Because it is now the meal point, so they did not say anything, almost just sat down to be called to the table by Su Yu.

A large table of dishes, all mu Luochen love to eat, Su Yu also constantly to Mu Luochen clip vegetables.

"Luochen, come and have a taste of this. I remember that you used to like my sweet and sour fish best. Try to see if the taste is the same as before."

Su Yu happily gives mu Luochen jacket a chopstick of sweet and sour fish.

Mu Luo Chen looked at the fish in the bowl and said to Su Yu with a smile, "thank you, mom."

After dinner, several people sit in the living room watching TV, mu Zhengtao and mu Luochen say a few words from time to time.

Because mu Luochen has been excellent since childhood, and he is not very good. Mu Zhengtao has been worried about it. Now that he has just returned from abroad, mu Zhengtao will be more happy.

"How about it? Have you decided to help my company now? " Mu Zhengtao looks at mu Luochen and asks.

Mu Luo Chen did not open his mouth, Su Yu opened his mouth, "go! How can you not go? Now that you are back, you should go to your company to help your father. Your father works so hard every day... "

Su Yu a person where said most of the day, Mu Luo Chen did not speak, Su Yu can not help but some anxious.

It's not urgent, eunuch.

Su Yu asked mu Luochen, "Luochen, what are you thinking? Why don't you talk. "

Mu Luo Chen some helpless way, "Mom, don't be so anxious."

How can Su Yu not be in a hurry? Although mu Zhengtao doesn't have other women like others, Su Yu still thinks it's better for mu Luochen to accept Mu as soon as possible. Some solid status, good or bad.

Mu Luo Chen looked at mu Zhengtao, "Dad, I have some things to say to you alone, let's go to the study."

Mu Zhengtao did not refuse, nodded, got up, and went to the study on the second floor.

Su Yu sat on the sofa in the living room, looking at their backs, some discontented muttered, "what can't be said here, but I have to go to the study, really."

Then he looked at mu Xuerou and asked, "Xuerou, do you know what they are going to talk about in the study?"

Mu Xuerou shook her head, "I don't know, OK, mom, it's not early now. I'll go up first and you'll have a rest earlier."

All the people in the living room are gone, only Su Yu is sitting on the sofa alone.

She was so angry that she hammered the sofa beside her body. It was so busy one by one. She was the most idle one!

Study, mu Zhengtao sits on it, mu Luochen stands on one side.

Mu Luochen made a cup of tea for mu Zhengtao and put it in front of Mu Zhengtao.

Mu Zhengtao took a sip, then put down the cup and looked at mu Luochen, "is it about going to the company?"

"I won't force you. You can go if you want, and you can stay for a few years."

Mu Luo Chen shook his head, "not about this matter."

Mu Zhengtao, "is that?"

Mu Luo Chen way, "I want to ask you to borrow a sum of money."

Mu Zhengtao began to laugh, "why should I do this. What makes you look so hard to say? How much do you need

Mu Zhengtao didn't ask mu Luochen what to do with it. Maybe it was because mu Luochen was as good as now when he was a child, so mu Zhengtao didn't think of another way.

But when mu Luochen said that figure, mu Zhengtao couldn't help but sit up straight and look at mu Luochen, "what did you just say? Are you saying it again? "

If he did not hear the wrong words, mu Luochen said the amount seems to be, tens of millions of figures?

What is this for? So much money?

Mu Luo Chen pursed her lips and repeated a sentence again.

This time mu Zhengtao didn't reply so quickly. Instead, he sat in his own position and pondered for a long time before he opened his mouth to Mu Luochen and said, "what are you doing with so much money?"

Now it's a big number for mu. Not a hundred thousand, not a million, but ten million!

Although if you really want Mu to take out so much money, it's not impossible to take it out. The key is that such a large sum of money will not do harm to Mu Luochen, but also has great risks to mu.

You know, Mu is close to the moon group

Mu Zhengtao nodded. For this company, he had heard a little.

Moreover, the company's reputation is not low.

Just, aren't they talking about borrowing money? How can jump to Chen Yue Group all of a sudden?

Mu Tao didn't lose a bomb at all.

"Chenyue group, it's mine." Mu Luo Chen Road.

Hearing this news, Rao is also surprised how calm mu Zhengtao is.

Unbelievable looking at Mu Luo Chen, "you say that Chen Yue Group is your?"Mu Luo Chen asked, "does Kyoto still have a second Chenyue group?"

Mu Zhengtao was silent for a moment, and then he strode to Mu Luochen.

Patting mu Luochen on the shoulder, "ha ha, good, good, really worthy of my mu Zhengtao's son, so soon have their own company, and have not asked our Mu family to ask for a cent!"

Although pleased, mu Zhengtao did not forget what he said just now.

"Now that you're running your own company? Then why would you ask me for money? Is there something wrong with the company's capital? " Mu Zhengtao looks at Mu Luo Chen, some doubt asks a way.

Can let Mu Luo Chen open the mouth to borrow money, in addition to what happened to the company, mu Zhengtao also can't think of any good reason.

Mu Luo Chen way, "calculate is, it is the company has some things, but it is not a financial problem."

"What's going on? I'll give you a reference. " Mu Zhengtao takes mu Luochen and sits down beside him.

Mu Luo Chen pursed lips, "it's OK, it's something happened inside the company, and it can be solved soon."

Mu Zhengtao looks at mu Luochen and doesn't speak.

Mu Luochen is also silent, because he knows that if Mu Zhengtao knows that it is the director of the company who rolled up the money and ran away, it is not sure whether mu Zhengtao will give him money.

Because mu Luochen knows mu Zhengtao's temperament best.

So he didn't say what happened to the company. He just said there were some problems within the company.

But who is mu Zhengtao? He is an old fox who has spent most of his life in the mall. How can you not know what Mu Luo Chen's careful thinking.

He said, "I've eaten more salt than you've eaten rice. I don't know your mind? Just tell me the truth. What happened to the company. "

If it's not something that mu Luochen can't solve, mu Luochen won't come to Mu Zhengtao.