With a little force on his hand, he said in a voice that they could hear, "brother Luo, don't you forget where you are now? Do you want everyone to know what happened to you and your sister? "

Hearing mu Xuerou's words, Luoyang just fiercely took back the sight.

But the eyes will occasionally dim looking at Mu shallow moon.

Just the first time I saw Mu shallow moon, Luoyang almost did not recognize Mu shallow moon. Because mu Qianyue came here after a good dressing up. And before the bath light moon is very little make-up.

"Xuerou, Luoyang, why are you all here? I was looking for you just now From behind came the voice of LOM.

"What are you doing here in a heap?" Luo Mu asked with some doubts.

"It's nothing, mom. What did you want from us. Let's talk as we go. " Luoyang subconsciously does not want to let Luo mother see Mu shallow moon.

Luoyang saw the eye Mu snow Rou, the meaning of the eyes is self-evident.

Muxue soft fingernails tightly pinched her hand, but her face was smiling. As if she didn't see Luoyang, she stepped forward to hold her mother's hand, "Auntie, how did you come here? My sister is here. We were just talking to her

Luo's mother is obviously very satisfied with mu Xuerou's daughter-in-law. Seeing mu Xuerou, she has always been somewhat serious, and she can't help but smile a little.

In fact, Luo's mother still likes girls, but she hurt herself when she was born in Luoyang, so she can't be pregnant, so she has only one son in Luoyang for so many years. Seeing that mu Xuerou is so sensible and clever, I feel a little relieved. She treats mu Xuerou as her daughter and daughter-in-law.

"Oh, you still have a sister? Why have you never heard of it? " Luo Mu looks at mu Xuerou with some doubts.

Mu Xuerou replied with some embarrassment, "it's not my own sister. She was adopted by my parents. But over the years, I've always treated her as my own sister. It's just that she doesn't like this kind of party very much, and she has been busy with her work recently, so few people know her

Luo Mu patted mu Xuerou's hand, "what a kind girl."

Mu Xuerou smiles a little embarrassed.

"Elder sister, this is Luoyang's mother. You can also follow me to call auntie. You don't look very serious, in fact, my aunt is really very good Mu Xuerou lets go of Luo's mother's hand, and then goes to Mu Qianyue's side and pulls mu Qianyue in front of Luoyang's mother.

Mother Luo can't help laughing when she hears mu Xuerou's words. Instead, she always has a few smiles on her face. She still wants to see the sister in Xuerou's mouth.

Although she is only a child adopted by Mu family, since Mu family has cultivated a child like mu Xuerou, her sister should not be worse.

However, she did not expect that as soon as she looked up, what she saw was the last person she wanted to see.

The expression on Luo Mu's face froze there.

Mu shallow moon can't resist mu Xuerou. She is pulled to Luo Mu's face by mu Xuerou. As expected, she sees Luo's stiff expression.

There was no expression on his face, but he couldn't help cursing. Okay, okay. It's a delicate feeling to pull your fiance's ex girlfriend to your present mother-in-law.

"Auntie, this is my sister, mu Qianyue."

"Sister, this is the mother of Luoyang, mother Luo Bo."

Mu Xuerou introduced them to each other.

Mu shallow month raises an eye, light to say hello, won't let a person feel impolite, also won't let a person feel abrupt, just good.

"Hello, mother. I'm mu Qianyue."

Luo Mu was also a person who had seen a lot of big waves. The expression on her face was just stiff for a moment and then recovered. Fast to let Mu snow soft did not notice.

Looking at standing in front of her Mu shallow moon, also did not puncture her, "hello."

"Auntie, look at my sister. Is she very beautiful. And my sister's grades in school are also very good, every year she will get a scholarship Mu snow soft in one side, vigorously boast Mu shallow moon.

Mu Qianyue There was a pang in my heart.

I didn't see that people already hated him so much. However, mu Xuerou still seems to have no idea. She praises the moon vigorously and praises the moon vigorously.

Under such circumstances, the more powerful mu Xuerou praises, the more disgusted mother Luo will be to Mu Qianyue. Moreover, not to mention that it was the Mu shallow moon spent with Luoyang before.

"So miss Mu is really good. It's not only so beautiful, but also so excellent. " Luo Mu looks at mu Qianyue, and can't hear any emotion in her tone.

Mu shallow moon skin smile flesh not to smile of the reply, "Luo Bo Mu said laughing."

Seeing that there was something wrong with the atmosphere between them, mu Xuerou took Luo Mu's hand and acted like a coquettish way, "Auntie, sister is so excellent, you can't see her and forget me to one side." Mu snow soft Du mouth, some playful way.Hearing mu Xuerou's words, Luo's mother's face appeared a few silk smiles again. She couldn't help laughing, "how could it be? In my eyes, Xue Rou is the best person. He is not only beautiful, but also capable.

But my aunt wants you to marry into our family as soon as possible, so as to give birth to a big fat boy for our family

Hearing Luo Mu's words, mu Xuerou's whole face burned up, dyed with a light rose color, and some shyly called Luo Bomu.

Luoyang is listening to the conversation between her mother and mu Xuerou. The expression on her face is also a little embarrassed. I can't help but look at mu Qianyue and want to see something from her face. But let Luoyang disappointed, because Mu shallow moon's face is calm, can't see any expression.

In a sigh of relief at the same time, the heart is a little sad.

The conversation between them is so obvious that mu Qianyue can't understand what they want to express. This is obviously for her to listen to, so that she can retreat.

But they were disappointed.

Because she has no feelings for Luoyang now. If you want to attack her, it depends on whether they have the qualification.

Mu shallow month raises eyelid, light looked at the drama that is being staged mother-in-law and daughter-in-law's deep love, just feel like nausea.

For those who don't like it, bathing in the moon is always so direct.

"Since I have nothing to do with me, I'll go first."

"Shallow moon..." Luoyang's eyes have been looking at Mu shallow moon, never left, heard Mu shallow Moon said, the consciousness of the hand faster than the brain, homeopathy to Mu shallow moon's arm to pull.