The cashier's little girl just took out the card. When she saw it, she didn't expect it was a black card.

This is a global limited edition of the black card, there are only five in the world, but she even saw the legendary black card today.

The cashier's little girl, like receiving a hot potato, handed the black card back in a hurry. Although she was surprised, she didn't cry out like others, "do you have any cash? We can't brush this card here... "

Nanluochen took the card back and muttered, "how can I not brush it?"

Mu Qianyue is also surprised when he looks at nanluochen and takes out the black card. But when he thinks of Lu Zeyuan's identity and he is Lu Zeyuan's friend, he calms down a lot.

She took out some change from her bag and handed it to the cashier. The little girl took the money and finally three people left.

Nanluochen, of course, did coolie.

After returning home, Su youyou goes into the kitchen with the ingredients.

Nanluochen looks at Su youyou's back and asks mu Qianyue, "you can cook?"

Mu shallow moon white nanluo morning one eye, "don't leisurely, leisurely call so intimate, leisurely is I can call. Of course she can cook, or you think we all go out to eat like you do? "

Nanluochen some aggrieved, "that does not call you long what to call?"

Mu shallow month, "whatever you want, anyway, you can't call youyou."

Nanluo morning in the living room, bathed in the kitchen to help Su youyou.

After mu Qianyue goes in, nanluochen sits on the sofa, rubbing his chin with his hands, and looks at the place where mu Qianyue and Su youyou live.

It's all smaller than his bedroom. It's very small, but it's warm and clean.

What's more, the door in the kitchen is transparent, and you can see from the living room what the people in the kitchen are doing.

Originally, nanluochen was just on the spur of the moment to Su Youyou, but the more he contacted him, the more surprise he felt that Su youyou would give him.

What's more, I didn't expect that Su youyou and his sister-in-law are still good friends.

In the kitchen, mu Qianyue starts with Su youyou and washes the dishes. Thinking about the relationship between her and nanluochen, she can't help asking, "you, how do you know nanluochen?"

Su youyou obviously didn't want to discuss this topic, "that's how you know each other."

Mu shallow month looks at Su you some plaintive, "you know clearly I ask is not this. Come on, be honest. How did you and nanluochen get to know each other? If you confess, you will be lenient; if you resist, you will be strict. "

Because she knows Su youyou's temperament. Although Su youyou looks very weak and easy to talk, she is actually more difficult to speak than she is. And also very stubborn to identify the matter, who will not listen to persuasion.

She has never seen Su youyou and any man have any contact, of course, except for cloud ink. In the eyes of Mu Qianyue and Su Youyou, yunmo is like their little brother, of course excluded.

Mu shallow moon looks at Su Youyou, a pair of you don't say I also like this not to give up posture.

Su youyou said, "I met in the hospital. He said that someone was chasing him, and then he hid in his grandfather's ward, so I got to know him."

Su youyou said simply.

Mu shallow month corner of the mouth smoked, did not expect things to be so bloody.

Mu Qianyue said, "but I think he seems to be interested in you? And he said he was chasing you. Would you like to have a try? "

"It's just a whim."

Mu shallow month still wants to ask what, but is interrupted by Su you, "OK, you don't have to worry about my things now."

Mu shallow month, "if you don't worry about you, you'll become an old girl, and you won't get married at that time. I'll see what you do then, but I won't support you!" Mu shallow moon is angry staring at Su youyou.

Su Youyou, "OK, I won't let you support me then."


At the time when muqianyue and Su youyou bicker, nanluochen comes in from the living room again.

Originally, there were only two people standing in the kitchen. Now nanluochen came in and it seemed a little crowded.

Mu shallow month looks at South Luo morning, "how did you come in?"

Nanluochen replied, "I'll come in and see if there's anything I can do for you."

He sat alone in the living room is too boring, see Mu shallow moon and Su you are talking, he can't hear, so he came in.

Mu Qianyue doesn't expect him to be of any help. Judging from his appearance, he is a young master who doesn't touch the spring water. He must have never done these things.

"Can't help but some disgust," well, you go out quickly, here don't need your help. " It's a bit of a hindrance to come in.

Nanluochen is a cheeky one. How can he go out.

Seeing mu Qianyue washing vegetables, he ran to him, "little sister-in-law, I'll help you wash vegetables. I'll do these things for me. You can just watch them."Mu Qianyue looked at nanluochen with suspicious eyes, "can you wash it?"

Nanluochen nodded fiercely, "yes."

Mu shallow month let out the position, "you come to wash it."

Although nanluochen looks a little unreliable, and that face is also very attractive. Romantic, but this kind of person, once in love with a person, like a person is also very special.

Because the kitchen is so big, Su youyou is in charge of the kitchen and the vegetable washing pool is nearby. So nanluochen is a little closer to Su youyou after taking over the position of muqianyue.

Although nanluochen's hands are soaked in water and washing dishes, her mind is all in Su youyou's body.

"You, I didn't expect you could cook? What are you going to cook tonight? I didn't expect that I came on time. Fortunately, as soon as I came here, I could eat your cooking. "

"Youyou..." Nanluochen is there and keeps talking. He tries to have a conversation with Su Youyou, but Su youyou just ignores nanluochen.

Nanluochen's mouth is almost dry, Su youyou is still like that, a set of motionless appearance.

In the past, the woman didn't see him and ran up on her own. There was no need for him to say anything, but it seemed that nothing could work in Su youyou.

However, nanluochen did not have any feeling of frustration. Maybe it was because it was too easy to get it in the past, and now there are a lot of different things in the past, so the interest is particularly strong.

"What kind of dish did you wash?" Just when nanluochen thought that Su youyou would not talk to him, Su youyou saw the food on his hand, and the expression on his face was somewhat inexpressible.