At this time, Cheng Ling just wants to drive the car to the company quickly, and then he leaves the right and wrong place where dog food is scattered.

Cheng Ling stops at the company's downstairs. Lu Zeyuan carefully holds mu Qianyue in his arms. Without looking at Cheng Ling, Lu Zeyuan enters the company's building with mu Qianyue in his arms.

Because Lu's group is guarded sooner or later, Lu Zeyuan's face is the best pass. So as soon as the guard saw Lu Zeyuan, who was still sleepy, he immediately woke up.

Although I wonder why the president will come to the company at this time, this is not the scope of his consideration, and he quickly released it.

Cheng Ling joined the company after Lu Zeyuan entered the company. As a special assistant of Lu Zeyuan, Cheng Ling still has a high position in the company.

It has its own independent office, also has its own rest room, and is not simple and crude.

Now that's the point, even if he wants to go back. It's better to make do with one night in the company, and there are still a few hours to go to work.

"Cheng tezhu." The security guard obviously knows Cheng Ling. Seeing Cheng Ling, he meets him.

Cheng Ling light should a, and then left.

The security guard at the back of Lu Zeyuan and Cheng Ling is puzzled. Why are you all here so early today?

Lu Zeyuan carried mu Qianyue to the rest room of his office. Inside there is a big white bed, the layout is similar to that in the villa.

Lu Zeyuan carefully put Mu shallow moon on the bed, looking at Mu shallow moon's quiet sleeping face, how can't stop the joy in his heart.

After a busy day, Lu Zeyuan couldn't help feeling sleepy. He simply went to the bathroom to wash himself, and then he hugged him in his arms next to muqianyue and fell asleep.

The next morning, when I wake up, I feel like I'm strangled by something. I can't breathe.

Mu shallow moon some confused open eyes, looking at a large version of Jun Yan some back to God.

She remembers youyou asked her to come back with Lu Zeyuan last night, and then she bought a big bag of snacks to eat in Lu Zeyuan's car.

Then she ate and fell asleep. She couldn't help falling asleep in the car.

So, who's here now?

Mu shallow month's head some dull thought.

"Lu, Lu Zeyuan?" Mu shallow moon pushed Lu Zeyuan's head.

She said, how could she feel that she was almost out of breath when she was sleeping. It turned out that Lu Zeyuan had pressed his head on his chest.

Mu shallow moon called Lu Zeyuan several times. Seeing that Lu Zeyuan had no response, his voice could not help raising several times, "Lu Zeyuan, you wake up."

"Well?" Lu Zeyuan some lazy open his eyes, eyes a clear, where there is just wake up when confused.

A hook Mu shallow month's neck, rubbed to the top, "time is still early, in accompany me to sleep."

Lu Zeyuan rubbed some itchy, Mu shallow moon can not help but move to the side, hide. Who knows, but was hugged more tightly by Lu Zeyuan.

Hear Lu Zeyuan's words, Mu shallow moon slightly lift eyebrow.

It's still early?

It's too early for the sun to snap in?

"Where is this?" Mu shallow month looks at the front completely unfamiliar environment, asks a way.

"The company." Lu Zeyuan slouched out two words.

"What?" Mu Qianyue raises the volume and stares at Lu Zeyuan.

Is this his company?

He brought her to his company last night? Some of my head is dizzy.


Lu Zeyuan was held in his arms. Mu Qianyue felt uncomfortable all over his body, and moved restlessly.

Who knows but was pressed in his arms by Lu Zeyuan, "don't move." Lu Zeyuan's voice is some dumb, and some unspeakable taste, Mu shallow moon did not respond to it for a while.

Aware of what, Mu shallow moon obediently stays in Lu Zeyuan's arms, his face suddenly burst red, but dare not move about.

It is said that men are most likely to be impulsive in the morning. It seems that this is true. The head of Mu Qianyue is somewhat dull.

Xu is aware of Mu shallow moon's cleverness and excessive quiet, Lu Zeyuan low smile.

Mu shallow moon's face couldn't help burning up.

They lay in bed like this for about half an hour.

Finally, when mu Qianyue came out from the rest room, the whole person was a little dizzy. They didn't know what they had done in it, and their faces were red. I don't know where to swing my hands.

On the other hand, Lu Zeyuan's face was fresh and fresh. Even his face, which was always tight and cold, melted a lot.

As soon as they came out, someone brought breakfast. The person who brings breakfast is Cheng Ling. At this time, he is wearing a suit and tie. He looks like a successful person.

Cheng Ling came in and saw his president sitting on the office chair, even the tight lips have a little smile.And mu Qianyue is sitting on the sofa with a broken face and looks a little shy.

Cheng Ling pauses and looks at the meaning of these two people. He almost guesses something.

"President, this is your breakfast. I don't know what Miss Mu likes to eat, so I bought one. " Cheng Ling put all the breakfast on the table.

Lu Zeyuan faintly hum sound, and then put his eyes on Cheng Ling's body, the meaning is very obvious, when it's finished, go away.

Mu Qianyue is now alone with Lu Zeyuan, so she feels embarrassed. When she sees Cheng Ling, she almost grabs Cheng Ling.

Seeing Cheng Ling going away, mu Qianyue couldn't help but say, "Cheng tezhu went to buy breakfast so early in the morning, so I didn't eat it. We can't finish so much. Why don't we just stay and eat together

Mu shallow month says, prepare to pull Cheng Ling. In her opinion, Cheng Ling should be Lu Zeyuan's right-hand man, and his position in the company is also very important. Lu Zeyuan also attaches great importance to him, so it should be OK to stay for a meal together.

Moreover, in the company, in addition to knowing Lu Zeyuan, there is only one Cheng Ling left.

Just happened that kind of thing, Mu shallow moon says what do not want to and Lu Zeyuan alone stay here. I want to keep Cheng Ling together.

Mu Qianyue just reaches out his hand, and before he meets Cheng Ling, Lu Zeyuan's cool and seemingly murderous gaze stares at him.

Cheng Ling couldn't help shaking.

Without a trace to avoid Mu shallow moon's hand, heart bitter ha ha, my Mu miss ah. Don't you see the murderous look of the president looking at me? If Mu Qianyue really meets him, Cheng Ling thinks that it is possible for the president of his family to chop off his hands.