Mu Luochen sat down and took the drink from Su Yu's hand. Even though he had just learned something from mu Qianyue, it was not obvious.

She glanced around lightly and asked, "what about the moon? Why didn't you see her? "

Originally still full of smile, looking at Su Yu of Mu Luo Chen, the smile on his face suddenly pulled down as soon as he heard the name of Mu shallow moon.

However, he didn't know anything until Mu Luo Chen came back. He didn't say too much.

"She is so big that we may not be able to see her all the time. How do we know she's there? "

"When you come back, ask someone who doesn't want to do it. Why don't you ask your sister first?"

See Mu Luo Chen a return to ask Mu shallow moon, Su Yu some dissatisfied way, now just think of standing beside Mu snow rou.

Hearing Su Yu's words, Mu Luo Chen Wei can't help but frown.

He just asked mu Qianyue where, Su Yu is such a reaction, that he was not at home, Su Yu did not know how to Mu shallow moon. It's no wonder that the shallow moon will sever the relationship with Mu family.

Mu Xuerou looks at the two people on the sofa and is preparing to leave. Anyway, she stays here and has nothing to do. Since she was a child, mu Luochen likes to bathe in the shallow moon. She always has a cold face on her. Naturally, she has no good impression on mu Luochen.

Although mu Luochen is her brother, but because of the reason of Mu shallow moon, they are not very close.

Maybe mu Xuerou's action is a little big. Su Yu, who is talking to Mu Luochen, looks over.

"Where are you going? Your brother's back. Didn't you see it? Come and say hello to your brother Su Yu calls mu Xuerou to come.

Mu snow soft just don't want to go, since childhood Mu Luo Chen likes to bathe in the shallow moon, refused Su Yu, "no, I still have something to do, you can talk about it first, I'll go first." Mu Xuerou finished and went straight up the stairs.

Looking at mu Xuerou's back, Su Yu frowned and muttered, "what's wrong with this?"

But now Mu Luo Chen is back, Su Yu's more thoughts of course are put on Mu Luo Chen's body.

Su Yu, "when did you come back?"

Mu Luo Chen takes back the sight on mu Xuerou's body, looks at Su Yu and says, "this morning, I want to give you a surprise, so I didn't tell you."

"No surprise, just come back. By the way, does your father know you're back? " Su Yu asked.

"I haven't told him yet. I'd like to go to his company later."

Su Yu, "you just come back to have a good rest, I will tell him."

Mu Luo Chen and accompany Su Yu to say a few words, see Mu Luo Chen eye ground some tired blue, Su Yu let Mu Luo Chen go upstairs to rest for a while, in the evening, ask him to eat.

When mu Luochen comes back, Su Yu is naturally very happy. She is very satisfied with this son.

After Mu Luo Chen went upstairs, he couldn't wait to go out, ready to buy some delicious food and make a meal for mu Luochen this evening.


after Su Yu leaves, mu Luochen goes back to his room and puts his suitcase away. And then came to the room where she bathed in the moon.

Mu Qianyue's room is the same as when he left. The room is empty and has nothing. Because the Mujia people in addition to the muqianyue as a child is still OK, the back to Mu shallow moon is not as good as before, so the Mu family did not buy anything for mu shallow moon.

Mu shallow month left here also did not take what thing, natural is empty.

There is a picture on the table.

In the photo, there are two people, one male and one female, with obviously immature faces. However, it can still be seen that these are mu Qianyue and mu Luochen several years ago.

This is exactly five years ago when mu Luochen went abroad.

They stood side by side, laughing happily.

When mu Luochen was ready to take the photo, there was a sound outside the room.

Mu Luo Chen takes back his eyes and looks at the door, "who is there?"

The man outside the door paused, and then came out, "it's me."

The person standing outside the door is no other than mu Xuerou, who has just left the living room.

Originally, she wanted to go back to her room and find mu Qianyue, but she didn't expect to see mu Luochen when she passed by muqianyue when she just wanted to go out, so she stayed here for a while.

I didn't expect to be found by mu Luochen.

See Mu snow soft face on make-up, and still carry a bag on the hand, Mu Luo Chen asks, "want to go out?"

Mu snow soft nodded, "well."

Mu Chen, "are you in a hurry? I want to ask you a few things. "

Mu Xuerou's sneer flashed away. Looking at mu Luochen, he didn't even call, "do you want to ask Mu shallow moon?"

Mu Luo Chen frowns, "she is your sister."

Mu Xuerou walked in, hands around the chest, "I don't have a sister."After a pause, he said, "OK, I'll tell you what you want to know."

"Did she break up with the Mu family?" Mu Luochen asked.

Mu Xuerou didn't nod her head in surprise. Maybe she had already guessed the reason, "it seems that you and she should have met."

Mu Luo Chen looked at such Mu snow soft frown, "can you talk well, cultivate your lady's appearance?"

Mu snow soft cold hum a, move over the head, "my affairs don't need you to manage."

She still has some resentment towards mu Luochen. It is clear that mu Luochen is her brother and her own brother, but she only treats Mu shallow moon so well. Every time she tells her that she is wrong, that is wrong.

"What else do you want to ask? Ask quickly. I have something else to do. I'm in a hurry." Mu Xue Rou is stared at by Mu Luo Chen a little uneasy, slightly side body, some dissatisfied way.

Just in the living room, mu Luochen vaguely heard what they were saying about marriage. He didn't know if he had heard it wrong. Mu Luochen wanted to prove it.

"You were just saying who was married? Who is married? " Mu Luochen asked.

Mu snow soft looking at Mu Luo Chen, smile means unknown, "are you sure you want to know?"

Before she did not know why mu Luochen would be so good to Mu Qianyue, but as she grew up day by day, how could she not see mu Luochen's mind?

Don't know when, Mu Luo Chen began to have an interest in Mu shallow moon, even in Mu Luo Chen has not found their own mind, mu Xuerou found.

It can be said that mu Xuerou was the first to discover mu Luochen's mind. At that time, she hated mu Qianyue. She took all her brother's eyes and now seduced her brother!

At that time, mu Xuerou didn't miss the trouble of Mu Qianyue, but mu Luochen didn't say anything about Mu shallow moon.