On the front desk were two women in their twenties. They had nothing to do now. They were chatting.

"Well, did you hear that? It is said that the daughter of the wind family group has come back, and that the wind family and the Lu family intend to marry. Do you think the young lady of the wind family will be the wife of the president of the Lu family group in the future? "

"The daughter of the wind group? Do you mean the wind is like a song? The first girl in Kyoto? "

"Yes, in addition to the Fengshi group, there is that Fengjia in Kyoto?"

"nine out of ten simultaneous interpreting, I have seen the windy lady far from the truth. It is really very beautiful as it is said, and the most important thing is her temperament, elegant and elegant, and elegant."

"It should be a good match to stand with our president."

"Ah, so soon our president has a master?" A woman's face was full of regret.

A woman nearby glanced at her, "is it not good to have a master of famous flowers? I think only Miss Feng can bear the president. "

"Did you forget about Amy last time? Until now, Amy has not found a job, and no company dares to employ her

Their family president, how terrible, but they have seen, even in front of Lu Zeyuan, they even dare not atmosphere out, for fear of disturbing him.

Hearing Amy's name, the woman who had just felt sorry was silent.

Mu Xuerou just came to the front desk and heard the last word.

Miss Feng? Who is it? Shouldn't it be the moon?

But it's OK. She said that mu Qianyue must have used some means to let Lu Zeyuan marry her. Otherwise, who is Miss Feng?

The two women who were talking on the front desk stopped talking.

"Hello, can I help you?"

Mu Xuerou, "I want to see your president."

The front desk girl forced not to roll a white eye, mainly because she saw mu Xuerou's clothes, which were not the people they could offend.

"Excuse me, do you have an appointment?"

Mu Xuerou, "no, but I really have something to do with him, and I am his..." Sister in law, mu Xuerou didn't say the last three words. She didn't want to admit that mu Qianyue was Lu Zeyuan's wife?

"It won't work. We can't let you in without an appointment." The tone of the front desk girl was pretty good.

They have met this kind of thing more than once or twice. If every time a woman wants to see the president and has not made an appointment, then the president has to be busy. What's the use of the front desk.

Mu snow soft see two front desk to stop her, discontent in the heart broke out, "do you know who I am?"

Two front desk girls looked at each other, a person said, "otherwise, you call the president, we are also working, listen to the above instructions, we can not do the master."

Mu Xuerou pursed her lips, telephone? She will have Lu Zeyuan's private phone, even Luo Fu and Mu Fu have not, where will she have?

Mu Xuerou still doesn't give up. "I went out in a hurry and forgot to bring my mobile phone. You call your president and say that there is a lady surnamed Mu looking for him. He has important things to say to him."

She guesses that mu Xuerou may really know the president, and she has important things to look for. The two front desk girls look at each other and make a phone call to Cheng tezhu.

Cheng Ling is reporting the company's affairs in the office at this time. After receiving a phone call, Lu Zeyuan takes a look at Cheng Ling and doesn't say anything.

Cheng Ling picked up the phone, "what's up, please tell me!"

Although the image of Cheng Ling in the company is not as terrible as Lu Zeyuan, he is very serious and rigorous in business and business. Therefore, in the eyes of Lu's staff, Cheng Ling is still very dignified, second only to Lu Zeyuan.

The front desk girl quickly narrated what mu Xuerou just said.

Cheng Ling, "Miss mu? She said she was Miss mu? "

Front desk girl, "yes, that's what she said, and she also said that she had something important to look for the president."

Cheng Ling, "OK, I know. You take good care of it first."

After the front desk, Mu Rou looks back at the phone.

Is this woman really of high status? Even Cheng tezhu asked her to take good care of her, which had never happened before.

"What's the matter?"

See the phone call that sister Leng God, a sister next to her reached out and pushed her.

The girl who called came back to her senses and said something next to the other.

"Is that what Cheng tezhu really said?"

The girl who called nodded.

In the office, Cheng Ling hangs up and takes a look at Lu Zeyuan at his desk. The president would be very happy if he knew that Miss Mu was here.Cheng Ling, "president, the person at the front desk just called to say that Miss Mu is here, and miss Mu has something to say to you."

Almost the moment Cheng Ling's voice just fell, Lu Zeyuan's eyes looked over, "she's coming?"

Cheng Ling nods.

Now Cheng Ling, also don't know whether to follow Lu Zeyuan for a long time, some of his brain can't turn around, even Mu shallow moon how can come in Lu's subconscious neglect.

Lu Zeyuan pursed her lips. Although there was no expression on her face, Cheng Ling, who had been with Lu Zeyuan for so many years, knew that the president must be having fun. This is the first time miss Mu came to see the president.

"Pick her up in person." Lu Zeyuan ordered, do not know what to think of, frowned, "or I go in person."

Without waiting for Cheng Ling to react, Lu Zeyuan gets up from his chair and goes out directly over Ling.

Cheng Ling: Find the shadow area of Cheng Ling.

He found that as soon as he heard the name of Miss mu, the president had no principles to speak of.

Cheng Ling follows Lu Zeyuan.

In the hall on the first floor of Lu's group, because of Cheng Ling's orders, the two girls at the front desk are extremely attentive to Mu Xuerou.

Mu Xuerou is naturally also very useful, she said, with her contrast, Mu shallow month is a thing?



Not far ahead, it caused quite a stir. The reason is that Lu Zeyuan, who should be at the highest level, doesn't know when he came here. His pace seems to be in a hurry. Cheng Ling, who is behind him, follows Lu Zeyuan's lead.

People can't help but guess what's going on, and the president comes out in a hurry.

Yunmo saw Lu Zeyuan and wanted to go up to say hello. He came here today to find Lu Zeyuan.

But he saw Lu Zeyuan's eyes constantly looking around, as if he was looking for someone else, and his steps couldn't help stopping.