Since she was adopted since childhood, mu Qianyue has been very sensible since she was a child. She knows everything, knows clearly and understands.

So she thought that going to work in those companies was better than keeping her own shop. Besides, she's doing well in this store and doesn't want to go to any other company.

If there is a need in the future, it will be another matter.

Lu Zeyuan pursed his lips, did not speak, and held the steering wheel tightly.

Lu Zeyuan's car is very stable, mu Qianyue holds his head, shaking, can not help but have a trace of sleepiness.

Lu Zeyuan looks at the past from time to time while driving, and this time is no exception.

Lu Zeyuan looked at the past and found that he could not move his eyes.

See Mu shallow moon with his hand to support his head, leaning against the window of the car, head from time to time down.

The crystal clear lips slightly open to reveal the pink inside. The moon is very quiet when sleeping. The eyes are closed, and the long eyelashes drop a shadow.

Mu's skin is very white, like the best jade, but now it is stained with a trace of rose, pink, like ripe peach, people can not help but bite down.

Lu Zeyuan's eyes darkened in an instant. His throat was itchy. All the heat rushed to his lower abdomen. Lu almost couldn't control it. His eyes almost stuck to Mu Qianyue's body.

But the only trace of reason or pull back to Lu Zeyuan, he is now driving, in case a god shaking out of what to do? Although there is no such thing as this in his car.

Lu Zeyuan takes back his sight and drives like a man who has nothing to do with it. But if anyone who knows clearly, Lu Zeyuan's speed is several times faster than he just didn't know.

Although it was a lot faster, Lu Zeyuan was still very stable and didn't make muqianyue feel any discomfort.

Lu Zeyuan stopped to get out of the car, not in a hurry. Instead, he took off his seat belt and slowly moved towards the moon.

Let muqianyue's head rest on his shoulder, half embrace mu Qianyue, look at the ruddy and crystal clear lips, just want to kiss, see Mu shallow moon some confused open eyes.

Looking at the enlarged version of Lu Zeyuan in front of her, she couldn't recover. Looking at the familiar Camellia outside, she rubbed her eyes with a voice of hoarseness and laziness just waking up, "is it here?"

Lu Zeyuan can clearly see mu Qianyue's curly and long eyelashes blink and blink, unspeakable lovely, and when mu Qianyue talks, the warm breath sprays on his face.

Lu Zeyuan's mood now is simply checked to the extreme!

Mingming just almost can kiss Fangze, but mu shallow moon wakes up at this time.

Lu Zeyuan sat back like a quiet man. Looking at mu Qianyue's puzzled eyes, he explained faintly, "I just saw you fall asleep in the car. I wanted to wake you up. Who knows you will wake up."

Mu shallow month does not doubt have him, nodded. Then he unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car.

Lu Zeyuan's action is faster than mu Qianyue. When he enters the villa, he goes straight to the bedroom.

Mu shallow moon looks at some anxious Lu Zeyuan, some have no idea.

Zhang's mother is cooking. She can't stay idle for a long time. Then she goes to the kitchen to help. From time to time, laughter came from the kitchen, but Lu Zeyuan did not know.

Lu Zeyuan stayed in the bathroom for an hour until his mother Mu came up to ask him to eat.

Looking at mu Qianyue, who was eating happily on the table, Lu Zeyuan darkened his eyes. It seemed that he had to let mu Qianyue fall in love with him as soon as possible. Otherwise, he would have to take a cold bath every day, but he could not eat. It really made Lu Zeyuan miserable.

Mu Qianyue doesn't know why. She always feels strange when Lu Zeyuan looks at her at dinner, but when she looks at her, everything is normal. Let Mu shallow month doubt, is oneself too sensitive?

Because of sleeping for a while in the afternoon, muqianyue doesn't feel sleepy now. After taking a bath, I sit and watch TV in the living room.

Lu Zeyuan went to the study, also do not know what is busy.

Lu Zeyuan also checked the last incident in the hotel. Mu shallow month is inadvertently ran to his room, not who sent.

Yes, who would send such a fool to seduce him.

However, even if it was sent by someone, since he provoked Lu Zeyuan, he could not escape.

On the desk, in front of Lu Zeyuan, there is a computer, showing video communication.

The end of the computer is a foreigner, very strong, face is also big, some black skin, the whole person looks a bit fierce. It looks like it's not easy to bully.

At this time, his face was full of unbelievable looking at Lu Zeyuan, and the whole person was a bit stunned. Then he looked at Lu Zeyuan in protest and said in broken Chinese, "no! What you want to increase by 7% is already earned, and 10% is impossible! "That 7% is already his maximum deadline, 10%, how possible!

Lu Zeyuan did not waver in the slightest. Looking at the foreign friend who looked a little ugly, Lu Zeyuan sneered at the corners of his mouth. He was obviously disdainful to deal with the foreign friend. "Well, that's it."

Seeing that Lu Zeyuan meant to interrupt the video, the foreign friend said, "wait, let me think about it."

Then he discussed with the group of high-level people behind him.


Mobile phone mail ring, is the mail from Cheng Ling, may be related to the things he ordered in the afternoon.

Lu Zeyuan now even more impatient, between the eyebrows some impatient, "give you three seconds time!"

Naturally, the foreigner noticed the impatience on Lu Zeyuan's face, gritted his teeth and agreed.

Then Lu Zeyuan hung up without hesitation. Looking at the email Cheng Cheng Ling sent him on his mobile phone.

Although he checked mu Qianyue's development, he never monitored mu Qianyue. Naturally, he did not know what he did when he was on business.

Cheng Ling's information is very detailed. From mu Qianyue, she leaves from Luo's, and then she and Su youyou prepare to open a shop. Mu snow soft in the inside of the obstruction, let Mu shallow month rent shop.

Seeing that yunmo and mu Qianyue eat hot pot together and go shopping in the supermarket, Lu Zeyuan's whole face is black. He doesn't know when yunmo and mu Qianyue got to know each other.

Especially in the picture of Mu Qianyue getting off the bus this morning and being entangled by Luoyang, Lu Zeyuan's face can almost drip ink, and his eyes are dead at the man in the photo. If the eyes can kill people, Luoyang does not know how many times it has been killed!