Murmur murmur of Mu shallow month did not find, lying on the bed of the man's eyelashes gently quiver.

Mu Qianyue looks at the man in front of him. This man is really the favorite of God.

See a man's hand slightly move, bathe shallow month immediately lie down, close eyes, pretend to sleep!

Lu Zeyuan opened his eyelids and took a look at the sleeping moon. He gave a silent smile.

Then he turned over unconsciously, and unfortunately, he pulled the moon into his arms, and then there was no other action.

Aware that Lu Zeyuan has nothing to do, Mu shallow moon quietly opened his eyes a line. Suddenly found that she is now half hugged by Lu Zeyuan.

Lu Zeyuan's one hand passes through her armpit, embraces her, and puts the other hand on her.

If it wasn't for Lu Zeyuan who was really sleeping now, mu Qianyue almost thought Lu Zeyuan was intentional.

How could such a coincidence happen? But fortunately, Lu Zeyuan seems to remember her hand injuries, and did not touch her injured hand.

Mu Qianyue gently lifted Lu Zeyuan's hand, moved it, and then sat up slowly. Just when mu Qianyue thought he might leave here, Lu Zeyuan moved his leg over again and just put it on mu Qianyue's leg.

Mu Qianyue

Mu shallow month turns head, looking at Lu Zeyuan in deep sleep, perhaps she thinks much?

Mu Qianyue bows up, drags Lu Zeyuan's leg, slowly moves to one side, and then gets out of bed at a very fast speed. After getting out of bed, muqianyue slightly breathes a sigh of relief.

Mu shallow month raised his hand, looking at yesterday was scalded the back of the hand, swelling has been eliminated more than half, also not yesterday so painful.

"It seems that the medicine here still works." Mu shallow moon murmured in a low voice.

She had not been scalded before, but the swelling took at least two or three days to disappear.

Mu shallow month lightly took the clothes to the bathroom, changed clothes, and then washed some of their own, then quietly out of the bedroom door.

Mu Qianyue thinks that he wakes up the earliest, and his action is so light that Lu Zeyuan will not find out and wake him.

But mu Qianyue doesn't know. Lu Zeyuan doesn't know how long she wakes up first. He stares at her sleeping face for a long time, and pretends to sleep when she wants to wake up.

What's more, Lu Zeyuan sees all the things mu Qianyue has done.

Lu Zeyuan's level of pretending to sleep is definitely higher than muqianyue. I don't know how many times higher than muqianyue, so that muqianyue has not been found.

Mu shallow moon out of the bedroom door just a sigh of relief, know that the sound insulation effect here is very good, Mu shallow month also has no scruples, dada ran to the kitchen, and then ready to make breakfast.

Almost when mu Qianyue left the bedroom, Lu Zeyuan opened his eyes. His eyes were clear and bright, and there was a look of just waking up.

Mu Qianyue first washed the dishes and chopsticks in the kitchen, then cooked a pot of porridge and prepared several small dishes.

Mu shallow moon smelled the smell of porridge in the pot, only felt that the mood of the day was good, not to be rejected.

Mu Qianyue has just put the porridge and the dishes on the table, when he sees Lu Zeyuan standing on the second floor.

Mu shallow month a stagger, almost the gruel on the hand all spilled to the ground.

Mu shallow month steady body, put porridge on the table just to upstairs Lu Zeyuan way, "good morning."

Lu Zeyuan looks at Mu shallow month, the corner of the mouth rises slightly, "early."

Mu shallow month low head, so big morning began to smile so coquettish, confused who.

They sat at the table and ate their breakfast quietly.

"Well, I'm full. I'll go to work first." Mu Qianyue puts down the dishes and chopsticks and says to Lu Zeyuan.

Lu Zeyuan just finished eating, put down his bowl and chopsticks and said, "I'll send you."

Mu shallow month, "no, no, I'll drive my own car."

Lu Zeyuan looked at mu Qianyue with a smile, "are you sure? You can't get a taxi here

Mu Qianyue Yeah, how could she forget that this is not her old neighborhood anymore.

"How's the hand?"

Mu Qianyue took out his hand, probably because he had washed the dishes just now. Some of his hands were good, but some were white.

Mu shallow month does not care to smile, "it's OK, after two days."

Lu Zeyuan fiercely pulled mu Qianyue's hand over, but he couldn't get rid of it. "Did you wash that bowl this morning?" Lu Zeyuan's voice is a little heavy.

Mu Zeyuan nodded.

"Who told you to wash it?" Lu Zeyuan suddenly roared at mu Qianyue.

Mu Qianyue looks at Lu Zeyuan with a confused face. He doesn't understand why he is so angry. His voice is not suppressed. He looks at mu Qianyue.

How dare she wash her hands when the detergent hurt her hands so badly yesterday.Lu Zeyuan's air pressure is very low. Mu Qianyue thinks that Lu Zeyuan should be angry. Why are you angry? Is it because she washed the bowl?

Lu Zeyuan didn't give Mu a chance to resist. He took mu Qianyue to his bedroom and washed his hands with water. Then he took out disinfectant, cotton swab and ointment from the medicine box and began to give him medicine.

Mu shallow month obediently sits on one side, looking at Lu Zeyuan seriously to her medicine. The atmosphere is afraid to come out.

Until Mu shallow month's hands on the medicine, looking at is not so serious, Lu Zeyuan's facial expression just relaxed some.

Mu shallow month pursed pursed lip, murmur way, "Lu Zeyuan, are you angry?"

Lu Zeyuan didn't answer mu Qianyue, so he put the medicine box aside and ignored him.

"Mu Ze yuan, don't worry about it. I'm not angry again." She got up early in the morning and saw that her hands were much better, and she had no scruples. So she washed the bowl, but she didn't expect Lu Zeyuan to be so angry.

It's a strange person. Her hand is hurt. She hasn't said anything. He seems to be more excited than her

Mu shallow month doesn't know what to think of, slightly stare big eyes, should, won't be her to think like that?

Lu Zeyuan was really angry when he saw Mu's hand turn into that.

But he was angry with himself. He was angry why he didn't take care of her. He asked her to touch the bowls and make his hands look like this.

Heart is full of heartache, now see Mu shallow moon put soft voice, pitifully looking at her, how can he be angry?

Lu Zeyuan pursed his lips, "there is no vitality."