Mu shallow moon or support the wall next to avoid the risk of falling to the ground again.

Mu shallow moon doesn't know why the woman in front of her suddenly looks like this. Is it because you saw her face like this? Think she's going to seduce their CEO?

"Come on, how are you going to pay for it? Let's forget about the coffee. I'll give you a discount for this dress on me. I'll pay you fifty thousand yuan. " Amy hands around her chest, looking down at mu Qianyue.

Mu shallow moon frown, leg pain let her almost lose consciousness, the voice sounds more and more weak, "I have already apologized, your clothes only touched a little, otherwise, I wash you clean?"

Amy sneered, "Oh, wash it? Do you think this dress is like the street goods you wear? Just a wash? I'm not as different as you are? "

"What do you want?" Mu shallow moon back against the back of the wall, just let themselves not fall down.

"My request is also very simple. Well, you just need to cut your face." Amy said, I don't know when to take out a small eyebrow trimming knife from her body and throw it in front of Mu Qianyue.

Amy's meaning is so obvious, around is mu shallow moon in stupid also thought of what.

"Don't be too deceiving."

"Well, how can it be said that this is too much deceiving? If you can't afford it, I'll have to change it. " Amy looks at the moon with her hands around her chest.

"What? You don't want to do it? Then I'll help you. " Amy squatted down and picked up the eyebrow knife with her hand. There was some malice in her eyes.

Mu Qianyue looks at the more and more close to her that eyebrow knife, eyebrows can not help but wrinkle, heart a desolate. It's over. I haven't been scalded. Now I'm going to be scratched on my face with a knife.

Mu Qianyue is really physically and mentally exhausted now. She is too tired just now. She is almost unconscious when she is scalded. There is no ability to stop Amy.

Amy's knife eye on her hand was about to scratch her face.

But behind him came Cheng Ling's voice.

"Amy, what are you doing?"

Because at this time, mu Qianyue's whole body has been blocked by Amy, so Cheng Ling can only see Amy squatting down slowly.

Hearing Cheng Ling's voice, Amy's action pauses for a moment, and then stands up as if nothing happened. "Nothing. Something just dropped."

"Have you seen a woman in a white dress?" Cheng Ling asked anxiously.

Anyway, it's his company. Lu Zeyuan thinks that mu Qianyue will not have any problems, so he didn't expect so much. Think Mu shallow moon is just boring, go out for a walk, will come back soon.

Now it's time for dinner. Moreover, muqianyue has been out for such a long time. Lu Zeyuan is a little worried when he sees people not coming back.

Ask Cheng Ling to go down to find someone, so Cheng Ling is in such a hurry to look for people everywhere.

A woman in a white dress?

Amy frowned. She had a bad feeling in her heart. It was this woman that she was talking about?

No, it won't.

Maybe it's just the same clothes.

Amy convinced herself in her heart.

"Who is that woman? I asked you to come and find someone. " Amy quietly block in front of the moon, asked.

"Madam President!" Cheng Ling didn't say anything to Amy either. He knew what Amy thought carefully. It's just that Amy didn't show anything, and his working ability was not bad, so he turned a blind eye.

"What?" It's Amy. Hearing Cheng Ling's words, she can't help but raise her voice. She looks at Cheng Ling in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me? The president is not married yet? Where is the president's wife from? "

"OK, I won't talk to you any more. I have to find Miss mu. By the way, if you're OK, you can help us to find out. "

"Cheng Ling?" Mu Qianyue faintly hears Cheng Ling's name behind Amy and can't help crying.

But her voice was very small and was soon covered by Amy's voice.

Amy points to a completely opposite place and asks Cheng Ling to find it. Then she squats down to look at mu Qianyue.

Cheng Ling, who is in a hurry to find someone else, doesn't find another person behind Amy and goes back to find someone.

When Cheng Ling runs away, Amy has not recovered. The president is married? Do you have the president's wife? She just went on a business trip, how come back, everything changed?

"Are you the president's wife that Cheng Ling said?" Amy asked.

Mu Qianyue looks at Amy and doesn't speak. I don't know why, mu Qianyue feels that Amy is different from her just now.

Just now Amy might have wanted to destroy her face just because she saw her face. But now, it seems that there is another meaning.

"You said, if I ruined your face, would the president still like you?" Amy looks at mu Qianyue faintly, but her words make her scalp numb."How can the president like you? You must have used some kind of seductive method to make the president like you, right? Ah, even Cheng Ling has come to see you. It seems that you have been fascinated by the president. " Amy's hands linger on Mu's face.

Everywhere, but let Mu shallow on the body of goose bumps are up.

If she didn't guess wrong, this woman should like Lu Zeyuan, right? So hearing Cheng Ling say that Lu Zeyuan is married, so he is a little jealous and jealous?

Mu Qianyue takes a look at Amy. I'm afraid it's more than jealousy and jealousy? Such a woman is the most terrible. Mu shallow moon can not help but for their own point of a wax.

"Why don't you talk? Did I guess it right? " Seeing mu Qianyue's silence, Amy thought she had guessed it right and began to laugh in a low voice.

The thing on the hand fiercely toward Mu shallow month's face thorn.

Mu shallow month harm's closed eyes, thought, had known not to come out. It's better to stay in Lu Zeyuan's office. This is it. It's disfigurement. Lu Zeyuan is the devil!

Where are so many rotten peach blossoms!

The expected pain did not come, but bathed in a shallow month was full of, familiar with the taste.

Amy's scream rang out in her ear, and she couldn't help but open her eyes.

But saw that he was suddenly picked up, and Amy, has been several meters away from her.

And holding her, the whole body is emitting low pressure, people shudder, Mu shallow moon some fear of such Lu Zeyuan.

Mu shallow month can't help but tight Lu Zeyuan's neck, carefully wing called him a.

Lu Zeyuan's body was stunned and did not speak.