Mu Qianyue and Lu Zeyuan follow the waiters. Mu Qianyue stealthily pulls Lu Zeyuan's sleeve.

Lu Zeyuan turned his head and looked at the moon. He asked, "what's the matter?"

"I didn't know this was going to be like this. I'm here for the first time. I don't mean anything else... " Mu shallow moon quietly explained to Lu Zeyuan.

However, her explanation did not improve Lu Zeyuan's mood, on the contrary, there was a trend of getting worse and worse.

When Lu Zeyuan turns his head, mu Qianyue is still a little confused. She has not said anything wrong just now. Why is Lu Zeyuan so angry.

With the pace of the waiter, the two soon arrived at the only remaining position in the shop.

It's a window seat with a cool breeze blowing in. It feels good.

"Sir and miss, here is our menu. Please have a look first." The waiter is a woman in her thirties and forties. When he saw Lu Zeyuan, his eyes flashed with amazement.

But now she's married and has children, and she's living a very good life. She's not like a girl in her twenties who screams at such a handsome man, and she has no idea. So seeing Lu Zeyuan is just a simple feeling that Lu Zeyuan is very handsome.

Mu shallow month took the menu, page by page to look up. There are many decorations on it, and it looks very delicate. What if she wants to eat.

Mu shallow moon looks at the things above, eyes are shining, looks like eating well.

"Miss, this is our signature couple package. Just now, the store also released a discount. If it's a couple who come here to eat, the couple set meal will be half price for you. And we'll send you a fruit platter and a drink... " Xu is aware that Mu shallow moon is the first relationship. The waiter stood in front of the moon and explained.

When I heard the waiter say the two words of lovers, the blush on his face which was not easy to disappear began to appear on his face again.

I didn't listen to what the waiter was still saying. When I heard the package, I decided it was the set meal.

The waiter wrote it in her notebook and left to prepare.

Now there are only mu Qianyue and Lu Zeyuan on this table. They are sitting opposite each other with a small table in the middle. You can touch each other when you reach out. I don't know how the people here designed it. It's impossible to design it for lovers?

Mu Qianyue sits in her own position, trying to ignore the look in Lu Zeyuan's eyes, but how can't it be ignored.

"What are you doing looking at me like that? Is there anything dirty on my face Mu shallow month raises an eye, looking at Lu Zeyuan to ask a way.

Lu Zeyuan shook his head.

"You want to tell me?"

Just as muqianyue was about to drink some water, and then he was shocked, Lu Zeyuan suddenly said this.

Let Mu shallow month just drink into the mouth of the water is so spurted out.

"Cough, cough..." Mu shallow moon can't help coughing.

Lu Zeyuan sat on the opposite side of muqianyue. He didn't expect muqianyue to suddenly spit out a mouthful. In this way, I was bathed in shallow moon and sprayed water all over my face.

Lu Zeyuan's face is black.

Seeing Lu Zeyuan's black face, Mu's heart couldn't help shaking.

"Well, I'm sorry, I just Just now, I was choked

There was no time to say anything. He took the napkin on the table and said hello to Lu Zeyuan's face.

Mu Qianyue conscientiously wiped the water on Lu Zeyuan's face until he finished. He also looked around. After making sure that it was cleaned, mu Qianyue was ready to leave and return to his position.

However, Lu Zeyuan pinched his wrist and could not hear any emotion in his voice, "it's over if you want to do this?"

Mu Qianyue always feels that he is a bit of a counsellor in the face of Lu Zeyuan! Obviously, she wanted to be tough, but when she came into contact with Lu Zeyuan's expressionless face, the whole person was lost.

"What else do you want?" Mu shallow moon looking at Lu Zeyuan, some Yan Yan Road.

Lu Zeyuan narrowed his eyes and let go of the moon. "I haven't thought about it yet. I'll tell you when I think about it."

Mu shallow moon, "but I didn't mean to." If you didn't say that, would I spray it out?

When muqianyue returns to her seat, the couple package they ordered will arrive.

Carrying the plate was a woman in her twenties, dressed in the clothes of love on the other side of the river, but this ordinary dress was worn by her, which was not worn by others. The whole person is also good-looking.

The premise is that her eyes should not stick to Lu Zeyuan all the time!!

"Sir, this is the couple set you ordered." The woman put the set meal on the table, and the whole person moved towards Lu Zeyuan. It seems that he didn't notice Lu Zeyuan's "girlfriend" opposite Lu Zeyuan.Bathing in the moon She is, in front of her face, so she was dug?

Although Lu Zeyuan and her husband and wife are not sure of their feelings now. Dare to do this in front of her. Is she really a sick cat?

Just as the woman was about to meet Lu Zeyuan, Lu Zeyuan frowned tightly and was ready to kick people away. Yu Guang suddenly caught a glimpse of the expression on mu Qianyue's face. Then, Lu Zeyuan, who was very clean and addicted, stopped and allowed the woman to approach him.

But mu Qianyue obviously didn't disappoint Lu Zeyuan. Just when the woman was about to meet Lu Zeyuan, mu Qianyue suddenly got up and came to Lu Zeyuan's side. He pulled the woman apart and looked at the woman, "what do you want to do with my husband so close?"

Mu shallow month's voice does not mean half convergence, and the seats between lovers are not very spacious originally. So the people next to me heard Mu shallow moon's words, and they all came to see it.

The waitress's face was a little stiff, just like being caught. I know what mu Qianyue said is true.

These people, are a pair of lovers, and the most annoying is this kind of seductive woman, suddenly, the eyes on that woman are not so good.

"I, I didn't! Which eye of yours saw me approach him So many eyes on that woman.

"Both eyes see it! I advise you to stay away from my husband. After all, he has a family Mu shallow month looks at that woman to have no half to be merciful meaning.

And Lu Zeyuan already indulged in Mu shallow month to call him that sound husband to go.