Cheng Lingxin next clutters, need not think, what she wants to ask should be related to the president.

Cheng Ling, "Miss Feng, please."

Wind such as song slightly some doubt, looking at Cheng Ling, "Ze Yuan said he was married, do not know whether it is true."

Of course it is true, but he has witnessed it.

But these words, Cheng Ling of course is impossible to give wind such as Song said.

The smile on his face was impeccable. "We don't know about the president's private affairs. Miss Feng can ask the president."

The wind sings, "is it? But I remember that you are Zeyuan's special assistant and life assistant. Don't you even know these things? "

Cheng Ling, "I'm sorry, Miss Feng. We have no right to interfere with these personal matters of the president."

Indeed, Feng Ruge knows Lu Zeyuan's temperament. No one can know what he doesn't want people to know.

Feng Ruge nodded, "please help me."

After sending Cheng Ling away, Feng Ruge's expression on his face suddenly became gloomy. In his mind, Lu Zeyuan's ring on his hand, his gentle smile after he got on the plane, and the sentence, "I'm married."

Can't help feeling a little upset, Lu Zeyuan actually married? How is that possible?

Feng Rugong took his mobile phone and made a call to the family.

"Hello? Mom? Is dad at home? " The wind is like a song beside the French window, looking at the scenery outside the window, holding the mobile phone in my ear, and the other hand, slightly clenching into a fist, I can't help but feel nervous when I think of the answer.

"Give dad a call." The wind is like a song.

The wind mother murmured, but that is to say that the wind such as the song now calls is looking for the wind father, does not want her at all.

Then the voice there sounded a sound of the middle-aged man's voice, full of doting.

"Hello? Ruge, what's wrong? Isn't it right there? Do you want dad to tell someone to bring you back? "

Feng Fu has always been fond of Feng Ru Ge, so he is good at Feng Ru Ge. Anyway, as long as Feng Ru Ge wants, Feng Fu can basically satisfy her.

Wind such as song pursed lips, "no, I'm good here."

Feng Fu seems to have chuckled over there and joked, "as long as there is Lu Zeyuan's place, I'm afraid you will find it very good there."

So obvious by the wind father to point out, wind like song some blush, slightly angry called a father.

"Dad, I want to ask you something. Don't make fun of me."

"Well, well, I won't make fun of our baby daughter. If you have anything you want to ask, just ask, and dad will tell you what he knows

The wind like song thought about the words and then said, "Dad, do you know what women have appeared around him?"

There, Feng Fu's puzzled voice came, "no, you don't know Lu Zeyuan's character. What's going on? Is something going on? "

Feng Rugong thought about it for a while, but he said to his father, "he said he was married today, and he also wears a ring on his hand, so I'm worried..."

What is Lu Zeyuan's mind about his daughter? Feng Fu is very clear. He has been interested in Lu Zeyuan since he was a child. What's more, he chose the same career because he gave up his favorite career. Isn't it just to help him better in the future?

"No!" The wind father affirms the way.

"Why?" The wind is like a song.

"Who is Lu Zeyuan? How can there be no news of his marriage? Besides, didn't you go to the Lu family last time? The people of the Lu family didn't say anything. Lu Zeyuan should not get married. "

Indeed, according to Lu Zeyuan's identity, if he gets married, he will certainly disturb the whole of Kyoto.

But now there is no news in Kyoto, which shows that Lu Zeyuan is not married.

But they missed one thing, that is, some people, not everyone wants to be so high-profile to let the world know.

What's more, the object is still bathing in the moon.

Hear the wind father affirmative words, do not know why, the wind is like a song in the heart is still some uncertainty.

"Well, Ruge, don't worry about these. Aren't you on a business trip with Lu Zeyuan in country a now? Take advantage of the present time to cultivate and cultivate feelings The wind father comforts a way.

Cultivate feelings well. Feng Rugong remembers what she said she didn't understand and wanted to ask him, but he didn't even give her a straight eye, so he asked Cheng Ling to teach her directly.

"Dad, I still think The wind is like a song, some uneasy way.

"Well, if you really can't rest assured, I'll go to your uncle Lu's house tomorrow to find out what they're talking about? Don't you worry now The father of the wind.

"OK, thank you, Dad."

"You and I have to talk about it." The wind father some discontented said.

Then the wind like song and wind father chat for a while, and then hang up the phone.Just holding the mobile phone hand, but constantly tightening, hope that it is just fake.

Kyoto, Fengjia.

After waiting for Feng Ruge to hang up the phone, Feng Mu asked, "what did song Er just call back to say?"

Feng father said, "Ge'er said that she heard Lu Zeyuan say that he was married, and was a little worried, so she called back to ask."

"Lu Zeyuan is married? How is that possible? In the past few years since Ge'er left, there has never been a woman around him? How did you get married all of a sudden? "

Feng Fu also had some doubts, "I'm not sure, but since Ge'er has said so, we'll go to the Lu family tomorrow to explore the real and the virtual."

Feng Mu nodded, "OK."

"Yes." Feng Fu seemed to think of something, and suddenly asked, "where is he? What have you been doing lately? "

The wind mother obviously does not like the person in the wind father's mouth, hears the wind father to ask the words, the face pulls down, "is such a big person, how do I know he is there, maybe still in which woman's body."

Feng Mu is in a bad mood.

The wind father looked at the wind mother, stopped her shoulder, "well, I just thought of it, didn't I? I wish I didn't mention him in the future. We still have songs. "

The wind mother raised her head and looked at her father, "Chengyi, would you feel sorry that I didn't have a son for you."

The wind father stopped the wind mother's hand, and then quickly responded, "what nonsense, we don't have songs?"

"That's not the same! After that, who did Feng give it to? Nanluochen? Ge'er is a woman. We can't hand over the Fengshi group to Ge'er? "

Relative to the wind mother's excitement, the wind father calmed down a lot, "what can't be, the song son is so excellent."