Realizing who Luo's father asked, Luoyang pursed his lips. Since that matter, Mu shallow month seems to want to completely cut off contact with him, what contact information to pull black.

Naturally, he couldn't get in touch with him.

Luoyang did not answer.

Luo Fu continued, "if you can, you can talk to her. In this matter, she is the most important person."

What men know best is men. Why Lu Zeyuan targets the Luo family is nothing more than two situations. One is that when mu Qianyue came to the Luo family, mu Qianyue was wronged here, and he wanted to vent his anger on mu Qianyue.

Another reason is that he knew that Luoyang had been together with mu Qianyue before, so he would have targeted the Luo family like this.

However, he did not expect that in the legend, the cold, indifferent and merciless Lu Zeyuan would be bathed in the light moon together, and still dote on her so much.

It seems that they are going to reexamine the woman who bathed in the moon.

Luoyang was surprised to see Luo's father and opened his mouth, "Dad, what do you mean?"

Although in the past, when he and mu Qianyue were together, it was Luo's mother who was trying to stop them. However, he knew that Luo's father did not approve of it, but he didn't care about it.

However, both of them have been like this now. Would it be bad for him to go to muqianyue again?

Luoyang has not said anything yet. Luo's mother on the side frowned slightly. She also knows what Luo's father means, but she really doesn't want Luoyang to look for muqianyue.

I don't know why. She just doesn't like the woman who bathes in the moon.

Luo Fu nodded and looked at Luoyang, "you go and talk to her. If she has any dissatisfaction with the Luo family, she can say it, and we will compensate her. " Although she may not look up to their compensation now, but things have come to this stage, they have no way.

Luoyang has never seen Luo's father show this kind of expression. Before, no matter what problems Luo encountered, he could solve them easily. I've never seen him so tired and worried.

That man, Luoyang also heard of, but did not expect that, in his unknown circumstances, the two of them have already fought once or twice.

What's more, the man's background is so complicated. Didn't she want a plain life? Why stay with him?

Why did he get involved with him? He was born in a rich family. There is no clearer understanding than Luoyang. What do they think of these people? They just want to find a person of similar family background.

Such is the case with families like them, let alone the Lu family.

Lu's water may be deeper and more complicated. Mu Qianyue is involved now. What should she do in the future?

It is impossible for the Lu family to accept an adopted daughter who has nothing.

He thought of countless thoughts in his head. Luoyang slowly exhaled a breath and nodded to his father. "OK, Dad, don't worry. I'll talk to shallow moon well." Whether it is out of selfish desire to see Mu shallow moon and remind her, or out of what heart.

Luo Fu nodded. He was very satisfied with Luoyang, who was obedient and did excellent things.

Luo's father went upstairs. Now Luo Shi has made such a big mistake. He's too busy. He just called Luoyang back, but he just wanted to confirm some things.

After Luo's father left, his mother said a lot to Luoyang. It's nothing more than something about bathing in the moon.

He said that he and mu Xuerou are getting married soon, so let him treat mu Xuerou well and don't think about what he shouldn't think about.

I'm thinking about it, and it won't come true.


Luoyang did not know where to find mu Qianyue's contact information, and called mu Qianyue with an unfamiliar number.

At this time, mu Qianyue is busy living with Su youyou in the store. Suddenly, a phone call comes in from her mobile phone, which is a strange number she has never seen before.

Mu shallow month frowned, but still picked up the phone, "hello?"

Luoyang on the other end of the phone did not speak, so it was still for a long time.

When mu Qianyue thinks that the other party has hung up, he takes down the mobile phone and finds that the display is still in the call, but there is no one to talk.

Mu shallow month some impatient, this person is who ah, the call was connected and did not speak, the telephone charge is much?

"Hello? I'll hang up if I don't speak. "

Just when mu Qianyue wants to hang up the phone, the voice on the other end of the phone rings.

Luoyang's voice is a little hoarse, like grinding on the sand, "shallow moon, it's me."

This voice, once incomparably familiar in three years, Mu shallow moon how may not know each other is who.

However, thinking that he has no relationship with him now, Mu shallow month calmly opened his mouth, "what's the matter?"

Luoyang, "shallow moon, I want to talk to you." After a pause, he added, "Lu Zeyuan's affair."Mu Qianyue slightly closed her eyebrows. "I have made it very clear between us that there is nothing to talk about. As for Lu Zeyuan's affairs, I think this has nothing to do with you. If there's nothing wrong, I'll hang up. "

I'm afraid Mu Xiaoyue hangs up the phone like this. Luoyang's tone is a little anxious, "shallow moon, this is the last time. I really want to talk to you about something. It's really important to you. Can we meet you?"

Su youyou saw that mu Qianyue got through the phone, but her expression on her face was not right. She couldn't help asking, "what's the matter? Who is calling? "

Mu shallow month a little bit away from the mobile phone, "is Luoyang, he said he had something to talk with me, also said, it is very important to me."

Su Youyou, "what do you think? Do you want to go? "

Mu shallow month Cu frown, "I don't want to go, don't want to pull up with them what relation."

Su youyou doesn't know what he is thinking, and persuades mu Qianyue to say, "I think you'd better go and have a look. In case there's something really important to you to say?"

Mu shallow moon man does not care to murmur a, "what important thing."

But mu shallow month or promised Luoyang, two people about a place. It was a milk tea shop they used to visit.

The shop is not far away from their university before. They used to go there to buy milk tea. In fact, it's just where muqianyue likes to drink milk tea.

After promised Luoyang, Mu shallow month and Su you said a word, and then they rushed to that side.

Because Luoyang said that it was very important and we had to tell her now. Although there are some doubts, but since they have promised to go to Luoyang, mu Qianyue didn't say anything after knowing, it was just a matter of time.