Lu Ruoxin has a flash of light in her mind and her eyes are shining. She looks at the wind like a song.

Go up and hold the wind like a song, "sister Rugong, you are so smart, I like you more and more."

The wind such as song to Lu Ruoxin smile, in the eyes flash what, did not speak.

However, Lu Ruoxin, who was still in her excitement, did not find it at all.

Mu Qianyue returns to the place where Lu Zeyuan rested at noon today and sits down beside the bed. The whole room is antique, even the bed is made of wood.

But it is very exquisite. The patterns on it are not difficult to see that they are all carefully carved.

Lu Zeyuan has just left. Mu Qianyue feels that something is wrong with him. His mind is full of Lu Zeyuan's figure.

Mu Qianyue lies on the bed and pats his forehead. When in the end, he is so attached to Lu Zeyuan.

In the Mu shallow month holding eyebrows thinking, outside the door was knocked.

Mu shallow month Leng for a moment, or in the past opened the door.

Standing outside the door is cloud Mo, see the door opened, showing a lovely smile, "Mu elder sister, can I come in?"

When I laugh, two little tiger teeth are really lovely.

Mu shallow moon, "you come in."

There is also a tall figure behind yunmo, which is nanluochen. After the cloud ink near, South Luo morning also followed slowly into.

Mu shallow moon, "how did you come?"

Cloud Mo put the things on the side of the table, looking at Mu shallow moon, cute and lovely, "just saw Mu elder sister you didn't eat much, worried that you were hungry at night, so I sent you some food."

Yunmo doesn't say it's OK. As soon as he says it, he feels a little hungry. After playing in the pavilion for such a long time this afternoon, I only ate some symbolically during the meal. Now I'm really hungry.

I can't help but draw a warm current in my heart. I just want to knead yunmo's head. But although yunmo is smaller than her, I don't know how much higher than her, so I can only rest my mind.

Thank you

Mu shallow month poured a glass of water for two people, and drank it himself.

But the next second, cloud ink said that sentence directly let Mu shallow mouth water to spit out.

See cloud Mo slant head, some lovely naive ask, "Mu elder sister, are you worried about brother Lu?"

As if did not expect cloud ink will ask like this, bathe shallow month for a moment silly eye, the eyes are a bit erratic.

Worried about Lu Zeyuan? It seems to be a little worried.

Although Mu shallow month did not speak, but cloud ink heart has been clear.

Smiling way, "Mu elder sister, you can rest assured, Lu elder brother won't have what matter, Lu elder brother is so fierce, you should believe Lu elder brother."

Yunmo still likes to call mu Qianyue Mu elder sister. Although the little sister-in-law is also good, yunmo still wants to call mu Qianyue Mu elder sister without Lu Zeyuan.

Mu Qianyue didn't say anything.

Mu shallow month put the cup on the table, some serious way, "I know, I did not worry about him."

Cloud Mo, "Mu elder sister, I know you are worried about brother Lu, so don't deny it. We won't say anything."

Mu shallow month eyelid son jump, "cough, it's not early, I want to rest, you also early rest."

Yunmo, "OK, sister mu, we'll go first."

Yunmo went out and found that nanluo morning, who was standing in place, didn't move. He said, "nanluochen, go."

Nanluochen, "you go first. My sister-in-law and I still have some words to say."

Cloud Mo, "what words?" Cloud Mo asked, also want to come in, but nanluochen but a door to close.

Fortunately, yunmo retreated quickly, otherwise his nose would be destroyed. However, yunmo is very curious. What does nanluochen want to say to sister mu.

After the door closed, mu Qianyue thought that nanluochen really had something important to say to her, and looked at nanluochen seriously.

The next second, he called nanluochen, some wronged, and some sad looking at himself, "little sister-in-law, why don't you let me contact you with you?"

Mu shallow month hands ring chest looking at the South Luo morning, "don't think, just don't want to. Do you need any more reasons? "

Nanluochen nodded without hesitation, "of course, even if it's dead, you have to let me die to understand."

Mu Qianyue It's not like this.

Mu Qianyue doesn't pay attention to nanluochen. Sitting in the position just now, she opens the things that yunmo has just sent to her, and a burst of attractive fragrance comes to her. Mu Qianyue is attracted by the food and eats it slowly, ignoring nanluochen, an idle person standing there.

Take a bath, eat the moon again.

Yunmo is soft and cute, cute, obedient, and you still like him so much.

It's just a little bit smaller than you. I don't know if you can accept the love between sister and brother. She is still very optimistic about cloud ink, not like nanluochen, a playboy, but also want to chase you, that depends on whether she agrees or not!Nanluochen is frightened by the expression on mu Qianyue's face. She nods with satisfaction, frowns with annoyance, looks at him with some, dislikes?

Nanluochen doesn't know where mu Qianyue's dislike comes from. To be intuitive, it is certainly not a good thing for him.

Outside the door, yunmo scratched at the door, the whole body was pasted up, the ears were close to the door, trying to hear what the people inside were saying.

However, the sound insulation effect here is not so good. Let yunmo do it, he changes several postures. He is stunned and can't hear anything.

Su youyou just came to Mu shallow moon outside, see is such a picture.

Cloud ink sticks to the door like an octopus, and her face is squeezed and deformed by the door.

The corner of the mouth couldn't restrain a puff, but cloud ink is still quite lovely.

Su Youyou, "cough."

Cloud ink seems to have not found, also did not hear the same, or so pickling pull on the door, concentrate.

Su youyou:

"Yunmo, what are you doing here?"

"It's like someone's calling me. It's like sister youyou's voice."

Cloud Mo murmured.

As Su youyou gets closer and closer, the sound of footsteps rings. Yunmo holds the action and pauses. Turning around, he sees Su youyou standing not far from him, looking at him in surprise.

Yunmo: "it's just The feeling just is not phony, but true, and there is sister youyou.

Yunmo immediately put his hands and feet back, and now in front of Su Youyou, "sister Youyou, how did you come?"

He also took a look at the back. He didn't see any other people. Fortunately, sister youyou was the only one. Otherwise, his face would be lost when others saw the scene.