Nanluochen almost didn't make a noise and hid behind the crowd.

The man was really a little sister-in-law, and she was talking and laughing with a man next to her.

Can't I stand Lu Zeyuan's cold temper, so

Nanluochen didn't dare to think about it. He seemed to have hit something incredible.

Nanluochen didn't expect that he would encounter such explosive things even if he came to the airport.

I took a picture of two people side by side with my mobile phone.

Just like two people getting on the bus.

Now I can't catch up with you. Nanluochen takes back her eyes and looks at the photos on her mobile phone. Because it's taken secretly, and there are many people here, I can only see a vague state. What I can see is not very clear, but I can see that it is the back shadow of Mu Qianyue, and the two people are very close.

Nanluochen, who took the photo, wanted to send it to Lu Zeyuan. Looking at Lu Zeyuan's wechat, nanluochen hesitated for the first time.

What if my sister-in-law and that man are just friends? Moreover, he knew Lu Zeyuan's temperament and knew that he was serious this time.

Nan Luochen couldn't imagine what Lu Zeyuan would look like if he and his sister-in-law could eat vinegar for a long time just by talking to his sister-in-law.

After thinking about it, nanluochen still didn't send the photo to Lu Zeyuan, in case it was just a misunderstanding. He'd better go and ask youyou.

Mu Qianyue and mu Luochen are sitting in a taxi. Mu Qianyue looks out of the window at the scene that is constantly flying. Then she turns to Mu Luochen and says, "brother Luochen, how are you doing in these years?"

Mu Luochen sat on the seat, legs overlapping, the whole person sat straight, hands crossed on his knees, heard Mu shallow asked, nodded, "very good." You're not around.

"And you? How are you doing at Mu's? Are they still bullying you? "

Mu Qianyue said with a smile, "how can they bully me? I'm not the one before..."

Looking at the Mu shallow moon with the dragon flying and Phoenix dancing, the faint tenderness between mu Luo Chen's eyebrows and eyes is stained with, doting on looking at Mu shallow moon.

Because mu Luochen is the only son of the Mu family, he will certainly inherit the Mu family in the future. Therefore, mu Luochen was sent abroad in the past few years, and he has never come back.

Mu shallow month looking at the window outside, suddenly feel some wrong, "brother Luochen, where are we going now?"

"Back to Mu's home, what's the matter?"

Yes, this is the way back to Mu's home.

Mu shallow month suddenly called in front of the driver to stop, looking at Mu Luo Chen, "brother Luo Chen, you'd better go back by yourself, I won't go back."

Although mu Qianyue still has the same tone as before, and doesn't show any dissatisfaction or angry meaning, mu Luochen knows that mu Qianyue must be angry.

To Mu Luo Chen finish saying, Mu shallow month got off the car.

Although she said that she didn't complain about Mu Luochen, she said that she had nothing to do with Mu family now, so she would never go back to Mu home with mu Luochen. Whatever the reason.

Unknown so mu Luo Chen looked at Mu shallow moon get off, in the heart a fluster, also followed the car, stopped to leave Mu shallow moon, "how?"

Mu Luo Chen from the plane to now the first time raise eyebrows, the tone is a little cold, "is not they to you what?"

He knew that his sister had not been a good friend since she was a child, and she also liked to find troubles with mu Qianyue. Moreover, the Mu family didn't like muqianyue very much, but she was also a daughter adopted by them.

Mu Luochen thinks that the people of Mu family will not do anything to Mu shallow moon. However, it seems that things are not as simple as he thinks.

Mu shallow month or the first time to see such a mu Luo Chen, between the eyebrows and eyes seem to be stained with a trace of cold, not just the soft, tone also cold down.

In the past, no matter what things happened, mu Luochen was a pair of gentle jade, as if nothing could hinder him.

Looking at Mu shallow moon some lenglenglenglengleng looking at themselves, Mu Luo Chen just found that his behavior just a little extreme.

Can't help but slow down, again open a way, "how don't want to go back to Mu home? They won't do anything to you with me. "

As if the Mu Luo Chen had not appeared just now.

Mu shallow month takes back Mou son, hang down, "no, I just don't want to return to Mu home."

Mu Luo Chen let Mu shallow month look at him directly, the voice light slow open a way, "why don't you want to go back, there must be a reason?"

Be mu Luo Chen that pair of warm eye son gaze, Mu shallow month can't help but move his eyes, pursed lips, did not open mouth.

The atmosphere between the two people thus fell into a stalemate.

"Hey, you two! Do you want to take a bus or not! I still have business to do, but I don't have time to spend with you here. "When the two fell into a standoff, the driver in front of him suddenly opened the window and yelled at them.

"If your girlfriend is angry, she will buy some things to coax her. Why do you want to be like this now? Young people are really..."

The driver was a fat uncle about 40 years old. He looked very kind, but he didn't expect that he would be so fierce and loud when he was angry.

I don't know why. After hearing the driver's words, mu Qianyue's first thought was Lu Zeyuan.

Lu Zeyuan's expressionless face, deep dark eyes, some sad, and some angry looking at her appearance.

Mu Luo Chen looked back at the driver who spoke, took Mu shallow moon's arm and went to the side of the car.

Mu shallow month think Mu Luo Chen is to pull her to get on the car, back to Mu home. Can't help but struggle up, "brother Luochen, I don't want to go to Mu home, you don't force me."

Mu Luochen looks at mu Qianyue, who is full of resistance. His intuition tells him that during this period of time when he is not there, something that he does not know and is very important to him must have happened.

Mu Luo Chen appeased Mu shallow moon, "won't let you go to Mu home."

Mu shallow month still some believe, struggle hard. But how can her strength compare with that of Mu Luo Chen.

Mu shallow month or by Mu Luo Chen to pull to the car side, Mu Luo Chen did not let Mu shallow moon get on the car. Instead, he took hundreds from his wallet and gave it to the driver. "You wait here for a while, and we'll be back in a minute."

The driver looked at mu Luochen and pretended to think about the money on the seat.