is just a little better in color, and there is no other difference.

Mu Zhengtao didn't know about this jade pendant. If Mu Zhengtao saw this jade pendant, he would say nothing about it.

So that later, Su Yu is incomparable regret, let Mu shallow moon from Mu home!

However, these are afterwords.

Cafe.Ben's cup is stirring on the table. Don't know what to think of, some empty eyes, the whole person is a bit stupefied.

As a result, Mu snow soft Su Yu two people came in, sat in front of Mu shallow moon, Mu shallow moon just returned to God.

When mu Xuerou saw mu Qianyue's expression and saw the marriage certificate book on the table, she thought that mu Qianyue was really what she imagined. She casually married a strange man, and that man was no better than Luoyang, so she showed such an expression.

I can't help feeling a little proud. Mu shallow moon, even if Luoyang now like you, even if you used to be with Luoyang, but now you are married. And your man can't compare with Luoyang!

Su Yu naturally saw the red book on the table, and was in a bad mood.

But she still pretended that she didn't know, and sat down on the opposite side of the moon with her noble and elegant frame. "Come on, what can I do for you?"

Mu Xuerou also sat down next to Su Yu and looked at the moon with pride.

Mu Qianyue stopped stirring the coffee, took the red book on the table and put it in front of Su Yu, "I have done everything you want me to do, jade pendant?"

Su Yu did not speak, mu Xuerou could not sit still, "Mu shallow moon, what qualifications do you have to talk to my mother like this!" Mu Xuerou's most annoying thing is to bathe in the moon.

Clearly she is the daughter of Mu's group. She is better and higher than mu Qianyue. Clearly, she is the one who attracts the attention of the public. What can we do with her!