Lu Zeyuan felt that he had gone too far. It's better to hustle. In order not to enjoy this kind of welfare in the future.

Almost when Lu Zeyuan let go of the moon, there was a knock on the door of the office.

Mu shallow moon seems to be startled in general, sitting on the sofa, covering his face with a book. It's just shameless.

Looking at Mu's lovely move, Lu Zeyuan couldn't help but smile.

Not only is the sound so good, but even the laughter is so charming.

Mu shallow moon covers face, think silently.

"Cheng Ling will be in the office after a while. I'll be in the office when you have a meeting." Lu Zeyuan whispered a few words to Mu Qianyue, then opened the door of the office and went out.

"Chief executive?" The one who knocked on the door was also Lu Zeyuan's assistant. He had seen that the time was almost up, and then he came to ask Lu Zeyuan to prepare for the meeting. Unexpectedly, Lu Zeyuan opened the door of his office and came out.

"Well. Let's go. " Lu Zeyuan glanced at the assistant lightly.

Lu Zeyuan just walked out two steps, and then he did not know what he thought of, and suddenly stopped. A little assistant who followed Lu Zeyuan almost ran into him. Fortunately, he reacted quickly.

"President?" The assistant screamed in fear.

The main reason is that Lu Zeyuan's image in the company is simply too terrible.

Lu Zeyuan thought about Mu Qianyue in his mind. He didn't notice the panic in his assistant's mouth. After thinking about it, he said, "you prepare some snacks that girls like to eat and take them to my office."

Assistant although doubt, but still obediently promise way.

Lu Zeyuan walks away and the assistant follows. Who knows Lu Zeyuan stops abruptly and looks at the assistant with his eyebrows.

The little assistant was frightened. He didn't seem to miss anything? Why does the president look at him like this? What's the matter with the president today? It stopped twice in such a short time.

"Not yet!" Lu Zeyuan looked at his little assistant behind him. Seeing that he had not prepared what he had just said, he couldn't help but say in a cold voice.

Ah? The assistant looked at Lu Zeyuan.

When seeing Lu Zeyuan's horrible eyes, his head was excited, "OK, President, I'll go right now." After that, the assistant ran away, as if something was chasing him.

Along the way, the assistant was puzzled. I didn't know why the president asked him to prepare some snacks that girls like to eat.

Is there a woman in the president's office?

The assistant was surprised by the idea. Then he threw the idea out.

Lu Zeyuan is who, in the company for so many years, there has never been a woman around. Moreover, there are rumors that Lu Zeyuan hates women, so it is impossible for Lu Zeyuan to have women in his office.

The assistant did not know that the answer he denied was the right answer.

However, the assistant didn't think too much. She prepared some snacks that girls like to eat and took them to Lu Zeyuan's office. Did not see someone in the office, a little confused around his head, and then went out.

Almost at the moment when the assistant went out, the door of the rest room in the office was opened, and mu Qianyue came out from it.

It seems that I came out after a good wash in it. I can't see the embarrassment just now.

Now there is no one in the office, so I feel at ease after taking a breath of relief.

I don't know why, mu Qianyue feels that since she came back from Los Angeles, her relationship with Lu Zeyuan has been quietly changing.

Seems to be getting closer? More harmonious? Mu shallow moon supports the head to think silently. But when I glimpsed the snacks on the coffee table, mu Qianyue threw those ideas out.

Nothing is important to eat.

Lu Zeyuan had a conscience until he prepared some snacks for her.

However, Mu shallow month ate some can not eat. Because this morning at breakfast, Lu Zeyuan fed her very full.


In the conference room.

With Lu Zeyuan's brows more and more wrinkled, the sweat on the face explained above is also more and more. I'm stuttering more and more.

"Finally, the project We should still take... "

Fortunately, the person who explained above has now reached the last sentence. He is very honored to finish. Then he wiped the sweat on his forehead carefully and finally returned to his position.

Lu Zeyuan's hand is pounding on the table, which has a sense of rhythm. The people sitting down here are confused.

A group of senior officials, I look at you, you look at me, all want to see what message from each other's eyes. But they all shook their heads in confusion.

In the conference room of Nuo Da, only the sound of Lu Zeyuan's fingers beating on the table can be heard at this time."Is it all over?" The voice of indifference sounded in the empty and silent conference room.

The leaders nodded.

"Well, that's it. Let's end the meeting." Lu Zeyuan stood up without hesitation and was ready to leave.

"Wait, president." Some people are not afraid of death.

Lu Zeyuan turned and looked at the man indifferently.

When the man saw Lu Zeyuan's terrible eyes, his legs softened for a moment, but he didn't know what to think of and straightened his back.

Just at the meeting, Lu Zeyuan was so absent-minded. It is estimated that all the people here are clear, but no one dares to say anything. It is because Lu Zeyuan has been in the Lu family for a long time.

The man, like a bird in the air, stood up.

"What can't be stolen from the project just mentioned by Mr. Liu?"

Liu Dong, who was named, fell down in cold sweat.

If this person doesn't want to live, why should he be pulled together.

Lu Zeyuan didn't listen to him carefully, so he decided that Lu Zeyuan would not be able to answer.

Lu Zeyuan squinted, "question me?"

The man clenched his hand and under great pressure, "I dare not."

"Too much capital investment, long construction cycle, the front is bullshit, is doing nothing."

Lu Zeyuan said, looking at Liu Dong, "that project plan, do it again."

Liu Dongcheng nodded in fear.

"Is there any objection?" Lu Zeyuan looked around, and people there lowered their heads wherever he looked.

At this time, Lu Zeyuan's office.

A man in a pink suit and a charming looking man opened the door of the office and walked in.