After asking, he murmured, "it seems that the company has not recruited people recently."

Hearing Ye Yiyi's question, the other people also raised their ears to listen. Although they had just suspected that mu Qianyue came in through the back door through the relationship, she had to admit that she couldn't.

Ye Yiyi's eyes calmly look at Mu shallow moon, that pair of clear eyes do not have any ridicule, or want to let Mu shallow moon make a fool of himself.

As if just a little curious to ask.

Mu asked, "how do you think I came in? By the back door? "

Someone nearby said, "yes, yes, isn't Cheng tezhu bringing you here just now? This is the first time I've seen Cheng tezhu treat a woman so well. Do you know each other? Besides, judging by your relationship, it should be very good. "

Next to someone looking at Mu shallow moon, as if she is really with the same body.

If you don't hear this sentence, you will be angry!

He is not familiar with Miss Mu! Not at all familiar! Miss Mu is just the thigh he wants to hold.

Moreover, the president is so possessive that anyone who looks at mu Qianyue more often feels that he is peeping at him and constantly risking sour gas. How dare he have anything to do with Miss mu.

Mu Qianyue smiles and explains, "do you mean Cheng Ling? I know him. He's my cousin. The last time I came here for an interview, I just passed it. When I was preparing to come to work, something urgent happened at home, so I asked for leave for a few months, and now I come to work. "

Mu shallow month tone gentle explanation way, like did not see them look over the inquiry of the eyes, the face is also with a faint smile.

"Ah, well, I thought you were..." Next to a boy embarrassed to touch his head, the words behind did not say, but the people present understand his meaning.

Mu said, "I thought I came in by the back door, right? It doesn't matter. Anyway, as long as I know it myself, I can do it right. Why care about other people's opinions. As long as I show my ability here, I will not be able to get your approval? "

"It feels like you're a little different from what you think."


The one next to him pushed the man, "he thought you were a cold iceberg beauty when he saw you for the first time. Now I get along with you, but I didn't expect you were quite cannibal."

The boy who was pushed around his head a little embarrassed.

The people next to him burst into laughter.

Of course, there are some envious people.

"Cousin? Oh, I think it's brother Qing. " A sister paper exit sneer.

Ye Yiyi, "what do you say? Qianyue has already explained that Cheng tezhu is her cousin. Besides, people don't come in through the back door. Do you think everyone is the same as you?"

The sister who was talking had a good relationship with Xu Xi'er in the company, because Xu Xi'er came in through the relationship. Although some people don't like her, they have backstage. Who can give her a look.

No, I thought I was invincible in the world. I started to do it.

Sister paper, "Oh, she said it was a cousin, is that a cousin? This is just one side of her story. Who knows if she came in with Cheng te's help or not. "

"I want to build a memorial archway when I'm a whore."

Sister paper eyes are full of disdain.

Ye Yiyi stood up and said, "what are you saying? You are saying it again!"

Sister paper is obviously still a little afraid of Ye Yiyi. Seeing ye Yiyi protecting mu Qianyue, she stares at them fiercely, and hums a voice, and then does his own thing.

Mu shallow moon also pull Ye Yiyi, "OK, Yiyi."

"It's amazing to have a backstage! If you have the ability to speak in front of general manager Mo, you can't just show off your strength here. "

There was a humanist nearby, "OK, OK, what's going on after work? It's working time. I'll fight abbess exterminate."

Those people still want to say something with Mu shallow moon, hear this, also rest the mind.

Who doesn't know that Mo always dislikes people who work on errands. In case she is caught, the salary deduction is small and the dismissal is big.

And so on the side of the people are scattered, Mu shallow moon just a sigh of relief.

The palms were full of sweat, and my heart was beating.

Just Mu shallow Moon said to them those words, are Cheng Ling account.

Because Cheng Ling knows that if he leaves by the back door, in such a large company, there will be some jealousy, or disdain to look at the moon with some colored eyes.

But if it is said that, although some people may not believe it, it is better to say that they come in through the back door.

Or Cheng Ling has a way. In this way, it eliminates some people's idea that mu Qianyue comes in by relationship.

The most puzzling thing about Cheng Ling is, why does the President let Miss Mu come here?The whole company belongs to Mr. Mo, the most strict and demanding department, but it is also the most powerful department. Is it not afraid that Miss Mu will be wronged when the president puts Miss mu in?

In my heart, it's normal for her to go. It's really frightening to come in through the back door.

Ye Yiyi, "shallow moon, are you ok? You don't have to pay attention to them. They are all like this. They are very good because they have backstage. "

"When the people above them lose interest in them, see what else they can do." How to get a foothold in the company.

Mu shallow month to leaf Yi Yi smile, "I'm ok, hurry to work."

Ye Yiyi, "OK, if you have anything you don't understand, just ask me."

Mu shallow month nods, then two people begin to put into work.

Because mu Qianyue is the first day to come, so the work assigned to her is not particularly difficult. It is simply to operate some forms and read some information.

To let Mu shallow month is not clear is why Cheng Ling let her to this department?

And also from the design department? She likes design, but only Su youyou knows. Even Luoyang did not know before.

Although mu Qianyue likes to design, when she was with Luoyang, she chose financial, but she didn't fall behind in design.

To the thing that oneself likes, Mu shallow moon still is very persistent.

Because mu Qianyue has been in Luoyang Company before, so these things will not be very difficult.

Until ye Yiyi called mu Qianyue, "shallow moon, let's go to dinner together. I'm so hungry. "

Mu shallow month just raised a head from the front of the computer, "is it already noon now?"