Muqian also heard about things in Mu Luochen company a few days ago, but at that time, she felt that when such a big thing happened in the company, mu Luochen should be very busy, so she didn't disturb mu Luochen. Now when mu Luochen mentioned it, she couldn't help but worry.

"How's the company now? Is everything ok? Has the director been found? "

Because Mu Luo Chen at that time this matter also did not hide, and was invited the reporter, so this matter Mu shallow month knows also is not surprising.

Mu Luo Chen looked at a face worried at his Mu shallow month, shook his head, "now it's OK, that director has not found."

I don't know where the director has gone with the company's money. Now there is no news.

However, mu Luochen is not that kind of anxious and anxious person. He believes that he will find the director.

Mu shallow month slightly lift eyebrow, looking at Mu Luo Chen, a face of puzzled, "you say, he has been the director of the Chenyue group, and the position is not low, why did he suddenly roll up the money and run away?"

Mu Luo Chen shook his head, "I am not very clear."

This matter Mu Luo Chen also very doubt, early not so, late not so, but in his return that day revealed the news.

What's more, he didn't tell others much about his return.

Who will target Chenyue group like this?

Although Chenyue group has developed very well recently, in the business field, mu Luochen attaches great importance to integrity and relationship, and does not have any enmity with other enterprises. How can he focus on Chenyue group?

Glimpsed Mu shallow moon face some tangled, confused small face, mu Luochen smile, voice gentle mouth way, "well, don't think about these, wrinkles are growing up."

Mu shallow month looks at amusing her Mu Luo Chen, smile a bit, "which has so serious."

"Brother Luochen, do you have anything to ask me?" In the n th time to accept Mu Luo Chen that some desire to talk but stop the expression, Mu shallow month can not help but ask actively.

Looking at the face of the same Mu shallow moon, Mu Luo Chen nodded.

"When did brother Luochen become so hesitant? Just ask me what you want to ask Bathe in the moon road.

"It's OK. I just want to know if anyone bullied you during the period when I was not here. How are you doing?"

"Brother Luochen, you can rest assured that no one bullies me now, and I'm living very well now." Mu shallow moon answers.

Mu shallow month slants a head to look at Mu Luo Chen, smile the way, "Luo Chen elder brother still have what want to ask?"

"Listen to Xuerou Murochen stopped. "Are you married?"

No one knows how mu Luochen asked this sentence.

His hands under the table were tightly held by him, and he could not help holding his breath, as if waiting for a choice, as if waiting for a decision.

Mu shallow month did not like the last time, quickly answer mu Luochen, and the smile on his face also disappeared.

Some silent low head, do not know what is thinking.

"I'm sorry..."

"Yes, I am married."

Their voices were almost simultaneous.

Mu Luo Chen seems to hear the last string in his heart, suddenly broke into two.

The heart is full of bitterness.

But he can't let Mu shallow moon see a trace of flaw, the corners of his mouth pull apart a smile, trying to maintain the voice does not tremble, "well, do you like him? How is he to you

Mu shallow month looks up at Mu Luo Chen, but is stunned by his words.

Do you like Lu Zeyuan?

I'm afraid even she doesn't know.

She never thought about it.

Although she has been telling herself that she has now married Lu Zeyuan, they are husband and wife, so she is letting herself slowly accept him.

What's more, they get along well.

Between two people, as if it is so natural, so walk together.

There is no magnificent love, there is no legendary love at first sight.

But mu shallow moon stupefied expression actually lets Mu Luo Chen think that Mu shallow month does not like that man.

"Is he not good to you? Don't be afraid. Now brother Luochen is back. I have everything. " Mu Luo Chen some heartache looking at Mu shallow moon.

"No, brother Luochen. He is not bad to me."

Hear Mu Luo Chen said this sentence, don't know why, Mu shallow month suddenly out of voice.

Subconsciously, I don't want people to misunderstand Lu Zeyuan.

Mu Luochen looks at mu Qianyue. There is pain and bitterness in it, but mu Qianyue, who has always put his mind on Lu Ze, has not been found.

Almost murmured, "do you like it?"

"I don't know. But he was very kind to me Thinking of his injury, Lu Zeyuan was more anxious and excited than she was. She could not help but soften her eyebrows and eyes.That's what mu Luochen had never seen before.

Mu Luo Chen didn't interrupt Mu shallow moon's words, Mu shallow month still continued to say.

"I don't know whether I love him or not. But I know that I don't reject him, I don't hate him. " Even, I like his approach very much.

"There is such a person in life, I think it is still very good, I think, I probably like him."

Mu shallow month finish saying, lift Mou to look at Mu Luo Chen.

However, he found that mu Luochen's face was a little pale, and the whole person was vaguely trembling. His lips, tightly pursed together, seemed to be suffering from some great pain.

"Brother Luochen, what's wrong with you? Is it physical discomfort? " Mu shallow month see this, the heart is shocked, hurriedly came to Mu Luo Chen next to, worried looking at Mu Luo Chen.

Mu Luo Chen slightly droops the eye, sees Mu shallow month's eye light to reflect own face pale, fragile appearance.

Forced to suppress the heart of that bitter pain, difficult toward Mu shallow moon Yang lip, try to hook up a smile, "I'm ok, rest for a while."

In the tone of fragile, pale, where like nothing.

Mu shallow month pursed her lips and looked at mu Luochen, who had been tolerating. She said, "brother Luochen, we'd better go to the hospital to have a check. I see your face is not right."

Mu Luo Chen pulls Mu shallow month's hand slightly strength, "do not use!"


"Brother Luochen, you hurt me." Mu shallow month frowns, looking at Mu Luo Chen.

Mu Luo Chen smell speech, hand immediately let go of Mu shallow moon, "shallow moon, sorry, still painful? Let me see. "

Mu shallow month, "I'm ok, but Luo Chen brother, you really don't have to go to the hospital to have a look?"

"No, I'll just go to the bathroom."

Mu Luo Chen finish saying, then get up, toward the direction that washroom side went.