Back in his bedroom, mu Qianyue was playing with his mobile phone. He didn't know what he said to her when he left.

"Think about me every day, call me every day."

Mu shallow month turned out his address book, looked at the three words tied together with him, thought about it, or dialed Lu Zeyuan's phone.

The phone rang for a long time, no one answered, until the phone was automatically hung up, mu Qianyue made two consecutive calls in the past, no one answered.

Maybe I'm busy.

Mu shallow moon thought.

After making two phone calls, mu Qianyue was not in charge. Anyway, she called him, but he didn't receive it.

After brushing her microblog for a while, mu Qianyue gradually felt sleepy. She put her mobile phone aside and was ready to go to bed.

Just as muqianyue sleeps in a daze and is about to fall asleep, the mobile phone ring rings suddenly, which frightens mu Qianyue, and the only trace of sleepiness disappears.

"Hello?" Mu shallow month to answer the phone, voice some dumb, lazy.

Mu Qianyue takes a look at the time. Now it's more than 12 o'clock in the evening. She doesn't know what Lu Zeyuan is busy with. She just calls her now.

"Asleep?" On the other end of the phone, Lu Zeyuan's unique and cool voice was heard, but a trace of tenderness was heard.

Mu shallow month clenched mobile phone, do not know why, some nervous. It's like the first time that she called him on her own initiative?

Low, um.

After thinking about it, he asked, "were you busy just now?"

Lu Zeyuan rubbed his temples with his hands. There was no coldness and ruthlessness in the daytime. He was surrounded by a light softness. "Well, I just finished some things."

Mu shallow month, "Oh, time is not early, then you also early rest."

The person on the other end of the phone didn't speak for a long time. Mu Qianyue thought that the other party was wrong. He couldn't help calling Lu Zeyuan several times.

"Well, good."

Just when mu Qianyue wanted to hang up the phone, she suddenly remembered what Luoyang had said to her today. She couldn't help but pause, pursed her lips, and finally asked.

"About the Luo family Did you do it? "

Sitting on the bed, Lu Zeyuan hears mu Qianyue's question, and the whole person stops.

Although his face was still so expressionless that he could not see any emotion, people familiar with him knew that Lu Zeyuan was angry.

The breath of the whole body is a little cold.

Even if it is across the mobile phone, Mu shallow moon seems to be able to feel each other's cold.

Mu shallow month in the mind suddenly flashed what, opened his mouth, just wanted to explain, the telephone that end spread Lu Ze yuan tiny cold voice, "heartache?"

Mu shallow month lifted the eyebrow.

What do you mean?

Heartache? Who do you love? Luoyang? Or Luo family?

He has nothing to do with her!

What's more, I don't know if it's mu Qianyue's illusion. She always thinks that Lu Zeyuan's tone is not right when she says this sentence, which seems to be a little awkward and sour.

An idea comes to my mind.

Lu Zeyuan is jealous?

Thinking of this, Mu shallow moon also has no anxious explanation.

"It seems that it is a little bit..."

Unexpectedly, Lu Zeyuan on the other end of the phone heard mu Qianyue's words, the dark color in his eyes, and the crazy possessive desire, jealousy, overwhelming attack.

The mobile phone in that hand was pinched by him, almost deformed.

It can be seen how angry and jealous Lu Zeyuan is now.

Although not angry, but the surface did not show half a minute, the tone is the same as usual.

"You want me to let go of the Luo family?" Cold voice from the other end of the phone, let Mu shallow cold not Ding hit a shiver.

Mu Qianyue doesn't know why. She thinks that if she says yes, something bad will happen.

It's not sour. It's sour.

Although the tone is the same as usual, but mu shallow moon is to hear.

"No, I don't have any relationship with the Luo family, and I think that you must have your own thinking about the Luo family like this."

"It's just that people from the Luo family came to me all of a sudden today, so I thought of asking you a question."

Mu shallow moon explains, she also does not know why, just do not want him to misunderstand.

Mu Qianyue feels that, anyway, the Luo family has no relationship with her. Moreover, the people of the Luo family still treat her like this. She doesn't want to plead for them and say anything.

In fact, mu Qianyue is really wrong this time. Although Lu Zeyuan does things with his own thinking, this time, he is totally emotional. It is just because mu Qianyue did this to the Luo family.

"Well, it's too late. You should rest early yourself. I'll hang up first. Good night."Mu shallow month finish saying, hang up the phone.

I didn't expect that because of her two words, Lu Zeyuan's heart went up and down, and she fully realized the feeling of falling into the cloud and suddenly jumping into the cloud.

Until Mu shallow month Hang up the phone, Lu Zeyuan still maintained the appearance just now, motionless.

In the mind, is full of Mu shallow month said that sentence.

"She has nothing to do with the Luo family."

Now Lu Zeyuan is sure that mu Qianyue has no idea about Luoyang.


after hanging up the phone, mu Qianyue didn't feel sleepy and began to brush his circle of friends.

Looking at some people's late night hair of some food, bathe in the shallow moon, I feel a little hungry.

Poison late at night!

Just when muqianyue was silent in the food, wechat suddenly rang and a wechat came in.

At first, muqianyue didn't care much.

Until see the person who sends a message is who, Mu shallow month quit the circle of friends, click in.

"I'll be at the airport at ten tomorrow morning. Will you pick me up?"

The message is like this.

The remark is, brother Luochen.

A glimmer of joy flashed on her face.

I quickly returned a message in the past.

"Brother Luochen, are you going back to Beijing tomorrow?"

The people there seem to be waiting for mu shallow moon's answer, almost when Mu shallow moon just sends out, the information there comes back.


"Why haven't you slept yet?"

"Playing with cell phones again?"

Mu shallow month hit a roll on the bed, the smile on the face how also can't stop. Just as I was about to reply, the video phone call over there.

Mu shallow month a get up, fierce sit up, put oneself in order of a time, and then connected the video phone.

Mu Luo Chen a warm run such as jade face, with a spoiled smile, looking at Mu shallow moon, sound warm and cool, "moon."

Mu shallow month looking at Mu Luo Chen, face also with a full of happy smile, sweet called a, "Luo Chen brother."